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Generating date range based on allowed weekdays, repeat times and times of day in Google Sheets

Recently, I’ve been dealing with a lot of medical-related things. To make it more manageable, I decided to create a schedule that I could print out, follow, and update as needed. Input Data Time of ...
Toshchak Pёs's user avatar
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How do I use a query to get a date from an array formula?

On sheets, I'm using this formula to sum hours to a specific month from a drop-down menu. =QUERY('Form responses 1'!H2:L, "Select L, Sum(K) WHERE L is not NULL AND L >= date ""&...
wafflewagon's user avatar
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How can I use two columns to create date forcasts - e.g use the alternative column if the main column is blank? (automated ideally)

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet which automates dates based on two columns. I would like it to mainly work of 'Confirmed Delivery (column P)' but if the date is blank can I automate a formula to ...
Ashleigh 's user avatar
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Google Sheets FILTER formula greater than TODAY()

I want to filter the responses to a Google Form, so as to view only the rows with dates greater than Today() in Column I. I'm using: =filter(dates!A:J; dates!I:I > TODAY()) But no rows are being ...
thanasix's user avatar
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Cannot properly array googlefinance formula with dates

I am trying to convert money amounts in USD to EUR, but I want to do it in relation to date of transaction taking place due to dyncamic exchange rates. Idea is to use googlefinance function with index ...
NadanSHA's user avatar
2 votes
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Similar arrayformula working, non-array formula working, why not this arrayformula?

This arrayformula works in my spreadsheet: =arrayformula(IF(A3:A<>"", DATEDIF(H3:H,"01/01/21","m"), "")) This non-array is working: =DATEDIF(MAX(datevalue(H3), "1/1/2021"),"01/01/22","m") So ...
Jesse's user avatar
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3 answers

Function With False returned from Empty Cells

I'm trying to make a function that will say True if a cell date has been a year or greater since the current date. The function I used to get this to work is =IF(DAYS360(H8,TODAY()) >= 258, TRUE)....
YellowJacket's user avatar
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COUNTIFS Greater/Less Than Logic Always Returns 0

We're trying to create a sort of filtering system that allows us to filter spreadsheet entries that include a start and end date. We'd like to filter these entries by date (start and end) so we can ...
Conner's user avatar
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Search for a particular date in sheet 1 with FROM and TO dates in 2 columns and then paste data from a column in same row in sheet 1 into sheet 2

I am trying to get this formula to work but can't here is link: Array Formula to Lookup Date ...
harry's user avatar
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How to find values in certain row numbers, 100th, 200th ... 1500th etc

I have dates in column A; I have an API that writes into my google sheet. I have 1500 such rows with various dates. I want to know the dates in the 100th, 200th,.. rows, so that I can subtract those ...
user9870's user avatar
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Multi Condition Array With DateValue

I'm looking to create an Array Formula in Google Sheets that checks if two dates are within certain time periods. Currently, I am using: =ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(IF(DATEVALUE($B3:$B)-DATEVALUE($A3:$A)&...
SilentAssassinShadow09's user avatar
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Stuck with Google Sheet formula

I'm stuck!! Please help me with the following: Mm/dd/yyyy 01/01/2020 In this date, I can extract the month by =Month(01/01/2020) I will get = January In this date, I can extract the year by =Year(...
Adarsh Benny's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Select "Time Description" based on current date and time in Google Sheets (VLookup, Query)

I am trying to use VLookup or QUERY to extract a day and time description based on the current date and time. I thought QUERY may be the best here, but VLOOKUP seems to be the best solution perhaps. ...
Gracie's user avatar
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3 answers

Replacing cell specific seperator in Google Sheets - 21.06.2019 to 21/06/2019

can someone help me in replacing periods with forwarding slashes in sheets? I have a data set with over 100 thousand rows in sheets, I have a date-time formatted as such D.M.Y I need to change it to ...'s user avatar
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5 answers

Find the next Wednesday

I'm trying to display the date of the first upcoming Wednesday, to show the start time of a weekly event. If it's Sunday 15/12/2019 then it would return Wednesday 18/12/2019. If it's Monday 16/12/...
conag28439's user avatar
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2 answers

Sum values in a range of dates with a timezone in it

I have a long list of dates with this format: 2019-11-28 10:12:48 -0800 The problem is that the formula I use to sum values in a range of dates do not recognize the cell as a Date. I have to ...
Arkshija's user avatar
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Array of start and end dates where the proceeding start date = the previous end date +1 WORKDAY

Is it possible to make two columns of dates (start and end) with only the initial start date and number of days for each task using a single formula? I can drag formulas down, but I'd rather have the ...
TC76's user avatar
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Group by month using cell above filtered cells

I have a spreadsheet that looks like this: I have two columns I'm interested in, Date and Count. ...
Leanna's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get last Sunday's date?

I need to show last Sunday's date in a cell for a weekly report that I'm creating on google sheets. I've been googling to find a solution and the closest I found is this: =TODAY()+(7-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),...
Abhay's user avatar
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2 answers

how to convert date and time to just date in Sheets

I use Google Forms to import data from a signup form to Google Sheets, and it gives time and date stamp, I just want it to give a date and not the time.
Carlos Craig's user avatar
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Totaling multiple lines into once cell with different date formats

I want to search through a column of dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD (column G - in a random order) and sum up all corresponding cost values for all dates in the same month. So, for example, the total ...
caaax's user avatar
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Need to pull data from October using MONTH(TODAY())

I need to pull data from October, and not for the current month. I've tried to replace "TODAY" with October, but it isn't working. Below is the formula used =ARRAYFORMULA( COUNTIFS(JIRA!A:A, E2, ...
Jeremy Watkins's user avatar
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Repeat values using SEQUENCE function in row of dates

I've written a formula to create an automatic sequence of working days, based upon a date specified as the start of the month (this value would be in C4). I'm trying to create a burn vs. actuals ...
TooManyJulians's user avatar
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How can I increment repeated values in Google Sheets?

I have a sales forecast spreadsheet, which I'm looking to generate cash flow data off of. My sales forecast looks like so Base Revenue | Contract Date | Years Subscribed €45,000 | 30/06/2020 ...
Burnsella's user avatar
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How to extract only date from Google Sheets cell

I'm trying to extract only the date from this cell which says: Current day (1 Nov 2019) Using: =regexextract(concatenate(FullReport!B5),".*Current day(.*)") Can't seem to figure out how to remove ...
Peter Chabot's user avatar
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How to convert dates pulled from IMPORTXML to actual dates

I'm importing a 45-day weather forecast from,cId,49700 The dates are listing like so: 1.11 2.11 3.11 4.11 5.11 6.11 7.11 8.11 9.11 10.11 11.11 ...
Peter Chabot's user avatar
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How to change month automatically in an entire column without changing respective days?

I´m doing a macro in Google spreadshets and I need a command to advance one month keeping the same day of the month. The format doesn't matter. For instance, in the first column I have all the days of ...
Mario Andrés's user avatar
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Google Sheet Formulas

I have a spreadsheet setup where I have a column with some dates in each month. I have to count the number of dates that occur in the month of Jan, Feb, etc. The column looks like below: 1/24/2019 2/...
caliGeek's user avatar
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3 answers

Generate array of dates with 1 month interval in Google Sheets

I'm trying to generate an array of dates in Google Sheets, where I know the first date, the last one and I want the other dates to be at 1-month interval, with the date always being the last day of ...
Barbara's user avatar
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How to auto-fill the row's column based on the row above?

I have a Google sheet where the 1st row is the date and it will autofill every day. So does the row "Value 1" & "Value 2". Now, I've added manually a row name "SUM" with sum formula. My question ...
iceiceicy's user avatar
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I want to write a formula in Google Sheets that counts the appearance of a value in a range, but the range is the result of another formula

I'm trying to count the number of times "Tuesday" (or any day of the week) appears in a range. However, my range is another formula, that is, the "Tuesday" is the result of a formula from another cell ...
Teacher KSHuang's user avatar
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How do sum if the date is greater than 10 days from and including the upcoming Sunday?

I have 2 rows. One row has dates and the other row has numbers. I want to build a google sheet formula that allows me to sum 10 days after the next Saturday. So if today is Monday 7/22/2019, I want ...
ATPHOP's user avatar
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How to get date the same as week number and day of week of previous year using Google Sheets?

I'm looking for a way to get the date the same as week number and day of the week of the previous year in Google Sheets. For instance, Input : 12/22/2018 Saturday of week 51. Output : 12/23/2017 ...
iku's user avatar
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Get the name of "named data range" from a cell in Google Sheets

I have a range of data that I want to use vlookup on. I named the range as "june_salaries". The goal is to generate payslips for each employee based on the data range (june_salaries). My query is ...
satancorpse's user avatar
3 votes
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Google Sheets LOOKUP unable to find lookup value even if there is

=lookup(A4,'LTO Renewal Record'!B2:B20,'LTO Renewal Record'!C2:C20) Above code is suppose to return a date value. However, it gives me an error saying "Did not find value "my value" in LOOKUP ...
Kelvs's user avatar
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Subtract two dates and times, and find if the later value exceeds 2 hours

Writing a Google sheet, and need the formula to evaluate two dates and times, and determine if the later value exceeds 2 hours and a day. IE, In - Out 1/1/19 2:00 - 1/1/19 3:59 1/1/19 2:00 - 1/1/19 ...
Spencer Ritter's user avatar
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Why is my formula returning a number instead of a date?

When trying to add days to a date in another column the value returns as a number, not a date. I have tried to set the column format as the date for both columns B and C. I also tried using the ...
THRILLHOUSE's user avatar
6 votes
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List of months between two dates as month & year

How do I get a dynamic list of months down a column between two dates in the month year format in Google Sheets? example: Start date: 5/18/2016 End date: 5/24/2019 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 .. ... ...
Telendrith's user avatar
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Difference between two dates expressed as years, months, days (in one column) [duplicate]

I have a set of columns set up in Google Sheets that display the difference between two dates using the DATEDIF function: =DATEDIF (AS2, TODAY(), "D") (number of days passed today since a certain ...
Maeldun's user avatar
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Google Sheets: Moving daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly averages

I have a spreadsheet where I'm collecting data, and entering a date the data is collected. I would like to get the moving averages of collected data in my spreadsheet on a daily, weekly, monthly, and ...
Aaron Toponce's user avatar
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Calculating preparation dates and adjusting for weekends

I am working on a Google Sheets that calculates prep time needed for my events. Spreadsheet My events have a 'Ship Date' that is used in calculating my 'Prep Start' and 'Prep End' days. I am ...
Jake Reilly's user avatar
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SUMIF cell has positive number, IF cell contains '0' return result of another cell

I have a Google Sheets that is calculating date values. I would like to enter a formula that decreases the date pulled from a given cell if the cell contains a positive number. However, if the cell ...
Jake Reilly's user avatar
4 votes
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Set column default value in Google Sheets

I have a finance tracking worksheet that has a number of formulas for each row. What I'd like to add is have these formulas replicate whenever a new row is inserted (fill it with a "default value"). ...
chazbot7's user avatar
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How to simplify this spreadsheet formula?

I am working on my personal financial spreadsheet, and I have one table that lists columns like: "Month","Income",Expense","Notes", and I am building a 2nd table to use to build a new chart so I can ...
mjkjr's user avatar
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