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Authorizing USB debugging on a dead touchscreen

I've got a Google Pixel 6 that fell face down and has a dead screen - both image and touch inputs do not work. I'm trying to access and move important files from the phone to a laptop and this is ...
Spix737's user avatar
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Linux, adb and Google Pixel 3a - No connection [closed]

I am trying to install GrapheneOS on a brand new Google Pixel 3a, but I cannot connect to it using adb, so I cannot install GrapheneOS. Does anyone have any suggestions on what else to try? Hardware ...
Hultan's user avatar
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Trying to recover files from a lockscreen loop Pixel 4 with ADB pull

I am trying to use ADB pull to recover my files from my Pixel 4 but I am getting the error message "adb: error: failed to access '4' : No such file or directory". What does this mean? USB ...
frankbodyofwater's user avatar
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Uninstalling my app from the device makes it so that I can no longer run it from Android Studio

I can deploy a fresh hello world app no problem (as long as it's not with the same name/namespace as one I've already uninstalled from the device). However, the moment that I uninstall the app (...
Mike Vittiglio's user avatar
7 votes
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Sideloading Error 21 Signature Verification Failed

I've read that it's because the bootloader is locked so I won't be able to flash the whole image. But if I unlock the bootloader, won't that wipe all my data? I would like to to see if sideloading can ...
BugOF's user avatar
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is it possible to disable the ADB debugging authorizations system?

I have rooted pixel device with android pie, I am trying to automate few things with ADB and I am struggling with an authorization issue. manually it works, I connect to the device through ADB then I ...
Naor Malca's user avatar
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Temp folder in Pixel 2 devices

My Project runs C++ test cases on Android devices. An exectuable gets generated and along with that, couple of shared object files also gets copied over to the device and the executable is then run. ...
learn_develop's user avatar
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Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server' failed -- run manually if necessary

After updating my android studio, I am not capable of anymore running applications on my google pixel because of that error. I need this help soon.
user3278732's user avatar
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18 votes
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How to Connect Pixel 2 to ADB

I have a Pixel 2 that is unlocked and has USB debugging enabled. Yet if I plug it into my computer, it only ever shows charging. The USB cord works to connect other devices for data transfer no ...
Elliptica's user avatar
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