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What's the proper way to conclude the OAuth2 flow in Django?

To keep the story short, I've acquired all the necessary tokens from Google using the "auth code" flow. So currently, I have the following tokens at my disposal: 1. access_token 2. ...
Jamess11's user avatar
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Google authentication for automatic email send (in Airflow)

I'm an admin of my GCP project (I can create and manage anything) and I have to build a workflow in python to send emails periodically using Airflow. Our team has a User Admin account and we have ...
Augusto Giani's user avatar
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How can I retrieve the JWT from Google authentication using Auth.js in Next.js?

//auth.config.ts import type { NextAuthConfig } from "next-auth"; export const authConfig = { pages: { signIn: `/`, }, callbacks: { async jwt({ token, user, account }) { ...
Muhammad Rashid's user avatar
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Accesing express server for auth2 return cors error

Im on production trying to use google auth 2.0 with passport on my express js backend. origin: function(origin, callback) { if (!origin || allowedOrigins.includes(origin)) { callback(null, origin);...
Abdou El Mesnaoui's user avatar
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Unable to Access Custom Data Passed to signIn Function with Google OAuth Provider in NextAuth

I'm using NextAuth (^4.24.5) in my Next.js (14.2.15) application with the app directory. I've set up authentication with both the Email provider and the Google OAuth provider. In my login form, I'm ...
bijayalaxmi swain swain's user avatar
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Google signin HTML API redirect with data-state not working

I am using google signin (HTML API) in my application through redirect mode. But as per documentation, if we use 'data-state', it should post the value back in callback which is not happening, which i ...
Armani_bologne's user avatar
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"Sign In Via Google" intermediary step in django-allauth

I am implementing Google OAuth into my Django project. I set up and everything, I got this <a href="{% provider_login_url 'google' %}">Continue with Google </a> link, ...
Ravdar's user avatar
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My issue : There was an issue setting up your call Status code 400 { "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Bad Request" }

About Oauth2.0, I retrieve the code correctly with my client identifier, the uri, the scope and the prompt=consent but it does not work and i got this error message : There was an issue setting up ...
Maximilien Godeau's user avatar
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ERROR Error during sign in: [ DEVELOPER_ERROR]. Using without firebase. Trying to signing with google [duplicate]

I'm using Google Sign-In with the following setup: Library: react-native-google-signin/google-signin: 13.1.0 React Native version: 0.75.4 Credentials: I've added the required OAuth 2.0 credentials for ...
Muhammad zubair's user avatar
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Supabase is not redirecting to my desired url with google oauth

I am using Supabase for my authentication. With Google OAuth, instead of redirecting to http://localhost:5000/dashboard, it redirects to http://localhost:5000/. How can I fix this? In the Supabase ...
jomosh's user avatar
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Why can any user access to my UAuth app that is in test mode?

I am building an app that uses Google OAuth 2.0 for user authentication. The app should only allow access to users registered as test users in the Google Cloud OAuth consent screen, which is currently ...
Pablo González's user avatar
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Appwrite Auth's Users vs. Collection

I developed a Vite ReactJS web application where users log in using Google OAuth 2.0. Upon logging in, I retrieve the user's email and given_name and store it in the users collection in Appwrite. ...
rd Cazu's user avatar
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Google credential manager for API 26

I try to setup Google Authentication using Credential Manager from Google. But when I write the code below it says that it works only for API 34 and above. Instead it looks like they recommend Google ...
Alex20280's user avatar
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Is OAuth Sub claim sensitive data?

I have a question about the subclaim given by Google (but also in general for other providers) authorization servers. My question is, is the sub claim considered sensitive data? (Just the sub claim, ...
t_97's user avatar
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google authentication redirect doesn not work for me

I have python code to authenticate and authorize user to login app via google but in my code when ı click login with google , it just refreshs pages and doesn't direct me to login with google account ...
kadiirkkoc's user avatar
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How can I implement Google OAuth in my Next.js app without using any npm package like @react-oauth/google

I’m trying to implement Google OAuth in my Next.js 14 application without relying on any third-party npm packages like @react-oauth/google. I want to manage the OAuth flow manually, including loading ...
Hamza Yousaf's user avatar
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Force reapproval of Google prompt when using Auth0 universal login

I'm using Auth0 as the IDP of a .NET 8 application to let the users sign in via Google. I have managed to get the Google access and refresh tokens for the user from Auth0, but sometimes I need to ...
Joel's user avatar
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Auth Setup for NextJS frontend and ExpressJS backend with MongoDB

I am building a full stack app with Next JS frontend and Express JS backend with MongoDB as the database. I want to implement authentication using email and password, as well as with Google Provider. ...
shivesh_anand's user avatar
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Custom Google Login Button Not Triggering Authentication

I'm trying to implement a custom Google login button using the Google Identity Services SDK. I want to style the button myself, instead of using the default Google button. However, when I click on my ...
BRFM's user avatar
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Is there a way to keep oauth2 token for infinite time?

I am trying to build an app for scheduling youtube content, here is how the app works=> user signs in through google (I get his oauth2 token with youtube scope added) uploads a video on my site ...
Nikhil Singh's user avatar
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Login in google page with requests or Oauthlib

Good day, I have a task to fill out and submit data on this site: Click Quality Form using Python code, and I encountered the following issues: I cannot find which Google API corresponds to this site (...
Refusion's user avatar
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Multiple Google OAuths Clients for a single application?

I am currently developing an application that incorporates three distinct roles: admin, employee, and candidate. We are utilizing Google OAuth for login purposes. However, a colleague suggested ...
Avinash Muralidharan's user avatar
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Testing Login function using Cypress on Chorme always get error 400 - Bad Request

I'm a new to Cypress and i want to test a login function by Cypress. Everything goes well but when i click the continue button, all i get is error 400. This error only occurs in Chorme, i have try ...
Lộc Võ Tấn's user avatar
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The oauth state was missing or invalid. in web api when trying to implament google outh

i am trying to implement google auth and i seem to missunderstand the auth flow , i looked through every sub and post allready and tried all the fixes there but nothing seems to work , i dont exectly ...
Avi_H's user avatar
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Module not found: Can't resolve 'child_process', while using NextAuth v5 and NextJs latest version

So I've tried to implement an authentication with Mongodb on my app, and after installing nextauth v5 (currently in beta), and trying to put any component or page on the "client side," my ...
Pavle's user avatar
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Should I use, Google Auth Token to Verify my Client, If so then How?

I am implementing authentication on my website using Google Auth. After successfully logging in, Google returns a JWT (JSON Web Token). I need to decode this JWT to extract user information and verify ...
Hamza Shabbir's user avatar
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How to handle email/password, Facebook and Google authentication for app when our website uses Azure B2C?

We use Azure B2C on our ASP.NET website to authenticate our web users. We are building our app in Flutter, and need the same user credentials to work across both the app and the website. I have hit my ...
Greg Quinn's user avatar
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FlutterFire Android Google Authentication Fails

I am working from the codelabs tutorial: I can log in with email and password. I have also added a Google authentication provider, ...
Dan Stone's user avatar
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Im trying to implement a google sign-in for my web app, does it cost anything?

Im trying to implement google sign-in for my web app, Im wondering if it has any cost or something. My web app has its own authentication/authorization, I just need the google sign in to get the user ...
Ceased's user avatar
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Problem with Astro Auth. with Google OAuth

I am making a web application with Astro and at the same time using astro auth for authentication. I use Google as a provider, but when I click on the signIn button: VM4243:1 Uncaught (in promise) ...
Angel Gael's user avatar
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How do you use OAuth access tokens to authenticate subsequent requests

I'm trying to understand how to use the OAuth (authorization code) flow in the context of securing a backend API. Not sure if it matters, but I'll be using Passport.js to implement social logins (...
BBackerry's user avatar
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I installed react-google-login --legacy-peer-deps, and trying to use the GoogleLogin component

I provided the clientID, but I get this error
Dilshod Akhmedov's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Authentication with Supabase using Google OAuth only

I've implemented sign-in with google oauth with supabase. It works, it can sign-in user in to the app but I don't know how to capture the data from user like profile picture, name and email from the ...
Chandara H. Wei's user avatar
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Google oAuth is sometimes returning error "redirect_url_mismatch" and sometimes redirecting correctly

Working sometimes, tried in 3 different browsers (firefox, chrome, brave) both incognito and normal, couldn't find any consistency. Working Redirecting correctly Not Working Returning Error Video of ...
Tejus Prasad's user avatar
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The firebase google login is not working on iOS facebook app

I have an firebase app. I'm using firebase auth. This works good. The problem, when the users open the link on facebook app these are getting something like this
Luis's user avatar
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Should I use OAuth2 Implicit flow for client side app?

I'm learning OAuth2 by writing a simple client-side React app. Currently, I don't know which of these 2 flows to choose: Implicit flow: Suggested by Google OAuth (my test code use their OAuth service)...
Minh Nghĩa's user avatar
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Integrating Custom API with Google OAuth for GPT Action: with Auth URL and Token URL Routes

"Hello everyone, I’m looking to integrate my custom API into a custom GPT action with OAuth using Google authentication. I want to use Google login to obtain an access token, which will then ...
Peter Parker's user avatar
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How to implement Next-auth callback url 302 page

After using Next=auth's the google provider to authenticate myself, I get the redirect callback url which is http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google?state=.... which shows up on the browser for ...
user23470656's user avatar
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Can't get Google One Tap Sign In for Android working with OAuth tokens

I have been struggling with implementing Google One Tap Sign in. I can get it to store usernames and password but I can't get it to work with a Google token. I use Back4App (Parse) as my database. I ...
Adam First's user avatar
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Can I implement in my Express js application both JWT authentication and Google authentication? [duplicate]

I have created one simple application with React and Express where authentication is required and it is based on JWTs, every time user logs is, server sends him a new access token (by the way, in this ...
comediann's user avatar
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Error while integrating google OAuth with superset

To integrate Google authentication into my Superset application, which is running on a specific IP address, I followed these steps: Created an OAuth client ID on the Google Cloud Platform. To create ...
Jatin's user avatar
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Sign Up with Google in C# WPF without coding in the client secret

I am trying to add the classic sign up with google to my C# WPF application, without hardcoding client secret, not even mentioning it in the code. But the topic seem to be convoluted: in 2023 OOB was ...
Void Seeker's user avatar
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Blazor WebAssembly + Google auth + authenticate API requests

My scenario: Build a Single Page Application with Blazor WebAssembly (preferably .NET 8). Have users sign in with their Google accounts. (Just any Google account, only need a unique user ID and ...
Vesa Vainio's user avatar
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Request to Get Google OAuth Access Token Failing

I'm trying to get a refresh token and use it to issue an access token, but the request to generate the access token isn't working. I'm calling this API to get the refresh token: URL: https://accounts....
Nate's user avatar
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Popup Login Issue with react-native-app-auth in React Native

I'm encountering an issue with implementing a popup login using react-native-app-auth in my React Native project. I'm using the library for Google authentication and would like to have the login ...
Osman Aziz's user avatar
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OAuth2 and jwts am I using it securely?

I was build a CRUD web application React and Spring Boot. Needed authentication and as such authentication. Instead of me storing users credentials and sensitive data I thought I would use google for ...
dxgamer2001's user avatar
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Uncaught GaxiosError Error: unauthorized_client

getting Uncaught "GaxiosError Error: unauthorized_client" cross checked both front end back end client id change the API call from get Token from 'googleapis' and 'google-auth-library' ...
Nikhil P K's user avatar
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GoogleAPI service account OAuth2 authentication fails with 'Syntax error'

CONTEXT: Sending mail SMTP via Google API php ‘Client’ interface and gateway using a service account (i.e. with 2-legged OAuth2 flow). PROBLEM: Authentication with an access token ...
decomplexity's user avatar
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Site exists with Access violation when adding Google authentication

I'm trying to add google authentication and have installed the nuget oacjage Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google v. 7.0.14 But when I try to add it to services, the site stop with message The ...
SteinTech's user avatar
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AWS amplify v6, using signInWithRedirect instead of auth.federatedSignIn, doesnt open the page where I can choose account

Before aws-amplify v6, i was using federatedSignIn to make user login into the website using google. Where clicking the sign in with google button was calling the federatedSignIn method which then ...
Pronil07's user avatar

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