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Run cloud-build triggers with Node.js library

I have a manual regional cloudbuild trigger, that uses Cloudbuild repositories (2nd gen) to make connections with github. I also need to pass substitution variables to the trigger. Following this ...
Piyush Agarwal's user avatar
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How to get the callback of Google's OAuth2 to process it as a route handler?

I've deployed a web app through ExpressJs and I host it on Google Cloud Run. The issue I'm having is that I'm not getting the callback from Google's OAuth2. I have a route handler set as "app.get(...
Marctrix's user avatar
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Error: error:0480006C:PEM routines::no start line when using SSL certificate on Google Cloud?

I am getting this error when I deploy my docker image with my Node.js app in it to Google Cloud Build: Error: error:0480006C:PEM routines::no start line at /home/app/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]....
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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Google App Engine suddenly doesn't let me deploy my node.js app

I have a quite simple Node.js / typescript project that I was always able to build with npm run build and then deploy on Google App Engine Standard for Node.js with the command: cloud app deploy --...
Leejjon's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build - Step #4: node: --openssl-legacy-provider is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS

I've been running an angular application on a google cloud app engine service for a few years. I made no changes to my .yaml file or anything related to my node versions and in my deployment pipeline ...
Blair Holmes's user avatar
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How to use Google Cloud Build with Yarn 2+

How do I use Google Cloud Build with Yarn 2+? Do I need to create my own node image to support this or is there some shorthanded entrypoint like entrypoint: "yarn2" Cloud Build with NodeJs: ...
Maroben's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build, Cloud Run, Cloud SQL Prisma Migration

I am trying to get a Google Cloud Build pipeline running with a Node.js application that is using Google Cloud Build, Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL) and Prisma for the ORM. I have started with the default ...
adam2k's user avatar
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Is it possible to stream Cloud Build logs with the Node.js library?

Some context: Our Cloud Build process relies on manual triggers and about 8 substitutions to customize deploys to various firebase projects, hosting sites, and preview channels. Previously we used a ...
Tanner Stern's user avatar
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How to deploy multiple cloud functions at a time through google cloud build by index.js file like in firebase

I have a situation where I want to deploy my whole index file through cloud build using cloudbuild.yaml file but didn't find any way to do so like in firebase we do like firebase deploy --only ...
Rohit's user avatar
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Getting Permission Error Deploying a Cloud Function with Private Dependency using Cloud Build

I'm trying to deploy a Cloud Function (Node.js + TypeScript) using Cloud Build. What's unique is that my Cloud Function uses a private dependency, so that my package.json looks like this: "...
ta539tg70's user avatar
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deploy cloud functions using cloud build failed: Error: failed to get firebase project

=== Deploying to 'project_id'... Step #1: Step #1: I deploy functions Step #1: Step #1: Error: Failed to get Firebase project project_id. Please ensure the project exists and that your account has ...
Ujjwal Kumar's user avatar
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Deploy cloud function using cloud build

This my package.json file { "name": "functions", "description": "Cloud Functions for Firebase", "scripts": { "serve": "...
Ujjwal Kumar's user avatar
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404 returned when trying to fetch ID token from inside docker container in cloud build

I have a NextJs app that uses an API hosted on Google Cloud Run during its static site generation (SSG). The SSG happens during the build step, which is performed inside a docker node.js container in ...
ptf's user avatar
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GCP project owner can't list builds or triggers

I have the owner role on a GCP project. I created 2 build triggers, which are visible to me in the console. I want to list these triggers using a service account and the node.js client. I made a ...
mikewilliamson's user avatar
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Google Cloud App Engine - NestJS App deploys fine and runs instance, but can't access it

I am trying to host a NestJS application on Google App Engine. I'm using Cloud Build to deploy the app into App Engine after certain action on my GitHub repo. Everything goes fine; the app builds and ...
puntero's user avatar
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ERROR: build step 1 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 3

I am trying built angular 8 dist using cloudbuild and deploying it on a vm GitHub link of my angular 8 app cloudbuild.yaml steps: name: "
dante alighieri's user avatar
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2 answers

GAE deployment throwing Error Response: [13] The system encountered a fatal error

Encountering problem when deploying Node/React application to App engine using the command: gcloud app deploy --quiet --no-promote --no-stop-previous-version --version={VERSION_NUMBER}. This didn't ...
Adi's user avatar
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Does GCP Cloud Build Docker remove files created during the Dockerfile execution?

I have a build step in the docker file that generates some files. Since I also need those files locally (when testing) I have the generation of them not in Cloud Build itself but in the Dockerfile (...
Maggie Grace's user avatar
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Cloud build deployment of Angular/Node.js to App Engine times out at "npm ci --quiet" command

I am deploying an angular/Nodejs app to App engine. The application was getting deployed to as expected about 10 months ago. Today it is timing out after 10 minutes at the npm ci --quiet command. This ...
King's user avatar
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Google Cloud Builder for Angular fails during Node SASS installation using Cloud Builders Community image

Steps I've done so far: I've created a Google Cloud Repository I've created a Cloud Build Trigger and linked it to my GitHub account and repo and matched the branch name exactly ^staging$ And now ...
fIwJlxSzApHEZIl's user avatar
4 votes
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Specifying Node.js version for Google Cloud App Engine Flexible

I'm trying to deploy a GCloud App Engine Flexible service. I have a yaml file, in which it has the Node.js runtime and the env specified. runtime: nodejs env: flex As the documentation says "You ...
András Geiszl's user avatar
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reading .env file from node - env file is not published

I am trying to read .env file using "dotenv" package but it returns undefined from process.env.DB_HOST after published to gcloud run. I see all files except for the .env file in root ...
wil's user avatar
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Deploying a VueJs + Node app on App Engine w/ CloudBuild

My project is a VueJS frontend + Node Backend. The project is organized like this: /api (all the backend logic, like uploading to GCS) package.json /ui (all front end logic) package.json ...
Kim Merino's user avatar
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Cloud build completes with FAILURE status; other issues follow

I was following along this video from Google Tech Build youtube channel on their new "Serverless Expeditions" series which is really great and neat. Highly recommended. This is my first time ...
matija's user avatar
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Deployment to App Engine using Cloudbuild failing

I've built a Node + Vue JS project that is structured with different directories for the frontend and backend code. /api is the backend code with its own package.json and ui is the frontend code with ...
Kim Merino's user avatar
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Failed to start and then listen on the port

I have an NodeJS app that I want to deploy on Google Cloud Run. I have Google Cloud Build configured to build container from dockerfile whenever something has been pushed ona master branch and after ...
ciekals11's user avatar
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"Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db2" when deploying a Google App Engine app using Google Cloud Build

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db2 After I deployed my Google App Engine app using Google Cloud Build, I got the above error. So I ran the ...
Daniel Tehrani's user avatar
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Cloudbuild can't find my package.json from my Vue app

I am attempting to deploy a Vue JS app to GCP App Engine via GCP Cloud Build. I've followed the instructions and have created a cloudbuild.yaml file in a separate directory from the app.yaml file. The ...
Kim Merino's user avatar
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Error when deploying to App Engine through Cloud Build

When I manually run gcloud app deploy from Cloud Shell, I am able to deploy the application to App Engine and it works. But when I try to do the same via Cloud Build, the build succeeds, but the ...
ballsofpicasso's user avatar
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NestJS Project on Google App Engine shows error “Could not write file”

I try to deploy my nestJS application in app engine with standard env instance. But I received this error: 0mCould not write file '/workspace/dist/my/ts/file': EROFS: read-only file system, open '/...
Makfe MAKIADI's user avatar
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How to use relative dependencies when deploying to App Engine with Cloud Build

I have a full stack project that have some common modules, mostly type definitions. I want to keep them in the same repository to keep a consistent state of my application. However, the deploying ...
Maroben's user avatar
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GCP Cloud Run Socket.IO Timeout

I'm currently deploying my Socket.IO server with Node.js/Express on Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Build + Run, and it works pretty well. The issue I'm having is that GCP automatically times out ...
calixo888's user avatar
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Do I need to add node_modules to .gcloudignore when running "gcloud builds submit ./project-folder"?

This is my project structure: project/ node_modules/ src/ .gcloudignore cloudbuild.yaml Dockerfile package.json Here is how I'm building it: gcloud builds submit ./project --config=./...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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Where to store environment variables in App Engine for CI/CD Pipeline?

I am deploying my first application on the cloud and I'm trying to setup my env vars. From what I understand, they are set in the app.yaml file. But if that file is pushed to the repo, it would then ...
FrenchMajesty's user avatar
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Cloud Build - Credentials error using exec wrapper to connect to Cloud SQL Proxy + other GCP resources

I'm attempting to use the exec-wrapper in a Cloud Build step to run the Cloud SQL Proxy and run a Node script to do a custom database migration. Here is what my cloud build config looks like: steps: - ...
Matt E's user avatar
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Cloud Run connect to cloud SQL(postgres) using socket Connection timeout issue

I'm trying to connect the cloud sql in Cloud run. the same application works well with Google app engine. but the cloud run gives connection timeout error. "unhandled error Error: Timeout in ...
Vigikaran's user avatar
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Cloud Build failing to npm install a NodeJS project

I'm running the following command in my cloudbuild.yaml file: - name: "" args: ["install"] This command ran correctly on 30th July, but on the 5th ...
Harold's user avatar
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Angular universal timeout with cloud build on firebase function

I have Angular Universal project deployed on firebase and using firebase functions to serve the server-side also using cloud build to trigger the build , the problem it just stuck in server build ...
nour ahmed's user avatar
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How to run tests for a node app deployed on Cloud Run with Cloud Build

I have a nodejs API running on Google cloud Run and am using Cloud Build for continuous Deployment. I would need to run tests so that in case of errors found, cloud Build does not deploy the image to ...
T. Al Rashid's user avatar
3 votes
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How to deploy only an affected nx service to GCP APP Engine

Given that I have an NX application with multiple services, and I want to do continuous deployment of only affected service/s to App Engine, how can I point to a given service.yaml (or multiple) ...
Veso's user avatar
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Using two CloudBuild images in one step

I have run into a problem where I need to run both Java+Android and NodeJS in the same CloudBuild "step". My current situation is that I'm trying to build a react-native project within ...
twiz's user avatar
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Steps for Cloud Function + Cloud Build API + Node 10?

As I received email from Firbase to upgrade Firebase Cloud Function with Node 10 and Cloud Build API. I have done all the steps as below: Updated to the "Blaze" pay-as-you-go Plan Updated ...
Pratik Butani's user avatar
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CI with google cloud build and unit testing Jest in NodeJS

I'm setting up a CI/CD pipeline using Google cloud build, I'm doing 3 simple steps : install, test and deploy, here is my CloudBuild.yaml file : steps: - name: "" ...
xgeek652's user avatar
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Could you please verify my cloudbuild.yaml file?

I am new to setup CI CD pipeline for my nodejs application using GCP cloud build. Below are the steps that I have done: Writing the cloudbuild.yaml file. Done Mirrored the bitbucket repository in my ...
Pritish's user avatar
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invalid build: invalid image name ""

I have a project running on Google App Engine and to deploy it, I have a GCloud build connected to a GitHub webhook. Anytime I push to my master branch it deploys. Recently though I've been ...
Samkough's user avatar
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GCP Cloud build ignores timeout settings

I use Cloud Build for copying the configuration file from storage and deploying the app to App Engine flex. The problem is that the build fails every time when it lasts more than 10 minutes. I've ...
Anton Bohomaz's user avatar
4 votes
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NPM authentication for private module with Google App Engine

I am trying to deploy a node application which imports a private npm module to Google App Engine. I'm still stuck at npm install failing due to Unable to authenticate, need: Basic realm="GitHub ...
jmalatras's user avatar
1 vote
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How to expose build step results using docker + Google Cloud Build

I'm trying to build a next.js application on Google Cloud Build in a monorepo using Yarn workspaces. I've found that one of our slowest points during the build process is installing node modules since ...
imjared's user avatar
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google cloud build - functions@: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "10"

I'm setting up cloud build trigger, how to set node version properly? this is what I get: Already have image (with digest): yarn install v1.9.4 info No ...
Rehan's user avatar
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Google App Engine deployment with private git repo in package.json

I have a dependency to a private Bitbucket repo in my package.json { "my-dependency": "git+ssh://[email protected]/something/my-dependency.git" } I followed the instructions given in [1] and [2] ...
Treecj's user avatar
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