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Custom Classifier Failed to refresh dataset stats

I'm training a Custom Classifier in Document AI. Worked fine and I had a Dataset with about 4000 documents. I trained multiple versions and they are running well. But now I'm not able to see these ...
Jannik Schneider's user avatar
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Getting "Configuration is not authorized" error while deploying GCP Vertex AI Agent on App Engine

I am building a search app using GCP Vertex AI Agent Builder and trying to deploy that on App Engine. This is my Vertex AI search app. This is Vertex AI app datastore This is my App Engine code: ...
Santanu Ghosh's user avatar
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What should I do for this Vertex AI Evaluation Problem?

I have a single label image classification project for school. I gave the data, labeled it and trained the AI for 6 hours and 18 mins. Then I came to model registry to create an evaluation. But it ...
Muhammed Ensar Gozcu's user avatar
3 votes
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Gemini Python API Deadline Exceeded

I have been trying to use Google's Gemini API using python, and I am running into continuous 504 Deadline Exceeded. This is also not a one of thing as well, I have tried 20+ times using python SDK ...
Krishh's user avatar
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Real max tokens count for google vertex ai text-unicorn model

according to the official documentation , the maximum input tokens for a PaLM 2 for Text (text-unicorn) model is 8192. However I am getting a 'token limit error' when submitting prompts larger than ...
DarioB's user avatar
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Does Gemini embedding model support languages other than English?

I am planning to use the Gemini embedding model (models/embedding-001) for document/query retrieval, but I can't find anywhere in the documentation if it support languages other than English. ...
DarioB's user avatar
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Impossible to activate Duet AI despite receiving provisioning email

I signed up for the Duet AI preview and received two confirmation emails, the last one stating that all I needed to do now was to set it up in the cloud console. However, every time I try to do this I ...
Maurizio's user avatar
5 votes
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google-cloud/aiplatform vertex AI predictionserviceclient truncated response NodeJS

I am trying to get the aiplatform client working on a NodeJS project, It seems to work, I mean the credentials are fine, and I get a "valid" response back. But the predictions' content comes ...
Loebre's user avatar
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Google Document AI Api integration in ReactJs

Have anyone integrated Cloud Document AI Api in ReactJs? If so, what’s the way procedure of it’s integration? I didn’t found any proper way to ...
Aqib's user avatar
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Accessing data in Google Cloud Storage without downloading it

Is there a way by which I can expose data in google cloud storage to a VM without completely downloading it all at once on the VM. Amazon Sagemaker Fast File Mode (FFM) exposes the data in S3 to ...
Tarun Gupta's user avatar
-1 votes
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Format issue when calling Vertex AI Custom Job Endpoint

I developed a custom training job in sklearn 0.23 in Vertex AI and successfully deployed to an endpoint. However, when I call the endpoint, I get the following error: raise exceptions.from_grpc_error(...
razimbres's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why does this fail with "'async for' requires an object with __aiter__ method, got coroutine"

I am attempting to call an external API (one that is provided by Google) using an async client library (the library is also provided by Google). The async method that I am attempting to call is async ...
jamiet's user avatar
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Trying to get a Vertex AI prediction in BigQuery using Python

I've built a model in VertexAI and have deployed it to an endpoint. I'm trying to use tabular data stored in GBQ as input for this model. I've found this function -- create a batch prediction in GBQ ...
eternal-pepper26's user avatar
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Is TabNet's mask explanation biased?

I have been reading about TabNet model and it's predictions "explanations" through the attentive transformers' masks values. However, if the inputs values are not normalized, aren't this ...
Loris Pilotto's user avatar
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`steps_per_epoch` in google ai platform multi-worker distributed training

I'm training model with tensorflow==2.7.0 distributively on gcloud ai platform. I'm using ParameterServerStrategy strategy, with multiple workers. One thing I'm confused, and couldn't find answer, is ...
govordovsky's user avatar
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Is there a way to have users access my Google Cloud AI Platform Notebook Instance easily?

I am new to Google Cloud AI Platform. I am running a AI Platform Notebook Instance with a service account. I have successfully added another user to my project, but it seems too involved for new users ...
davidleal88's user avatar
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No such object error when saving TensorFlow model trained on Google Cloud AI Platform to a Google Cloud Storage Bucket

I am training a model using TensorFlow on Google Cloud's AI Platform and while the training itself proceeds nicely, I am unable to save the finished model in SavedModel format to my cloud storage ...
Owen Burns's user avatar
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Vertex AI Custom Container Training Job python SDK - InvalidArgument 400 error

I'm attempting to run a Vertex AI custom training job using the python SDK, following the general instructions laid out in this readme. My code is as follows (sensitive data removed): job = aiplatform....
JmeCS's user avatar
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Vertex AI returns a different result from the local tflite model

I uploaded my tflite model on Vertex AI and made an endpoint, and I requested inference with some input value, but it returns a different result from my local tflite model's inference result. The ...
pizzicato Lee's user avatar
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Op type not registered \'IO>BigQueryClient\' with BigQuery connector on AI platform

I'm trying to parallelize the training step of my model with tensorflow ParameterServerStrategy. I work with GCP AI Platform to create the cluster and launch the task. As my dataset is huge, I use the ...
Harold G's user avatar
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Custom Model for Batch Prediction on [closed]

I want to run batch predictions inside Google Cloud's using a custom trained model. I was able to find documentation to get online prediction working with a custom built docker image by ...
shortcipher3's user avatar
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Predicting on GCP Ai Platform

I deployed a tensorflow model on GCP AI Platform. This model predicts whether a text is sarcasm (1) or not (0). A text is represented (with a given function "tokenize_text") as two tensors. ...
Oweys's user avatar
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Example notebook, sample for google cloud pipeline component

I am looking for a sample or a tutorial notebook with specifically the "CustomPythonPackageTrainingJobRunOp" google cloud pipeline component. I have been trying to use this but keep getting ...
racerX's user avatar
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Error when trying to use CustomPythonPackageTrainingJobRunOp in VertexAI pipeline

I am using the google cloud pipeline component CustomPythonPackageTrainingJobRunOp in a VertexAI pipeline . I have been able to run this package successfully as a CustomTrainingJob before. I can see ...
racerX's user avatar
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How to schedule repeated runs of a custom training job in Vertex AI

I have packaged my training code as a python package and then am able to run it as a custom training job on Vertex AI. Now, I wanted to be able to schedule this job to run, say every 2 weeks, and re-...
racerX's user avatar
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Tracking resources used by VertexAI pipeline

Is it possible to track the resources consumed by a VertexAI pipeline run, similar to how it is possible to do for Dataflow where it shows a live graph of how many nodes are currently running to ...
racerX's user avatar
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Vertex Pipeline: CustomPythonPackageTrainingJobRunOp not supplying WorkerPoolSpecs

I am trying to run a custom package training pipeline using Kubeflow pipelines on Vertex AI. I have the training code packaged in Google Cloud Storage and my pipeline is: import kfp from kfp.v2 import ...
Christopher Larsen's user avatar
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Do we have request/response logs available in audit logs for Endpoints in GCP Vertex AI platform?

We trained autoML models and deployed on Endpoints in GCP vertex AI platform. We are looking for request/response logs for all the requests made to the Endpoint. Are these logs available, if yes then ...
Bashammakh Yazeed's user avatar
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How to create the config.yaml file for distributed training on Unified Cloud AI Platform

I am looking to train a model using Google Cloud's new service - the Unified AI Platform. To do so I am using a config.yaml that looks like this: workerPoolSpecs: workerPoolSpec: machineSpec: ...
Jash Shah's user avatar
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how to set signature name to serving_default to avoid errors after deployment to GCP AI Platform

I trained a DNN model with Tensorflow on AI Platform. Then I copied the model locally to double check if preditions can be obtained from the samed model. gcloud ai-platform local predict --model-dir=/...
Amine Jallouli's user avatar
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Google Cloud AI Platform training job: --stream-logs stalls indefinitely with no output

I am submitting a training job with gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training [...] --stream-logs The job is submitted successfully, but no logs appear on the terminal. No output after "Job [...] ...
Anakhand's user avatar
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Can't iterate over files within a folder in google cloud notebooks instance

I am using the notebooks instance within the AI platform in google cloud console. I have uploaded a folder inside which contains around 30 csv files. I run the following code to iterate over the files,...
anarchy's user avatar
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Not able to deploy Kubeflow pipelines to GKE cluster

I have created a GKE cluster according to the requirements ( of the Kubeflow Pipelines as following: 3 nodes with at least ...
gixen's user avatar
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Getting 'Create Version failed. Bad model detected with error' on AI platform when trying to create a custom model on Google Cloud AI platform

I am trying to deploy custom model on AI platform. I have followed the steps as mentioned in the Google Document: ...
Ranga Vittal's user avatar
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GCP ML Tensorflow serving with authorization for GRPC

I needed help in setting up GRPC for an ML model deployed on GCP. I have deployed the model and want to serve it using GRPC but not able to find any documentation on how to do that. Does anyone have ...
user9063834's user avatar
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Issues in scaling GCP AI model TF serving

I have deployed the MNIST dataset on GCP AI models TF serving and facing issues in scaling. I would like to know if someone else has faced a similar issue and ways in which they would have resolved it ...
user9063834's user avatar
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How to solve 5xx errors in GCP AI Prediction Platform?

We have been able to deploy models (both custom prediction and Tensorflow SavedModel formats) to AI Prediction Platform, and basic testing shows things are at least functional for online predictions. ...
Neil's user avatar
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GCP AI platform API

I am trying to programatically create "AI Platform Notebooks" in GCP. The gcloud sdk does have some support for managing these notebooks, but not creating them. And there is no client ...
Max888's user avatar
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How do you scale Google Cloud Document AI processing?

From, I can see some example of processing single files. But in most cases, companies have buckets of documents. In that case, how do you scale ...
Kevin Eid's user avatar
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How to fix: "error": "Prediction failed: unknown error." in custom prediction routine with scikit-learn?

I am trying to write a custom prediction routine on Google's AI Platform using scikit-learn's MLPClassifier. I have packaged and deployed the model successfully, but when I request online predictions ...
Drew Deister's user avatar
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Google Cloud Text to Speech (TTS) - Can't Get Phonemes to Work

I'm using Google's example for phoneme implementation as follows: <phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="t&#x259;mei&#x325;&#x27E;ou&#x325;"> tomato </phoneme> I'm using Postman to ...
Trevor's user avatar
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Training Job Running on Google Cloud Platform but Not Consuming Any CPU

My training job on the AI platform on the Google Cloud Platform seems to be running but is not consuming any CPU. The program does not terminate, but it does give a few errors when the job first ...
Yechen's user avatar
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Data Input JSON Format for Tensorflow Saved Model

I'm new to tensorflow and I've served the saved model to Google AI Platform models. However, I am having issues with the format of sample input data. Can you please guide how should I format the data ...
LLTeng's user avatar
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How can I upgrade my existing AI platform-pipelines deployment to a newer version?

I currently have a deployment of AI platform-pipelines v0.2.5 running. I saw that 8 days ago, a new version v0.5.1 got added to the container registry. There have been a lot of changes, fixes, etc.. ...
Jonas Boecquaert's user avatar
6 votes
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Authenticating standalone gsutil in containers in Cloud ML Engine on Kubernetes with Workload Identity

I'm launching container images on Google Cloud AI Training (Cloud ML Engine) Inside those containers I need to use gsutil. Some containers have gsutil. In that case I can use it right away without ...
Ark-kun's user avatar
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google AI model serving vs kfsering [closed]

We are going to do model serving infrastructure. I am comparing Google AI Prediction and kfserving. But I cannot find enough documents about the features of google ai serving and how it is implemented....
BAE's user avatar
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Best practice to run Tensorflow app on GCP?

I wish to run a Python app that uses Tensorflow to run simulations and outputs results to a csv file. I want to run it on GCP. My plan was to run it in a Dataproc cluster using Tony. It seems there ...
schoon's user avatar
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google ai platform vs ml engine

I did lots of search, but I cannot understand what the difference between google ai platform and ml engine. It seems that both of them can be used for training and deploying models. Other words like ...
BAE's user avatar
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Load pre-trained keras model for continued training on google cloud

I am trying to load a pre-trained Keras model, for continued training on google cloud. It works locally, by simply loading the discriminator and generator with model = load_model('myPretrainedModel....
Tessmus's user avatar
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Google AI Platform: kernel dying

I am trying to run a simple Python script for data cleaning in a notebook on Google Cloud AI Platform. The notebook has 4 CPUs and 15GB RAM. I tried cleaning data chunks of different sizes, from 10GB ...
Son's user avatar
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