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Google Oauth refresh token without redirect url ? Just auto refresh

Just some context - Im creating app to merge my family calendars from different sources. I want to setup some google component but I have a problem. My code is pretty straight forward. First enter is: ...
user2188158's user avatar
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How to Create 'Gmail' Service with GoogleCredentials

I have the following versions <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>google-api-client</artifactId> ...
HeronAlgoSearch's user avatar
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Getting service acount credential in GKE

I have GKE cluster that uses a custom service-account. I'm using it to access Google API (Gmail API). But, when I use final List<String> SCOPES = List.of(GmailScopes.GMAIL_READONLY); ...
anz's user avatar
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Can We Use Google API Classes (TextRun, ParagraphElement, StructuralElement, etc.) to Construct an Object and Post Using Request/Batch Update?

Using Google API with Java for Google Docs, we can access classes like TextRun, ParagraphElement, etc. and set the values, for example, as follows: TextRun txtRun = new TextRun(); txtRun.setContent(&...
Ken D's user avatar
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Google Document AI API Returning Worse Results Than Console

I am trying to use the google document ai api. I have created a custom processor and defined a custom schema. When I upload a document through the console, the processor highlights almost all of the ...
Dhruv Luthra's user avatar
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Gmail Javi API batch too many requests

I am using the Java Gmail API to retrieve some email messages. Once I get a list of messages, I am using batching to get the individual messages info. Sample code as follows: List<MessageDto> ...
Swordfish's user avatar
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Search List returned multiple channels

I trying to send this request to get the channel request ="snippet"); request.setMaxResults(50); request.setQ(channelName); request.setType("channel"); we ...
Raneen Bsais's user avatar
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I have a question regarding Google Calendar API logic

I'm testing Google Calendar authentication-related logic in Java. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the concept, but I've been unable to resolve the issue for several days now. My code is as ...
recadro's user avatar
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Google Drive credential returns 403 insufficientPermissions

I'm trying to get a list of files' data from Drive. Following the google's example didn't work. This is an example of my code: private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = GsonFactory....
lohan's user avatar
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How can I set up a Google OAuth2 client using https scheme in Java using?

I am writing an application that uses the Spreadsheets API. Because I am using the write scope, which is sensitive, the OAuth2 redirect URI must use https instead of http (except when using localhost)....
kvitso's user avatar
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401 Unauthorized to sqladmin.googleapis when using Spring Cloud to create ephemeral certificate for GCP Cloud SQL

I am connecting a Springboot application on my local computer to GCP Cloud SQL, using Spring cloud dependency The dependency is trying to ...
at9pm's user avatar
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Integrating Google calendar to a jsf web App

Our web application, developed in JSF, allows its users to schedule meetings in their calendar. The goal is that in the application settings, each user can integrate their Google account, so that the ...
Rekillme Re's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/auth/Credentials occuring after jar compilation, but not in dev environment

Background I have built a mod for Minecraft, and I am now at the point where it is ready to be built into a jar and run it in the game. My IDE is Intellij, the framework I am using is Fabric, and I am ...
xxhawk8xx's user avatar
2 votes
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google-calendar-api with java spring boot

I am developing a java Springboot web application. In Which I have multiple users that login with a adress mail and a password. The login is Ok. @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) ...
Rekillme Re's user avatar
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Do I have to Google Sign everytime to upload a Video to Youtbe using Java?

public static Credential authorize(final NetHttpTransport httpTransport) throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(CLIENT_SECRETS); GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = ...
Sinio's user avatar
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GA4 Data API - How to set multiple dimensions and metrics

I am trying to generate a report using the Data API of GA4. However, I could not manage to add multiple metrics or dimensions to my report builder. This is how I try to achieve this functionality: ...
Denizcan Yılmaz's user avatar
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API source error when changing to Google Analytics Ga4

I changed Google Analytics to Ga4 The administrator is pulling statistics through the api and using it. API is using v4, so I think it's compatible with ga4. Follow the manual to connect to Google ...
SsenGom's user avatar
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Google API Calendar calendar ID "primary" not working

I'm trying to integrate Google Calendar API and I've been able to configure the API using a Service Account with its ID and I've already shared my calendar with the new IAM email address that was ...
Yusuf Musa's user avatar
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how to determine number of files in a folder in Grive or list them by date ascending

I'm using the Gdrive Java API and the code I have to list a directory is: FileList result = driveService.files().list() .setPageSize(100) .setFields("nextPageToken, files(...
user2395365's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: getTransportChannel() called when needsExecutor() is true while getting gcp secret manager

I tried to use with dependency version google-cloud-secretmanager 2.13.0. is there anyone can help with this? Here is util class to get secret manager value. public String get(String secretName) { ...
Chan Myae Aung's user avatar
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You are not authorized to decode the requested integrity token while decoding play integrity token

I have followed all the steps outlined in to add Play Integrity to my Android library. Configured the app using this ...
rysv's user avatar
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Google Play Integrity API: PKIX path building failed: ....SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I encounter this exception while trying to decode the Play Integrity token on the server side: PKIX path building failed: unable to find ...
rysv's user avatar
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Why am I getting an "unknown error" after signing in with Google OAuth 2.0 and Java

I am using the Java Client Library to handle Google authentication for my app. Below is the code to handle the authentiation. It is almost exactly the same as the code featured on the Java quickstart, ...
Shynee's user avatar
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How to integrate Google Calendar client with GoogleCredentials in Java

Hi I am trying to use Google Calendar client with GoogleCredentials but not able to find any docs on how to make this work. Please add a doc or let me know how to make it work. package com.example; ...
Amit's user avatar
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142 views 500 Internal Server Error in Files list using query search

I am trying to query a list of root files and folders which are owned by me and along with items which are shared with me. So I am using this query - ((not 'me' in owners and sharedWithMe) or 'root' ...
Aman Singh's user avatar
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Youtube Data API - Java implementation

Been browsing for a while but can't find concrete answer whether the Java implementation of the Youtube Data API includes handling rate limits out of the box or is this something one has to account ...
davidoh9's user avatar
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Error trying to create an instance of GoogleIdTokenVerifier using the Java Google Client Api

i'm trying to integrate the google login function on my website and i'm following the relative google doc for the server side token validation:
Giacomo's user avatar
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Getting 400 when uploading video with YouTube API

When trying to upload a video using YouTube Data API, I get: Exception in thread "main" 400 Bad Request POST https://www....
Luís Soares's user avatar
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How to insert text to tablecell google doc api with java client libary

i want insert text to table 2x3, when insert text with new rows i see strange behavior. How to calculate correct index to insert content in tablecell, or document for that? List<Request> ...
MinhSu - Justin's user avatar
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Internal Server error in GoogleDrive V2 API when using maxResults param [closed]

I am using GoogleDrive's V2 java client library to list the files from my GDrive. I am getting the below error from Google end frequently. { "code" : 500, "errors" : [ { &...
Vijay's user avatar
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2 answers

Google cloud dataflow restapi always returns 403-SERVICE_DISABLED

I have this dependency <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>google-api-services-dataflow</artifactId> <version>v1b3-rev20221025-2....
Atanas S.'s user avatar
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What is the data processing latency for the Google Analytics data api for (GA4)?

I am reading the analytics data using API call found in this link Google Analytics Data API (GA4) What is the google delay to return all the info? for example, at 5 Am can I be sure I am receiving ...
Shila Mosammami's user avatar
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Caused by: The Application Default Credentials are not available

I'm working on an android app that interfaces with a google sheet. I was following the api documentation for writing values to certain cells but I'm getting this error here: Caused by:
Elliot Scher's user avatar
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Create a job on jobs google via api returns "The Application Default Credentials are not available" [closed]

I started to create an application for posting vacancies in I can not find an open api in order to post these vacancies directly on through it. Tell me how to do it. I found a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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google tag manager api createContainer return 404

When I use this api: getTagManager().accounts().containers().create(accountPath, container).execute(); return: Caused by: 404 Not ...
鸣泽高's user avatar
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How to check if we have more pages in GA4 using JAVA

I am reading the GA4 info according to the code sample provided here in Google Developers Documentation. I do not know how to check if there are more pages? looking at the result's size I guess I am ...
Shila Mosammami's user avatar
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Updating meeting recipient calendar through service account

Can my app update google calendar recipient meeting, if the recipient has given access to the service account of the App? When I try to do that, I get this message: Exception thrown: 403 Forbidden ...
Nisarg's user avatar
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Google authorization as a Service Account (Java)

I'm trying to get authorization through a Service Account to Google Sheets (No confirmation window). I can't find any information about it. If I use the method from
Vladislava Soboleva's user avatar
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Google Drive APIs returns 500 - Internal error when page size exceeds 150

I am using Google Drive's java Client Library to list and download files from my application. When trying to list files, I am getting 500 Internal Server error from Google. { "code" : 500, &...
kv stack's user avatar
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Handling DST in google api using java

I need to create some events and upload them to a google calendar. Now I have hit an unforeseen bump, as the times and timezone offset gets changed automatically, once uploaded. I am working with a ...
Stef's user avatar
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Excluding the transitive child dependency from included dependencies in Gradle

I'm facing this weird java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in my Groovy project, and I have it pretty much down to that there's some transitive grand-child dependency, that is being included by multiple child ...
Mike Warren's user avatar
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Google is presenting different certificates for the same Gmail API call

We are using Google's Gmail API ({userId}/history) in our application and the API is returning Certificate with different CNs: sometimes the CN is “google....
Nikhil's user avatar
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When my application is trying to access Google Drive API, I am getting 400 Bad Request

This my application worked successfully before. The issues appeared despite I did not change any application code. Neither I did any changes in the drive api console. Currently it is being ...
user299702's user avatar
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Weird java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying out the GMail API Quickstart

Problem In trying this quickstart example, and of course, refactoring it to my needs/coding style, I am facing this weird Error: Test Cases/Unit Tests/SMDEmailUtils FAILED. Reason: java.lang....
Mike Warren's user avatar
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3 answers

Compatibility problems when using 2.0.0 google-api-client for Gmail calls

I've been working on a little project that connects to the user's Gmail inbox and reads the mails using google-api-client 2.0.0 and google-api-services-gmail version v1-rev20220404-2.0.0 When I try to ...
Giovanni Grana's user avatar
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The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise - java android

I making an app using google drive to store files for user to their google drive I followed google developer guide in and when i press the ...
Arash Torkaman's user avatar
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Reading labels works but reading messages results in ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT

I have created one poc using Gmail API which read all email and print on console. I have take refrence from Gmail api Java quickstart. I have follows all the steps like create project, Gmail API ...
Bhautik Sakhiya's user avatar
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Gmail Send request results in "insufficient authentication scopes" error

I try to send mail use Gmail API. My code almost the same like in google tutorial, but when I invoice this send Message method I get error Request had insufficient authentication scopes. This is full ...
Aliaksandr Vysotskiy's user avatar
3 votes
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Spring Boot: No converter for [class]

I'm trying to export a document from Google Drive via their Drive API, and there's an example of it in the docs, but I didn't have any luck with it. Here's my code: @RequestMapping(value = "/test&...
Matej Martincevic's user avatar
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Google Client API and Gradle, package does not exist

This is my first time here on StackOverflow, therefore please forgive any possible mistake or lack of details when presenting my issue. I am trying to make a very simple book database manager for ...
Luca Domeneghetti's user avatar

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