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Undo a pull request and stash it

I pulled my 'preprod branch' into my 'master branch' which was 8 commits ahead of master and when I pulled it, It got commited to master but haven't pushed to master yet. I want to revert the pull ...
4LPH4's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't discard changes in git

A week or two ago I took some files that I had been archiving with a simple find |sed|tar|xz|gpg bash script, unpacked them all, and put their contents in a git repo, commited, put the next archives ...
Nero gris's user avatar
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Git: Is it possible to recover my local unstaged changes (which were once staged) after a git reset --hard? [duplicate]

I had some changes in my local branch which I added using git add -A. Then for some reasons I unstaged these changes by doing git reset. Then I opened GitExtensions and clicked on Reset all changes. (...
Ajinkya's user avatar
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Missing untracked files after soft reset

Originally I had commited to the wrong branch, wanted to take that back and commit to the right one (master). I wanted to go the route that is suggested in the accepted answer from How to fix ...
Sandro's user avatar
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GIT remove changes of specific commit from current HEAD

Assume I have recent changes added or not added to the index. Now I'm cherry-picking a specific commit without creating a new commit on my HEAD ... git cherry-pick -n <commit> How do I remove ...
codekandis's user avatar
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Git stash and reset not working as expected

I have unstaged changes (in tracked files) that I want to delete. I try running git stash then git stash drop, and the unstaged changes are still there. I try running git add -A and then git reset --...
wheeler's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I save work in progress without using git-stash?

I have a git directory with this situation: ProgSoul@PROGSOUL-LENOVO:~/esercizio3_2$ git status Sul branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) ...
Antonio Notarangelo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Undo git reset --hard after git stash pop

I had some changes in the stash that I attempted to recover using git stash pop. There were some merge conflicts, and rather than resolving them, I decided to just reset it. Unfortunately, in a moment ...
eirikir's user avatar
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Is "git clean" followed by "git stash clear" redundant when creating a pristine checkout?

I would like to write a script that guarantees a successful Git checkout without intervention from the user. I don't mind dumping anything that cannot be solved without user intervention: for example, ...
lofidevops's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I rework a git merge commit?

I would like to amend a merge commit which failed a unit test on our continuous integration server, but I don't want to leave a commit which fails tests in the history. Since this commit was only ...
Mark Booth's user avatar
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7 answers

Git cannot undo modified files

I just want to get back to a clean working directory, exactly as it was after my last commit. Git is reporting to me a load of file modifications that I haven't made, so I suspect it's something to do ...
WickyNilliams's user avatar
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Git recover stashed changes after merge --no-ff

I frequently use "git stash" and "git stash pop" to save and restore changes in my working tree. This is what I did and my previous uncommitted changes now are gone. git stash -u git checkout master ...
user43092's user avatar
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14 answers

Move existing, uncommitted work to a new branch in Git

I started some work on a new feature and after coding for a bit, I decided this feature should be on its own branch. How do I move the existing uncommitted changes to a new branch and reset my ...
Dane O'Connor's user avatar