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GCP Java dev_appserver Can't make API call memcache.Get in a thread that is neither the original request thread nor a thread created by ThreadManager

I've just migrated a hefty 50k lines codebase from the java8 runtime to the java17 runtime. We are using the updated appengine-api-1.0-sdk.jar library provided in the migration guide. I'm getting an ...
James's user avatar
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Connect Java Google AppEngine Local Standard Server to Cloud DB | appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.9.84.jar | IntelliJ & Cloud Code

EDIT2: I have managed to get past the GlobalDatastoreConfig has already been set error. I managed to pinpoint all the locations that were getting called before the init function. They were in static ...
James's user avatar
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From remote machine getting connection refused for GCP Bigquery

I am running a sample code from google to get a simple select query. Which is working fine in my local but from my k8s environment I am getting the below error Exception in thread "main" com....
Susanta Adhikary's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Google BigQuery Proxy settings in JAVA SDK

I am trying to use Google BigQuery SDK to do a query. It works fine on my local but in a VM it gets timed out all the time. My best guess is the proxy settings I have tried following way to set it but ...
Pritbh's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Google Dialogflow: The Application Default Credentials are not available

Hi I've an issue with Java SDK library for Google Cloud. I need to query Dialogflow V2 API and I'm using this SDK ( I've followed ...
HK15's user avatar
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Unable to make JDBC Connection to jdbc:google:mysql

I started learning about the google cloud platform and I have been able to create a project and an instance and then I created a db using a mysql dump file. Now, I have this application which was ...
Aria's user avatar
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3 answers

Datastore query with IN operator

The new flexible environment datastore interface does not seem to support IN operation when running a query. I hope that I'm wrong, and if so, how can one use an IN operator in the new Java interface ...
Ohad Navon's user avatar
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Gcloud PubSub Java implementation - java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException

I use the sample snippet from GCloud documentation to receive msg as a subscriber. My pubsub gcloud jar version is 0.19.0-alpha The problem is that I can receive the msg with attribute map but I ...
Mikey's user avatar
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Can someone help me add a new column in Google cloud Search Index using Java

I tried adding a new column to an existing search index but it is throwing an error, the error as stated below:- Field docname is present 0 times; expected 1 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ...
Jon's user avatar
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Can someone help me delete Google cloud Search Index using Java

Can someone help me delete Google cloud Search Index using Java or a sample script
Jon's user avatar
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9 votes
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Play server refuses to start with google-cloud dependency

I am trying to use google cloud data store in my play scala service (Play v2.5.7), because of which I am adding the google-cloud dependency in my build.sbt "" % "google-cloud" % "0.4....
Punit Agrawal's user avatar
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2 answers

How to override method in uber jar?

I am trying to use this code with Google Cloud Datastore: Query<Entity> query = Query.entityQueryBuilder() .kind("Task") .filter(PropertyFilter.hasAncestor( datastore....
Ron Topol's user avatar
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Is thread safe?

Is thread safe? More specifically, can one instance of Datastore be shared by multiple threads and can they all concurrently read from/write to the Cloud Datastore?...
Sai Pullabhotla's user avatar
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Using gcloud-java-datastore in Android app

I'm trying to use the gcloud-java-datastore library in an Android app project. However, I keep running into the following error when trying to build: Execution failed for task ':app:...
user58094's user avatar
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Datastore create child entities with gcloud-java

How can I create an entity with a parent (which I created earlier)? I didn't find anything in the docs which worked for me. Please provide an example of code of how to create an entity with a parent....
Luis Kleinwort's user avatar
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gcloud-java pubsub API : how to set "Return Immediately" flag

Using gcloud-java pubsub API 0.2.6 - how can I set "Return Immediately" flag to TRUE with the subscription pull?
Evgeny Minkevich's user avatar
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GCE how to add external IP to existing instance at boot

I'm using Gcloud-java to manage some VM instances. The code to create a new instance is clear and is the following: Address externalIp = compute.getAddress(addressId); InstanceId instanceId = ...
Michelantonio Trizio's user avatar
4 votes
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SSH Connection to GCLoud Instance from Java

There is 'gcloud compute ssh' command that allows to connect to Google Cloud instance and execute commands in console. How can I do that via Java GCloud API?
Sergey Grigorchuk's user avatar
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Why are Transactions not working as expected with Google Cloud Datastore using gcloud-java API?

I'm using the gcloud-java-datastore API (v0.2.3) to work with Google Cloud Datastore. Trying to use transactions to prevent simultaneous updates to a root entity I just can't seem to get the ...
Sai Pullabhotla's user avatar
6 votes
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GQL disallowed literal error, google datastore

I am trying to use GQL to get some data back from the datastore. When I do a SELECT * FROM Kind request, it works and I get data back. However when I try: SELECT * FROM kind where num < 1234 I ...
A Ba's user avatar
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How to use cursors for navigating to previous pages using GQL and the new gcloud-java API?

I'm using the new gcloud-java API ( for working with the Cloud Datastore. ...
Sai Pullabhotla's user avatar
4 votes
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Spring Boot with Google Cloud Datastore API fails to run

I am trying to configure Google Cloud Datastore API with Spring Boot in order to deploy it on Compute Engine. When I try to run the Spring Boot project locally, I keep on getting the following error ...
Shaheryar's user avatar
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how to deploy java web project using ant on gcloud vm instance

I have searched out for gcloud doc for java web project deployment but I got only maven project doc in result. Project already created in google cloud console and google sdk also installed.
Kushi Krishna's user avatar
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3k views Error getting access token for service account:

I am having a program will involves frequently accessing BigQuery using with default BigQueryOptions configuration However sometime I am getting error with ...
Xinwei Liu's user avatar
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gcloud-java datastore performance Issue

I am developing multiplayer game backend and I have decided to use Google Container Engine to install my docker image. As datastore, Google Datastore sounds fine but I have run some performance tests ...
firstthumb's user avatar
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How to fix error: A project ID is required for this service but could not be determined

I'm trying to insert data to Google Datastore from AppEngine and I'm getting an error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A project ID is required for this service but could not be determined from ...
Gregory Was's user avatar
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gcloud-java authentication datastore (upgrade to v1beta3 in 0.1.7/0.2.0)

I had a java GAE application running using gcloud-java 0.1.4 for some time and wanted to upgrade to gcloud-java 0.1.7/0.2.0, as we are experiences several 404s etc. (another problem). We are using ...
Henrik M's user avatar
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Model datastore application

I am looking how to create an efficient model which will satisfy the requirements I put below. I have tried using gcloud-node but have noticed it has limitations with read consistencies, references, ...
user2924127's user avatar
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How to add a list property to an entity using gcloud Java client?

I can set a property to a new entity: Entity.Builder builder = Entity.builder(actKey); builder.set("name", someName); I can see a method to add a list as a property: List<Value<String>> ...
Andrei Volgin's user avatar
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Send mail from GCLOUD to other email(gmail,yahoo). Like email verification link, subscription confirmation

import java.util.*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import javax.activation.*; public class SendEmail { public static void main(String [] args){ String to = "...
Gourab Paul's user avatar
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Retrieve the most recent file uploaded before a certain date from Google Cloud Storage

I'm trying to retrieve the most recent file uploaded before a certain time in a versioning-enabled GCS bucket. For example: $ gsutil ls -la gs://my-versioned-bucket/ 7 2016-02-28T23:59:27Z ...
dimo414's user avatar
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Get archived versions from Google Cloud Storage

How do I get a list of archived versions of a file via gcloud-java? I don't see an option in Bucket.list(), is there somewhere else I should be looking?
dimo414's user avatar
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How do I authenticate my Java application with Google Cloud Storage?

I am writing a Java application to interact with files in Google Cloud Storage. I found gcloud-java which I'm trying to get working. Looking at their examples it seems I should be able to simply run ...
dimo414's user avatar
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gcloud-java-storage Storage.BlobListOption.recursive(false) not working

I am trying to do an non-recursive list using gcloud-java storage on GCS bucket outside appengine based on this suggestion However it seems that its not working as expected, namely it is still ...
Xinwei Liu's user avatar
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Image or Pdf File download from Gcloud Storage is corrupted

I am using file downloaded from Gcloud storage as attachment to Mandrill API for sending as an attachment in email. The problem is it's only working for Text file, but for Image or Pdf, the attachment ...
pradex's user avatar
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Google Cloud Java Client library not compiling through gradle

I'm using google cloud endpoints as the backend server and google cloud storage to host the images for the project. Now I want to make an endpoint to upload a image file to the google cloud storage ...
penduDev's user avatar
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