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Introduce sequence gaps in a ggplot lineplot

This might be a duplicate, but none of the questions I found seem to help my case. I have a finaldf data frame that contains values at different time points, and specific time points are used as x-...
DaniCee's user avatar
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I can't remove the gaps between the edges of the cube in a sprite made from an SVG image

Most learned friends I have an SVG cube icon. I made a sprite out of it, but there are gaps between the edges of the cube that take on the background color of the div in which the cube is located. How ...
Evhen Bezliudnui's user avatar
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Circlize in R: Reducing gaps between sectors (gap.after) and adjusting the default ticks marks

Using the package circlize from R, My objective is to be able to reduce the default gaps generated between the sectors in the chord diagram. According to the manual, this is possible by passing the ...
Purrsia's user avatar
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How to leave gaps in plot of incomplete timeseries?

I'm plotting timeseries with gaps. Observations come from 6 different dates and lags between consecutive datapoints within each day are on average about 10 seconds. On some days observations window is ...
Brzoskwinia's user avatar
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Grouped UITableView is too transparent for row animations

I have a grouped UITableView with custom section header views and want to perform add/remove rows animation when user clicks on these header views: tableView.insertRows(at: rowsToInsertOrDelete, with: ...
Vyachaslav Gerchicov's user avatar
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Small gap despite same value for CSS offsets [duplicate]

I'm trying to add a small cut off corner effect to headers. It works in principle, but at some font sizes there is a gap between the header and the corner. It's likely this is OS and browser dependent....
fschulze's user avatar
-2 votes
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Unwanted margin in images which makes the spaces between the elements uneven- bootstrap

I have uneven gaps between images because of an unwanted margin tried checking for margins that may cause it in the CSS. tried adding margin-left:0px screenshot <div class="container-...
Bar Gabbai's user avatar
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Force MATLAB to plot date gaps as zero (instead of a line gradually changing)

Everyone wants to get rid of time gaps in plot, I want them to be shown! So I have a table in my workspace (tableM) with two variables (Date and Temperature). Date is in the "datenum" format. I have ...
PM0087's user avatar
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Horizontal gaps in an html email

I am trying to fix a problem with an html email where horizontal gaps appear between images that does not exist in the code. I have been on the site and have tried everything anyone has suggested to ...
Matthew Maia's user avatar
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Gaps in HTML emails in Outlook 2013

I'm having an issue with gaps appearing in Outlook / windows in an html email which I can't fix. It's a common problem I know and possibly something to do with col spans (judging by other posts). I've ...
Martin Roberts's user avatar
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Scaling results in gaps between CSS divs

I´m create a border with background-image propertie in div, and transform: scale for pattern is centred on page. In chroMe it works fine, but in Firefox and IE it have with gaps. What do I do for ...
user3216077's user avatar
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How do I make this tile-based GUI with GroupLayout (or any other layout!)

I am trying to achieve the following sort of tile-based setup : This is what my code is currently producing : Below is my current code snippet that is generating this. For clarification, I have ...
Billy M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Fill the Gaps between

I'ld like someone to tip me the way i can fill the gaps of the Grid View Listing. Below i've inserted all the CSS changes i have from it. Still can't figure it out out to fill the gaps... The Grid i'...
Bdalte's user avatar
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Jquery Mobile Panel Styling with fixed-toolbar

I set the width of my panel according to the sample in Everything goes fine, but my fixed toolber in the footer moves ...
KingMario's user avatar
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Heading and paragraph text together without space

I have - <p>some text as 'intro'</p> <h1>Big Text</h1> <p>some text as 'outro'</p> I have this set out on a background image, I have styled margins and fitted the ...
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How to delete the gap between north and south panel in java bordlayout

I use BorderLayout, I put something in north and something in south, but there always has a white line between this two panel (north and south), how to delete this line? I have try to setVGap and ...
Nasri's user avatar
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Qt:: how to get rid of the gap between widget and toolbar in a qmainwindow

basically I have a QLabel* in the mainwindow. I tried to set it as the centralWidget. When the program is running, it is fine if the mainWindow stays the original size. However, if I enlarge the size, ...
user1819047's user avatar
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4 answers

android: gap between icon and spinner

I would like to ask about the actionbar in the gmail app. In the main activity, there is a spinner in the actionbar (Inbox, Sent, etc.) and there is no title. I tried that in my app but there is a ...
MartinCz's user avatar
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Unusual Gap in HTML horizontal scrollbar

OK, i have a DIV with to scroll bars that are both required, and this is the simple layout I started with: <html> <head> <title>Testing</title> </head> <style> ....
William Troup's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Gap between <li>s

To avoid long lists I've got my li set to float: left so that they alternate rows. However, on occasion this causes an unintentional gap between elements when the content in a li takes up two lines. ...
Eva's user avatar
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Weird white gaps and horizontal scrolling issue

It seems I'm having an issue with a design I'm working on. I'm using the kickstart HTML framework but I have a couple issues. Firstly is that there is a very large white gap between the top of my ...
rich1334's user avatar
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footer not the same on every page

I am relatively new to coding, html etc, and have only really written two websites before this. I am a graphic designer by profession and I am attempting a website provided by a client. I am still ...
user1835495's user avatar
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3 related problems - gap in content wrapper/border, image height reduced and positioning of content div

The problems can be seen here: 1) the gap below the contentBorderImg 2) contentBorderImg reduces to 69 pixel height instead of 87 (18 px diff = same ...
user1803580's user avatar
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Automatically expanding gap in-between navigation buttons - CSS

I am making top navigation with CSS. Some of the buttons are floated to the left, and some of them to the right. There is empty gap-button in-between. How to make that gap auto-expandable so the whole ...
Edgaras Benediktavicius's user avatar
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3 answers

How to remove vertical gap between two cells in MigLayout?

Very simple question: How can I remove the vertical gap between the two cells containing the two JCheckBox? I have marked the gap in the picture with a red border. And here is the code: import javax....
brimborium's user avatar
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I have html,body and container div set to 100% height yet there is still a gap at top of page?

@charset "utf-8"; html { height:100%; } body { background-color:#000000; height:100%; } img { border-style: none; } container { background: #EEE; position:relative; width:763px; margin:auto; min-...
Keith Bolton's user avatar
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Gap between subviews of UIScrollView

I have two subviews of UIScrollView. One is textView and other is tableView. I made textview's height flexible based on its content, but I have one problem. If the text in the textview (which is ...
Benjamen's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Java FlowLayout - Margin/padding of specific elements?

I am very new to Swing, and I'm trying to make a GUI. Using Netbeans' GUI creator thing, I managed to make something I liked. But it makes me feel bad that I used the editor for this, so now I am ...
Jacob Brunson's user avatar
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java Gap between jframe and ImagePanel

I have a JLayeredPane that adds three objects, the problem is the backgroundImage when the app runs there is a gap between the jframe and the background image from the top which i set to (0,0) no ...
Fonzy's user avatar
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Horizontal paged UIScrollView with a gap between each view -- views aren't centered

Apple's WWDC 2010 Tutorial Video "Designing Apps with Scroll Views" works well with iOS 4, but with iOS 5 the pages are not centered: It seems that pagingScrollViewFrame.origin.x -= PADDING; doesn'...
noXare's user avatar
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UIView add subview gap

I know it's may be a stupid question to ask. But I am designing a single-view application in xcode 3 , ios 5. Programatically adding a subview and imageview to take up the whole screen. But it shows a ...
mahmud's user avatar
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Air-gap between top of page and first divs on page

here's sample html: <style type="text/css"> .column { float: left; width:33.3%; } #container { text-align: center; width:100%; } .clearfix { display: inline-block; } </style> <...
stackOverFlew's user avatar
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Flex: gap between graphics

I have a group with inside it 2 Graphics, I set the gap in the vertical layout of the group to 0 but there still is a gap of 1 pixel between the 2 graphics. Any idea how to get rid of this? <?xml ...
Pmarcoen's user avatar
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Space between anchor image within table data

Table data has border and a link image and some other anchor text below it. The problem is it has space between link, the solution I get from this here simply use vertical-align which remove the gap ...
Ardeus's user avatar
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how to remove the gap between the inline-block elements

.item-list { letter-spacing: -0.3em; } .item-list a { letter-spacing: 0; display: inline-block; } <div class="item-list"> <a href="#">a</a> <a href="#">a</...
timezhong's user avatar
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Strange gap between adjacent divs in IE8 quirks mode

I have a problem with IE8 in quirks mode. I have an outer div element that wraps two inner divs. <div style="margin-left:160px; margin-top:10px; margin-right:0px; height:10px; background:blue;">...
John's user avatar
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Gap between div when zooming in different navigators

I cant get rid of the gaps between divs when i scale or zoom the web page. In firefox it works like a charm, but when i try i IE9 1px row appears down, but nowhere else. If i try with safari, at "real ...
Spentamanyu's user avatar
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Java Swing Gridlayout VERTICAL constraint

Is it possible to add components in a Gridlayout verticaly ? I mean the next one above the previous one ? Thank you
Vincent Roye's user avatar
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Flex 4.6 CSS vgroup "gap" ignored

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" > <fx:...
Markus Rossler's user avatar
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reduce space between labels and radio group in java

I want to reduce the spacing between the labels and radio button group. Can you correct the formatting of labels and radio button group. I'm getting unnecessary spacing Also I want to change the ...
Tintu James's user avatar
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HTML line-height unwanted gaps

Line-height causes gaps between images and other elements but changing its value to 0 makes any text impossible to read, is there any easy fix for that? Imagine some repeatable DOM element like a ...
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How to force zero pixel Gap between Consecutive Cells in WPF DataGrid

i am building an application in WPF for a custom need. First i opted for custom controls, but later on figured out that much of what i needed was already implemented in Datagrid Control. However there ...
Bhavneet Singh Bajwa's user avatar
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Random gap between elements or divs

There is a weird gap appearing between the elements here. I would prefer to have them flush together. Any idea how to fix this? LINK
Brandon's user avatar
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How to remove NSMenuItem gap above custom view

I was looking for something discussed in following posts. Gap above NSMenuItem custom view. Reverse engineering an NSMenu for a Status Bar Item I tried the carbon code provided by Pierre Bernard ...
AmitSri's user avatar
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How do I dynamically create a collage (grid with no gaps) of images, where images have different heights?

I want to display a page of thumbnails. The thumbnails are user uploaded artwork images. Each image has a constrained width, but not a constrained height, this is to show the full image without any ...
Homan's user avatar
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UISegmentedControl without gaps between buttons

I want to remove splits (gaps) between buttons in UISegmentedControl. Segmented control is created with three images, each 60 pixels width, control is 180 pixels width. Style of segmented control is ...
Martin Pilch's user avatar
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Java Gui, gap between elements after hiding some of them

I am developing a GUI in java using Netbeans (7.0). I have a JFrame including a JPanel and several elements inside this panel. The layout type is free layout I think. draft: ------------------- |...
Steffen Kuehn's user avatar
16 votes
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Gap at top of page despite margin:0 and padding: 0

There's a 32px gap at the top of my site, despite setting margins and paddings to 0. I know it's 32px because I can fix it with padding: -32px. But then I have a gap at the bottom! In Firebug, it ...
MrB's user avatar
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jQuery Mobile grid space gap

I'm using jQuery Mobile layout grids with 2 columns but there's a space gap when the cell's height is different. Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=...
Diogo Cardoso's user avatar
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gridbadlayout vertical gaps

I'm making a panel with som buttons on it. But i want the buttons to touch each other, in other words, I want the vertical gaps to dissapear. But the buttons shouldn't be resized. How can I go ahead ...
Drareeg's user avatar
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