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3 votes
1 answer

Why Future(Failure(new Exception)) returns Success instead of failure?

I was trying the following and thinking that I'll get a failure val failure = Future { Failure(new Exception) } but instead I got Future(Success(Failure(java.lang.Exception))) Can anyone answer why?
Muskan Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Scala - Return value from Callbacks

I am fairly new to scala programming. Can someone please help me with return value from callbacks. How could I return a callback value as JsObject from the calling method? I am using the Play2 ...
user2918406's user avatar
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1 answer

Trying to make sequential executing of futures. What is wrong?

I am trying to execute function which returns Future sequentially So, I have a collection val in = Seq(1, 1, -1, -2, 3, -4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, -9, 1, 2, 2) and function to process every int in this ...
Остап Страшевский's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

When to use Scala Futures?

I'm a spark Scala Programmer. I have a spark job that has sub-tasks which to complete the whole job. I wanted to use Future to complete the subtasks in parallel. On completion of the whole job I have ...
Learnis's user avatar
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Computation with Futures avoiding Await method

I have funtion which is calling computeParallel() function which is calling 3 Futures F1,F2,F3 and returning String as return type. def computeParallel():String = { val f1 = Future { "ss" } ...
Learnis's user avatar
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2 answers

Parallel Computation with Scala Futures [closed]

I have a Function that computes two sub-functions like this. def someFutureMethod1(input: Int): Int = { input + 1 } def someFutureMethod2(input: Int): Int = { input + 12 } def ...
Learnis's user avatar
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how to execute code after the exception in scala using Try

i have two actors they can either return the Result which is a boolean value in my case or they can throw an exception here is my code val futureA: Future[Boolean] = ask(ActorA, MessageA(obj)).mapTo[...
sarah w's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Mantaining type information on the queue of tasks of a ThreadPool

I am self learning concurrency with the 2 very helpful books: - Concurrency in the JVM, from Brian Goetz. - Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala, from Aleksandar Prokopec. As a test to my ...
cmhteixeira's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Catching dangling or unused Futures in Scala

A common problem in our Scala code is that a call that returns a Future[T] will not be awaited (we commonly use the scala-async library because many of us are familiar with async/await from C#) or ...
Charles Crain's user avatar
0 votes
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Akka-Java: Unable to receive Future message in parent using pipe pattern

I am creating one child actor for one parent. My child actor perform some business logic and return value to scala Future. When i send Future message to my parent, i am unable to catch my future ...
Harmeet Singh Taara's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to catch RejectedExecutionException when using Scala futures?

Where should I catch RejectedExecutionExceptions when shutting down the executor ? I tried: future { Option(reader.readLine) } onComplete { case Success(v) => case ...
lisak's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to execute operation in scala with timeout?

Context: I want to write scalding job(hadoop) to crawl pages and I want to set timeout on url extraction(without timeout on URLConnection, I want generic solution for other timeout cases) i.e. map ...
yura's user avatar
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