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Email ID filter using freetext sql server

I cannot able to filter email from table using 'freetext' in sql server. For ex: select * from abc where column = '[email protected]' is getting all data having @ and .com think so.
Balajisriram S's user avatar
6 votes
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Full-text Index stop list for Persian language

I need to customize Full-text search for Persian language. And customize Stop/Noise words and synonyms for this language. My SQL Server version is 2016 and full-text search is installed.
Ahmad Zareei's user avatar
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Does dropping of non clustered index removes existing Full Text Indexing in SQL Server table?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TicketTasks] ( [TicketTaskId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL, [TicketTaskTypeId] [char](2) NOT NULL, [TicketId] [int] NOT NULL, [...
manu vijay's user avatar
1 vote
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How can i use full text index to find records which begin with a specific character or word?

I have the following query with LIKE condition: Select top 20 * from entity with(NOLOCK) where first like 'john%' The Above query will return the employee whose first name starts with John. Now the ...
Avi's user avatar
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FullText Index first Match position

I want to do FulltextSearch columns in a table to find CompanyInfo that use keyword "Internet Of things" and at what position in Company Description is this word found. Company table has ID, ...
user2726975's user avatar
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Creating a full text search on xml column

I searched much in internet about "Creating a full text search on xml column". I found this link but this link does not work. EDITED: create ...
user2111639's user avatar
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SQL Server Thesaurus XML File

Is there somewhere I can get the xml thesaurus file such as english, french, russian, polish and italian from the web (for SQL Server that is)?
Mark Kelvin Mojagan's user avatar
3 votes
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Sql Full-Text Query Expression, How to know which forms of synonyms match by sql?

I am using Sql Full-Text Query expression to find out the inflectional word from given table. My sql query are look like select * from Production.Product where CONTAINS(*,'FORMSOF(inflectional,"...
Aamir's user avatar
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Syntax error on full text search

I am trying to do a search where the data can match any set of columns. When I run this DECLARE @Name varchar(80) = 'wisr aaron' SELECT ID FROM Data WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE CONTAINS(*, @Name) ...
James A Mohler's user avatar
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Can I use full text search a row in a table where the condition is an array of values from a select query?

I want to create a view and I want to do a full text search of a row using a set of keywords. These keywords exist in a table in the database. So is it possible to do something like below where I can ...
Diskdrive's user avatar
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Full text search constain multiple criteria

I'm using full text search with SQL Server 2008. I want to search in 2 columns with different criteria. Example: column name : contains(name,'"ma*"') column address : contains (address, 'tr') When ...
Hichem Haddad's user avatar
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Error 948 on sql server 2008 when trying to attach semanticsDB

When i'm trying to attach semanticsDB, it says that the database semanticsdb is version 693 but mine is 661. Is there a way to run the semantic search (
Lorenzo's user avatar
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SQL Server full text search not returning correct number rows

I have strange problem. Table has a computed column with full text search in this column. When I using query: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE CONTAINS (ComputedColumn, 'David') 2 rows returned. ...
PaataPP's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 missing thesaurus xml and ftdata folder

I've recently installed SQL Server 2008, and I've tried the full text search and now I need to use the thesaurus for synonymous but I can't find any xmq and the ftdata folder which I read should ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Syntax error trying to see sys.dm_fts_index_keywords

Trying to run SELECT * FROM sys.dm_fts_index_keywords( DB_ID('database_name'), OBJECT_ID('table_name') ) against the table with the index and I get a syntax error If I run in on master I get ...
Doug Farrell's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 Full text search stopwords

I have row values like "", "" for a column When I do full text search by shop, I can get "" but not "". I am using SQL Server 2008. Please help me on the same
Ashok's user avatar
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SQL freetext() not working on some columns

I have a table which contains 7 columns and I have created a full text index on the table. However I noticed that a search using freetext() does not return any rows on 2 of the columns Its returns ...
Poornima Nayar's user avatar
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How can I customize fulltext search without sys.dm_fts_parser

What I want to be able to do is send a query into a full-text search that returns only the results that match ALL words. The default implementation of full-text search seems to match ANY words in the ...
Oran D. Lord's user avatar
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Restricting SQL full text search to beginning of text or determining word position

I'm using full text search in SQL Server 2008 R2 and it works well. I have a new requirement where I need to be able to search just the first 100 words or so of an nvarchar(max) column that is part of ...
Ben Amada's user avatar
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Is there a way to select a document that contains a word not followed by a particular word in full text?

I have a table named Documents that has Content field full text indexed Now i need to create a query in such a way that the query should return docs that have at least one word "hello" that does not ...
Sameer's user avatar
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Fulltext index search on sqlserver 2008 view

While I'm trying CREATE VIEW [dbo].[FULLTEXT_VIEW] WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ID, NAME FROM [dbo].VIEW_TABLE GO I always get this message: Cannot schema bind view 'dbo.FULLTEXT_VIEW'. 'dbo....
Gerry I.'s user avatar
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Full text search is not working if search for characters anywhere in the string

I have created a full text search index on ClientReference column but it doesn't work if i want to search for characters appearing any where in the string. String = ' abcdef ' This won't work; ...
user1263981's user avatar
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Questions in regards to full-text search with PDF SQL Server 2008 restricted to embedded text only?

What i'm curious about is lets say I have 100 pdfs. And all of them have the words "happy apple". Lets say that only 20 of these have embedded text that has "happy apple". When i do a search for "...
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Full text search using contains shows different results with same database content

I have 2 databases with full text search installed. One with real data and the other one just for testing. Now my problem is I am having different search results with the same query. Databases: ...
Adrian Enriquez's user avatar
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Return all rows indexed by FullText

In SQL Server 2008, I have OneTable that contains OneTextColumn that was full-text indexed. Is there a way to find out what records of OneTable DID result in at least one record in the full-text ...
leoinfo's user avatar
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FullText Index does not work even after I created them

Here is the error I get: Message: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server] Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view 'database.dbo.crm_main' because it is ...
Bill Software Engineer's user avatar
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SQL Server Free Text Search vs In clause

I am currently using IN clause on a varchar field. Will using Contains of FTS help in performance? For e.g. Select * from Orders where City IN (‘London’ , ‘New York’) vs Select * from Orders ...
Rahul's user avatar
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NHibernate LinqToHqlGenerator for SQL Server 2008 full text index 'Containing' keyword

I think I'm missing something fundamental when implementing a LinqToHql generator class. I've successfully registered the SQL Server 2008 contains query using a custom dialect with this registration: ...
David Montgomery's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008: Turn off select stop words for full text search query using CONTAINS

Have an app that was using Microsoft SQL Server and needed to search data, found that for queries that had been like "series 6" or "series 66" would return results just if they had 'series' and ...
lleemon's user avatar
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MS SQL SERVER FTS FREETEXTTABLE search by part of word

I use FTS and it returns for query "Møreforsking" results contains "Møre" as a separate word. I understand that "Møre" and "forsking" are different words and can be use separatly. How can I avoid ...
BotanMan's user avatar
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T-SQL Contains not working for values with point as 2nd or 3rd symbol

There is a SQL statement, generated by stored procedure, looking like this: SELECT Id, Name FROM UInstitutions as UI WHERE Contains(UI.Name, @ParamName) It seems that if value has dot (.) as second ...
Arnthor's user avatar
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SQL Fuzzy Matching

Hope i am not repeating this question. I did some search here and google before posting here. I am running a eStore with SQL Server 2008R2 with Full Text enabled. My requirements, There is a ...
Jeyara's user avatar
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SQL SERVER 2008 how to use CONTAINSTABLE with 'ISAbout', 'AND','Weight(1.0)' Clause?

I have used the following, but giving error:- SELECT Main.Id, Main.Catid, Main.ParentId, Main.ARelation, Main.CRelation, Mytbl.RANK FROM A as Main INNER ...
user3007368's user avatar
5 votes
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Using full-text search with PDF files in SQL Server 2008

I have SQL Server 2008 R2 and am trying to implement full-text search on a PDF BLOB. I have installed the iFilter from Adobe and confirmed it is installed Using EXEC ...
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How to create full text index for a multi language column?

I have a table called TestTable with the below schema. --------------------------------------------------------- ID(Integer) | Text(nvarchar(450)) | LanguageCode(Integer) -----------------------------...
fr21's user avatar
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Moving form Full text search in Sql Server To MySql

I already have a product in production where i used Entity Framework with SQL Server as db. I've used full text search wherein i store binary data (filestream) along with the file extension which is ...
Wali's user avatar
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Possible to use fulltext indexes with views in SQL Server?

Is it possible to use FULLTEXT indexing with a view in Sql Server without creating the index on the view itself? I was quite surprised to find that using CONTAINS(,) to query a column in a view doesn'...
Cirdec's user avatar
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Can you use DOES NOT CONTAIN in SQL to replace not like?

I have a table called logs.lognotes, and I want to find a faster way to search for customers who do not have a specific word or phrase in the note. I know I can use "not like", but my question is, ...
user2785195's user avatar
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Build a dynamic search like apple - Simply need direction/guidance

I know this has been asked before, but I simply need educated advice on a direction to go. I'm using SQL Server 2008 and have recently upgraded to full-text search. I'm using HTML, jQuery, and can ...
user1447679's user avatar
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How do I stop SQL 2008 throwing errors when Full Text Search is not installed?

I am calling IF (0 = FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY('IsFullTextInstalled')) RETURN; at the beginning of my full text search stored procedure. This should force the stored procedure to exit if full text ...
John Doherty's user avatar
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sql server cannot return right fulltext search result for excel document

I am using sql server 2008 ,and have started fulltext service,and install 2010 ifilter from microsoft for it also. Then I have a table with a filestream column ,add create fulltext index for it. ...
Jane Hsiun's user avatar
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rebuild fulltext catalog will invoke a full population in sql server 2008

I had set Change Tracking to Manual,when I execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'myfulltextCatalog','rebuild', a rebuilding is started.But I have found that the PopulateStatus of the fulltext catalog is ...
Jane Hsiun's user avatar
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Cannot find my search "iso" in a word "TESTISOTEST" by using FREETEXTTABLE

First, i'm starting to implement a fulltext search on a table of 12 millions of rows. So maybe I have not yet understood all of its intricacies. :) All those 12 millions of rows seem to indexed ...
Sébastien.B's user avatar
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singular and plural search in database

I want to implement searching like following criteria : search should perform according to multiple keyword, for ex. keyword = Man, cat, bat search should match singular and plural of the keyword if ...
Hiren Dhaduk's user avatar
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SQL Server Full-Text Search for exact match with fallback

First off there seems to be no way to get an exact match using a full-text search. This seems to be a highly discussed issue when using the full-text search method and there are lots of different ...
bfritz's user avatar
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Best way to compare one column value with the words contained in the other column

My table structure is something like below. Products { product_name, brand, model} All are varchar fields (there are more fields but they are not related to my issue. There are nearly 5000000 in ...
Ankit's user avatar
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Spell check and word suggestion script in SQL Server

I'm developing a web application using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2008. I have about 1,000,000 articles in my DB and I've activated Full-Text-Search. Now, I want to search in articles and I need 3 ...
Amir Pournasserian's user avatar
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Syntax error when using NEAR with maximum_distance value

How do I modify this query to search for the keywords that are only two words apart? select id, SubjectText from where contains ([ContentText],'execute NEAR class near program near code ...
user2275826's user avatar
2 votes
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Create Full Text index script on all columns without specifying each column by name

How can I have a full text index on all columns without specifying individual column names via script in SQL Server? My table has 50 columns, and I'd like the full text index to cover them all. Can ...
krishnakishore's user avatar

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