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2 answers

Nginx cannot connect fluentd in EFK stack

I am setting up a stack with an application consisting of nginx, redis, mysql, myapp. Nginx proxies requests to myapp. I want to send logs from nginx to EFK stack, but an error occurs when starting ...
Rostislav Udaltsov's user avatar
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1 answer

fluentd doesn't tag the events properly

I have a simple fluentd configuration: <source> type forward </source> <source> type tail path /var/log/nginx/access.log pos_file /var/log/td-agent/nignx-access.log tag ...
tyrell_c's user avatar
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fluentd and nginx access log format

how can I write the regex for the following nginx access log format in fluentd ? log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $request ' '"$status" $...
Ayman Al-Shorman's user avatar