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Fluentd to Kafka on Kubernetes connection Issues

I'm having issues connecting Fluentd to Kafka for a centralized logging PoC I'm working on. I'm currently using the following configuration: Minikube Fluentd fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset:v1....
Kevin Baker's user avatar
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2 votes
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Get logs from kafka and send to loki

hope you're all well during this pandemic. I've got a kubernetes cluster running. The comunication between pods is done through kafka. It is currently logging to stdout only. No files. no kafka topic. ...
Semar Martins's user avatar
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Fluentd is unable to establish connection with Kafka brokers: Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer

I have configured a fluentd sidecar container to send logs to kafka. Here is my fluent.conf file: <source> @type forward bind port 24224 </source> <match log.default>...
bakadevops's user avatar
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Which server logging solution is less processor consuming among Kafka, Fluentd and Logstash?

I have a distributed logging system to monitor load-balanced server entities. It is basic for me, that the server does not invest a lot of processor time in the logging process, allowing the ...
Evhz's user avatar
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