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1 answer

failed to write data into buffer by buffer overflow action=:throw_exception

I have deployed fluentd as kubernetes pod to upload the kubernetes log to AWS OpenSearch. Initially for first few days it was working properly(sending log to AWS OpenSearch), after few days the latest ...
Naveen R's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Troubleshooting Fluentd as a Log Aggregator: Connectivity Issues

I am having trouble sending API logs from one Fluentd server to another, and then to Elasticsearch. When ! tried sending logs directly from one Fluentd server to Elasticsearch, it worked fine. Now, I ...
vidhi yadav's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Log parsing in fluentd

I deploy my Kubernetese projects, I do log management with EFK stack. This is current log displayed in Kibana. Now I want this log string to be 'broken' into new tags. In this case: fluentd version: ...
kernel's user avatar
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FluentD elasticsearch Plugin @type elasticsearch_data_stream with dynamic datastreams

update-1: I have made some progress on this, by defining a concrete data_stream_name in match. The only thing left is to figure out a way to do dynamic data stream. I am updating the code sample below ...
Rishi's user avatar
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1 answer

fluentd(td-agent) output file, Time is missing from the filename

I want to get help. There is a message as below. The message is being received and saved to a file. I want to display the time in the file name, but it's failing. Env td-agent 4.3.1 fluentd 1.14.6 ...
ddakker's user avatar
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EFK stack - fluentd not sending logs to ElasticSearch

I am working on a EFK stack for log management in microservices. Problem statement: Unable to send logs to ElasticSearch from Fluentd, though it was was working earlier with the same setup. ...
Mohit Aggarwal's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Nginx cannot connect fluentd in EFK stack

I am setting up a stack with an application consisting of nginx, redis, mysql, myapp. Nginx proxies requests to myapp. I want to send logs from nginx to EFK stack, but an error occurs when starting ...
Rostislav Udaltsov's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to add FluentD to my workflow but it fails to connect

I was looking through github bugs and noticed some similar but different things and I am really really confused as to how to implement FluentD with a Securely enabled Elasticsearch flow. The Error I ...
Fallenreaper's user avatar
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fluentd indices not adding to elasticsearch and kibana

I've deployed EFK stack in IBM Kuberentes cloud by following the step by step guide from this article. Every deployment is done successfully, all EFK stack are deployed fine, but I'm unable to find ...
harish hari's user avatar
1 vote
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Fluentd unable to send logs to Elasticsearch

Images being used here are: fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset:v1-debian-elasticsearch Fluentd is able to place the logs in file-test.log file ...
Shushruth Ad's user avatar
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How to expand keys in flunetd with logs in sorted way (latest logs should be on top)

I'm using EFK stack. My flunetd configuration is: <parse> @type multi_format <pattern> format json time_key time time_type string time_format "%Y-%m-%...
Shrikar's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

fluentd elasticsearch plugin - The client is unable to verify that the server is Elasticsearch

I want to send some nginx logs from fluentd to elasticsearch , however, fluentd is unable to start due to following error message: The client is unable to verify that the server is Elasticsearch. ...
rugby2312's user avatar
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Disable mapping for a specific field using an Index Template Elasticsearch 6.8

I have an EFK pipeline set up. Everyday a new index is created using the logstash-* prefix. Every time a new field is sent by Fluentd, the field is added to the index pattern logstash-*. I'm trying to ...
Saad Malik's user avatar
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Build the EFK system used for simulating logging server on Docker

I want to simulate laravel logging to EFK system server Base on this, I build up two container. One of laravel project's container. The ohter is EFK system container but EFK's fluentd does not catch ...
Henry Kao's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

EFK system is build on docker but fluentd can't start up

I want to build the efk logger system by docker compose. Everything is setup, only fluentd has problem. fluentd docker container logs 2022-02-15 02:06:11 +0000 [info]: parsing config file is ...
Henry Kao's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

failed to write data into buffer by buffer overflow action=:block

Can someone help me about this issue
Anup's user avatar
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FluentD, grep only specific logs events

I have logs, and I want to grep only the logs and send to Elasticsearch which contains 'error="400 - Rejected by Elasticsearch' and 'failed to parse field' and ignore the others. log:2022-02-04 ...
Anup's user avatar
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1 answer

failed to flush the buffer in fluentd looging

I am getting these errors during ES logging using fluentd. I'm using fluentd logging on k8s for application logging, we are handling 100M (around 400 tps) and getting this issue. I'm using M6g.2xlarge(...
Anup's user avatar
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0 answers

Fluentd Throwing error and not uploading data to Elastic

unexpected error error_class=Elasticsearch::UnsupportedProductError error="The client noticed that the server is not a supported distribution of Elasticsearch."
Muhammad Ansab's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Fluent Bit 1.8+ and MULTILINE_PARSER

My goal is to collect logs from Java (Spring Boot) applications running on Bare Kubernetes. These logs are then translated into ES and visualized in Kibana. For these purposes I deployed Fleunt Bit 1....
Maksim's user avatar
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4 answers

How to connect fluentd to opendistro for elasticsearch

I have created a docker file : FROM fluentd:v1.14.0-debian-1.0 USER root RUN ["gem", "install", "fluent-plugin-elasticsearch", "--no-document", "--version&...
Alexander Mladzhov's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to remove the unwanted characters from fluentd logs

Currently I am sending my Kubernetes logs to cloud watch using Fluentd, but when I check the logs in cloudwatch, the logs are having extra unicode characters. I tried different ways to and regexp to ...
balu's user avatar
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1 answer

OpenShift Logging: How do I make Kibana group lines of a stack trace into one record?

Context I have the Red Hat OpenShift Logging Operator installed in a cluster, explained on this page. This is basically an EFK stack (ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana). Normally with Fluentd you can ...
M455's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

FluentD forward logs from kafka to another fluentD

I need to send my application logs into a FluentD which is part of an EFK service. so I tried to config another FluentD to do that. my-fluent.conf: <source> @type kafka_group consumer_group ...
Sina's user avatar
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4 votes
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Fluentd - How to parse logs whose messages are JSON formatted parsed AND whose messages are in text; as is without getting lost due to parse error

I have certain log messages from certain services that are in JSON format; and then this fluentd filter is able to parse that properly. However with this; it discards all other logs from other ...
Alex Punnen's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to parse a fluent-bit json $log.<field> key?

I have the following log to be parsed: TID: [-1234] [] [2021-05-31 09:53:26,680] - Unique ID: Evento_Teste, Event: {"event":{"metaData":"blue"}} And below the ...
Kleyson Rios's user avatar
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Fluentd JSON logs truncate/splitting after 16385 characters- How to concate?

I have deployed Bitnami EFK stack on K8s environment: repository: bitnami/fluentd tag: 1.12.1-debian-10-r0 Currently, one of the modules/applications inside my namespaces are configured to ...
kishorK's user avatar
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EFK stack JSON log not being shown

I have deployed an EFK stack in a Kubernetes cluster. I have configured it in a way where fluentd will fetch Nginx logs as well as PHP logs( both are in JSON format and both are one JSON log per line )...
stefantigro's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchOutput::RecoverableRequestFailure error="could not push logs to Elasticsearch cluster

I am getting this error from the fluentd pods and they keep restarting. I am running this on kuberentes v1.17.9-eks-4c6976. Not sure of what the cause is. Any help would be appreciated. /usr/local/...
David Essien's user avatar
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-1 votes
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EFK stack wit geoip data

Hello please can someone advise on following issue: I have AKS kubernetes cluster and I am using EFK stack to get logs. Fluentd is running in pods. I have nginx application pod for which I parse log ...
Palino1611's user avatar
1 vote
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Fluentd - Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)

In an EFK setup, the fluentd suddenly stopped sending to elasticsearch with the following errors in the logs: 2020-09-28 18:48:55 +0000 [warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting ...
imriss's user avatar
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Host journal logs no present in EFK Kubernetes stack

I'm using kube-fluentd-operator to aggregate logs using fluentd into Elasticsearch and query them in Kibana. I can see my application (pods) logs inside the cluster. However I cannot see the journal ...
Paul's user avatar
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kubernetes container_name got null in fluentdconfiguration

I try to get log from my application container and attach fluentd log agent as sidecar container in my project. And I want to get which log is coming from which application in my Kibana dashboard. ...
Pyae Phyoe Shein's user avatar
1 vote
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How i filter fluentD logs on kubernetes?

My kubernetes have liveness enable, and it log on application, like this: kubectl logs -n example-namespace example-app node-app ::ffff: - - [17/Sep/2020:14:12:19 +0000] "GET /docs HTTP/...
Rafael Santos's user avatar
0 votes
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Parse multiline logs as a single event in Fluentd

We have EFK implemented on Openshift Container Platform version 4.3. Issue: Multiline logs such as Java Stack trace, SQL queries are not getting parsed as a single event in Fluentd and because of this ...
PrashantS's user avatar
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Fluentd. Why aren't custom logs delivered to Elasticsearch (EFK)?

For testing, I created a file in my home directory: touch /home/testuser/test.log I use td-agent to deliver logs to Elasticsearch (EFK). This is my test configuration in td-agent.conf: <source> ...
Alexey Nakhimov's user avatar
2 votes
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Why Fluentd-elasticsearch cannot send logs to elasticsearch?

I have deployed EFK stack on Kubernetes and I get following error messages and looks like Fluentd cannot communicate with elasticsearch. [warn]: [elasticsearch] Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, ...
kishorK's user avatar
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EKS EFK logging approach

I am trying to decide an approach for logs processing in a EKS cluster. Idea is to use EFK. We thought we can use fluentd to push the logs to elastic search. But most of the blogs uses fluentd to send ...
Jai's user avatar
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2 answers

Set fluentD elastic-search index dynamically

I'm trying to forward logs to elastic-search and got stuck with setting the index dynamically (by field in the input data). My input data format is JSON and always have the key "es_idx". I wish to ...
Shalom Balulu's user avatar
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Find the timestamp of last buffer flush in Fluentd

I am new to Fluentd (and the hole EFK stack). I have Fluentd which sends the logs to Elasticsearch (both in Kubernetes) and I am trying to find a way to find the time when the last (successful) flush ...
aliench0's user avatar
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EFK - Have preconfigured filter by container that will appear in Kibana

I've got the EFK stack installed on kubernetes following this addon: What I want to achieve is having all ...
citizen d's user avatar
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Need to restrict user in Kibana to access specific application logs in EFK

I would like to implement elastic search and Kibana instance as shared between multiple users, where multiple users can have their applications(services) and write their logs in the same of different ...
Achyut's user avatar
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Openshift applications logs forward to a single file

how can I forward my applications logs in Openshift to a single file on my filesystem? It is possible with fluentd? BR
pablo's user avatar
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Logs are not shown in order after shipped to Elasticsearch using Fluentd

We have an application deployed in Kubernetes and all applications are configured to log to stdout.We use fluentd DaemonSet to collect logs from /var/lib/docker/containers/ folders and ship them to an ...
Chamila Liyanage's user avatar
2 votes
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Using fluentd, I want to output only one key data from json data

I want to output the kubernetes log to a file. but, I could only output it as json data. I want to output only "message" part to file. How do I choose "message" to print? Which filter should I choose?...
ddakker's user avatar
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Display Version, container name, timestamp in Kibana with EFK

I have a PHP app deployed with Dockerfile, using EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Fluent-d, and Kibana) and I'm using "Logger\FluentLogger" plugin to send the log to the elasticsearch. $logger = new ...
Markus's user avatar
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Side Effects When Using fluentd logging driver with Docker

I am setting up an EFK stack which works as expected but came with a few drawbacks that I would like to work around. If my fluentd instance is not running, other containers using that use the fluetnd ...
leeman24's user avatar
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td-agent is unable to ship logs from file when the file contains a single multiline log

td-agent unable to ship logs from line when log file contains single multiline logs. The logs are not picked up by td-agent until a new line is added Installed td-agent on a windows machine. ...
Paras Bothra's user avatar
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fluentd config to parse auth.log

I'm using the following config to have fluentd read the auth.logs and send it to elastic search but i'm faced with an error saying pattern doesn't match and the logs are not pushed to ES. I'm using ...
nevosial's user avatar
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How to install Fluentd plugins on k8s

I have set up EFK on Kubernetes, currently I have access only to logs from logstash but wondering how can I install some plugins for Fluentd in order to get some logs from eg. NGINX which I use as a ...
camel's user avatar
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