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4 votes
2 answers

How to scale and weight fitness of a given values?

I'm working on a GA. My problem is as follows. I have a fitness function which takes a couple of values: A - value which is huge, but less important for example 999999. (weight of importance 30% ...
Paweł Cieśluk's user avatar
-1 votes
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Training on a fitness function

I am looking at FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) to create a neural network to drive a car around a track in a simulation. It's possible to train on a fixed data set, but this isn't suitable for ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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Evolutionary Algorithm is not improving

Over the weekend I tried building a Neural Network, which improves using an evolutionary algorithm. I ran it for 5000 generations in the Cartpole environment of openai ( but it ...
Kay Jersch's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Fitness function for Ball and beam

I have problem to be solved and any constructive help would be good. Anyway, I have to make genetic algorithm that creates neural network for solving problem Ball-and-Beam. Only fitness function ...
MarkoPolo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Your fitness function must return a scalar value

I tried to perform an optimization using a neural network and the genetic algorithm. I trained a neural network with input p (4x72 matrix) and target t (2x72 matrix). Regrading the optimization using ...
Bharathwaj Krishnamoorthi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

fitness in inverted pendulum

What is the fitness function used to solve an inverted pendulum ? I am evolving neural networks with genetic algorithm. And I don't know how to evaluate each individual. I tried minimize the angle ...
user1931907's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Issue in solving XOR using neural network and genetic algorithm

I'm trying to solve XOR problem using neural network. For training I'm using genetic algorithm. But after a certain number of generations (200), the error stuck in 1. And the outputs are correct ...
user1931907's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Genetic algorithms: fitness function not working properly

I have a binary dataset of (m x n) m instances and n features with m >> n. And there is a target Variable or Class attribute, also binary. I want to do feature selection using genetic algorithm. I ...
user76170's user avatar
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