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Assigned values have not the same length - Python

I am working on Genetic Algorithm, particularly finding the fitness of population. But it has the #TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len() Python suggests me a reference code: /usr/local/lib/...
Jess's user avatar
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Python DEAP - Custom fitness function

My question is about the possibility to implement a custom fitness function in DEAP/Python in my Genetic Programming implementation. After search and reading DEAP official documentation, i don't find ...
Cristiano Siebert's user avatar
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Defining a fitness function in the genetic algorithm

I'm in the process of developing a simple application that uses the genetic algorithm for scheduling a timetable. I had a look at various examples and most of them appear to be using the algorithm to ...
Al Capone's user avatar
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Genetic algorithm not producing better results

I'm running a genetic algorithm to train a set of Hunters to learn to capture as many Elephants as possible. Basically, there's ~20 Hunters that move around in a 2D Grid environment, and 4 Hunters ...
OMGitzMidgar's user avatar
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Specific Genetic Algorithm Cost Function [closed]

I am assigned the task of creating a genetic algorithm which is an allocation problem where the object is to allocate components into two racks of equipment minimizing the degree of interconnect. ...
Michael Miner's user avatar
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Solve crossword puzzle with genetic algorithm, fitness, mutation

I'm trying hard to do a lab for school. I'm trying to solve a crossword puzzle using genetic algorithms. Problem is that is not very good (it is still too random) I will try to give a brief ...
blitzqwe's user avatar
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