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Jboss start - diable following ports 1090 1091 1098 1099 4446 by default

When we start Jboss, ports 1090 1091 1098 1099 4446 are opened by default. I am told that opening of these ports can be a security issue and we need to close these ports by default. Is there a way ...
SarfarazKhan's user avatar
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Why don't I get a firewall warning when using minecraft for the first time?

When I installed Minecraft and started the program, I didn't get a firewall warning. Minecraft is totally written in java. When I wrote a simple java program by myself and I used sockets for ...
user2190492's user avatar
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How can I instruct windows to report the name of my java app instead of java.exe

Firewall problem: When I run a jar or a class in windows, windows reports it as java.exe. How can I instruct windows to report it with the name of the jar or class. Eg. java -jar myapp.jar The ...
Leon's user avatar
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SocketException in a Signed Java Applet

I have a Java applet which is using the Apache API for FTP. I initially ran the applet without signing it, and it threw a SocketException : Software caused connection abort I looked ...
Rajkiran's user avatar
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Java EE Web App Firewall

I'm looking for a nice rules-based web app firewall (WAF) that I can use with my Java EE web app (WAR). So far I have scouted out Stinger from OWASP and ModSec (for Java). Stinger is newer but is not ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
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UnknownHostException for server java

I am not able to connect to an remote known server through Java code; the exception while connecting is No route to host. But strangely, I am able to connect to same ...
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