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Add an unsafe header in a content-script for a single request

In a browser extension I'm creating I need to process an ajax request made in a content-script. Although the url has the same host that the page we're into, it turns out I need to add some unsafe ...
Eric Roy's user avatar
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Xhttp is not firing request in firefox add on

I am trying to make an add on which records the URLs I visits. the data is supposed to be posted to my site. I have manifest.json { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "add_link", "version": "1.0",...
dileep nandanam's user avatar
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Change value of input in XHR request with JQuery

I'm currently developing an webextension for Chrome and Fiferox. I'm loading some Html content using a get request and I need to change one of the inputs values in the HTML data response before insert ...
Alks's user avatar
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Firefox extension missing Referer url in ajax header when making ajax calls

I am trying to make an ajax call to a server and the server needs referer url to identify my request $.ajax({ url: abc + '/123/xyz/', cache: false, ...
Osama.070032's user avatar
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Writing Firefox extension for a page with AJAX [duplicate]

I'm learning to create Firefox extensions. Now I wrote a simple test extension that changes all images on the page to my image: var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var myimgURL = ...
Alexander Rysev's user avatar
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JavaScript Ajax request from Firefox browser action popup [duplicate]

I am trying to create an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. I have created a popup for browser action toolbar icon. Now I just want to make an AJAX request on clicking a button in the popup. How can I do ...
Anoop Mayampilly Muraleedharan's user avatar
2 votes
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Firefox WebExtensions API how to make AJAX call to current tab website

I want my web extension to make an AJAX call to the website which the user is currently looking at. I know that the current website has an endpoint available at /foo/bar?query=. Is there anything ...
harvzor's user avatar
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jQuery.ajax() blocked due to CSP within WebExtension

I'm developing a Mozilla Firefox extension, which needs to communicate with my server on localhost:8080. jQuery.ajax({ type: query_method, url: "http://localhost:8080/item", ...
hwding's user avatar
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WebExtension - Inject CSS on <head> that might change/isn't unique

My WebExtension has options, such as "hide footer". Problem is that I can't manipulate DOM on document_start, because the <footer> doesn't exist yet. Injecting the code on document_end works, ...
Qluvyy's user avatar
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Listen in Content Script for when AJAX response changes textarea val

I'm writing a WebExtension for a text editor. When the user clicks a button, format the editor fires an ajax request and then returns the formatted text. I need my addon to listen for a change in the ...
Nevermore's user avatar
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How to override XMLHttpRequest in Firefox's WebExtension

I am trying to override the method in Firefox's WebExtension. I have written a following code in content script var oldOpen =; ...
sam's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest Status 0 for Firefox 49.0.2 Add On

There is a XMLHttpRequest in the content script of my Firefox WebExtensions add on. Q: why is the status of this request is always 0? This is the JavaScript code making the request: var query = "...
Gladclef's user avatar
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cross-site requests & browsers addons

I'm trying to develop a basic Firefox Addon with the "new" WebExtensions system. I'd like to Extract some text from a web page (not owned by me) evaluate it using a remote website post in the same ...
drdud's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest from Firefox WebExtension

I've seen loads of examples of creating xhr requests from Firefox Add-ons, but I am trying to use the new WebExtensions stuff (where require and Components are undefined) and can't seem to see why I ...
tommed's user avatar
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