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Firebird-Postgres replication using Kafka

We have a bunch of sql queries running once a day to replicate data from Firebird to Postgres. I am working on moving this ETL process to Kafka. Some tables are large and requires immediate ...
zloodeyka's user avatar
-2 votes
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Firebird jdbc connection error: no suitable Driver instance

When I'm trying to connect db with Java application, I'm facing below error. caused by: java.lang.runtimeexception: failed to get driver instance for jdbcurl=jdbc:firebirdsql://veddb.floor:3050/c:\...
Ved's user avatar
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Firebird JDBC connection pool validation on Payara server

After a Firebird database crash the connections of the JDBC pool become invalid. (We have to flush the pool manually.) A good concept might be to use jdbc connection pool validation. Connection ...
Csaba Ocskó-Sós's user avatar
1 vote
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Firebird connection using Spring Boot

How to create a Firebird connection using Spring Boot to make views in SQL using the Firebird database? I have no idea how to build this. try { Class.forName("org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver&...
paulo cesar's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver

I am not able to access the Firebird configuration string, and it works perfectly in MySQL. package testej; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; ...
Paulo Cesar Pereira da costa's user avatar
1 vote
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FBDriver reporting warnings I can't figure out how to fix

I'm developing a RESTful application and whenever I make a request, it works fine, but also outputs these warnings: o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : SQL Warning Code: 0, SQLState: null o.h....
Nickolas de Luca Alberton's user avatar
0 votes
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Why useFirebirdAutocommit=true won't work and additionally disable JDBC autocommit

I use to connect with Firebird: org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource; But if I set: ds.addConnectionProperty("autoCommit", "true"); ds.addConnectionProperty(...
mclko's user avatar
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No suitable driver found for jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050

I build a javafx maven app , using jaybird dependency . Every thing work fine from intelliJ. when i export the jar file ,I receive this message : No suitable driver found for jdbc:firebirdsql://...
ghaek741977's user avatar
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Intermittent connection success to Firebird 1.5.4 using RazorSQL 9.3 and included (current) Firebird JDBC driver

I'm connecting to a set of Firebird 1.5.2 servers (2.4.20 Linux kernel - circa 2003. These are a closed, end of life system serving a telephony application (Service Control Point) in an SS7 switching ...
Daniel Puckett's user avatar
1 vote
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Get an error when connecting to Firebird database

Springboot: pom.xml org.firebirdsql.jdbc jaybird 4.0.0.java8 spring.datasource.url=jdbc:firebirdsql://SERVER:3050/D:\company\DbPro\Data\file.fdb spring.datasource....
Andrey Konus's user avatar
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Using SymmetricDS to connect to a firebird database [duplicate]

I want to synchronise two databases, one of them being a Firebird database. I am currently trying to use SymmetricDS for this. I am having trouble connecting to a Firebird database, unfortunately: ...
Bandile BongiNkosi's user avatar
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Subscribe to Firebird events using a Jdbc driver for connection?

I am writing an application in a B4J environment with data connection on Firebird. B4J uses the Firebird Jdbc driver for communication between the application and the db ...
amorosik's user avatar
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How to Use JDBC Driver (Jaybird) on Android?

I had done a lot of searches about how to connect an android app to a firebird DB but still cannot do it. First of all this is my code to create a connection: @NonNull public static void ...
Acauã Pitta's user avatar
2 votes
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java.sql.SQLException: The result set is closed on Firebird when executing two statements

I try to make 2 queries from a Firebird 2.5 DB. I use two separate Statement objects, but when in second query program try to use data from first query, it gets an error: java.sql.SQLException: The ...
Алекс's user avatar
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Jaybird SocketInputStream.socketread0 thread blocking

I am using JDBC connection to firebird. <groupId>org.firebirdsql.jdbc</groupId> <artifactId>jaybird-jdk18</artifactId> <version>3.0.5</version> When I am reading ...
Altair's user avatar
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Error 335544421. connection rejected by remote interface [duplicate]

I have the code package; import org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; public class AbstractDao { private static final ...
Aleksandr Zorin's user avatar
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Firebird NUMERIC/DECIMAL precision and scale in Jaybird

I am testing Firebird NUMERIC / DECIMAL fields behavior in JDBC (Jaybird) in Java. When using FBResultSetMetaData to check the column properties (for using ResultSet.getObject method for e.g. SELECT *...
Tom's user avatar
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3 votes
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date time result from sql database is not same in clojure jdbc

I have problem with timestamp in database(firebird) with jdbc data in database timestamp 1994-10-12T00:00:00.000000000-00:00 I test with python and result is same in database but when I use jdbc(...
Veerapat Boonvanich's user avatar
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java.sql.DataTruncation: Data truncation exception and LIKE operator relation

I'm working on a spring boot rest project. I have a web service that is searching a text in multiple fields. I'm using java specification to generate query. Resulting query is like that select * ...
Erce Tilav's user avatar
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Java Driver Firebird 2.5 on Mac OS High Sierra

I cloned a Java project in NetBeans 8.2 on Mac OS High Sierra that uses a Firebird database using jars jaybird-2.2.8.jar and jaybird-full-2-2-8.jar and it works well on computers with Windows 8.2 and ...
Ulises Sánchez's user avatar
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Does the latest Firebird JDBC driver have a virus?

I recently downloaded the latest Firebird JDBC driver (Jaybird 3.0.4 for Java 8) from the website. Windows Defender has quarantined the download saying it is infected with the Trojan:...
Terry Thompson's user avatar
2 votes
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Error "Insufficient memory to allocate page buffer cache" while connecting to Firebird database

I am struggling to understand how a data source runs validation. I have a pool of connections which runs query on Firebird database, but there are few connection in pool which throws error like ...
Mkp's user avatar
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Firebird 3.0 Encryption with AES128 plugin - Unable to connect

I'm using Firebird 3 with encryption via the AES128 plugin found here. I have successfully encrypted the database, and I am able to connect ...
Phil's user avatar
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Jaybird JDBC 3.0 - Connection Timing Out

I'm connecting to a Firebird 3.0 database using the Jaybird JDBC 3.0.3 driver. I'm connecting from within the ColdFusion Administrator -> Data Sources area. In the past, using JDBC 2.0 driver I ...
Phil's user avatar
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Calling Firebird Stored procedure from Java Servlet

I have a Firebird Database with some stored procedure, and I am developing a Java web/database application. I want to know if it is possible and how to call those stored procedures from a java Class ...
Moh Lamine's user avatar
2 votes
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Passing user from user session in Java to Firebird Trigger using Hibernate or JDBC

I have a trigger that is used to audit data modifications. I need to send a query before every JDBC call so it sends user id to Firebird. How could I use it with Hibernate? JDBC query example: ...
erickdeoliveiraleal's user avatar
1 vote
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Proper Setup of jaybird/Firebird DataSource with HikariCP

I'm trying to build a successful connection to a Firebird DB running on Windows using Spring Data JPA, Hibernate and a HikariCP Connection Pool. I have gotten everything to run correctly on other ...
blyons's user avatar
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Java JDBC type conversion (Firebird / Jaybird): check value/type compatibility before using getter or updater ResultSet method?

If I understand (and test a sample JDBC code; using Jaybird for Firebird) well, even using a proper (= respecting the type mapping) updater method (e.g. ResultSet.updateString), or maybe ...
Tom's user avatar
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Jaybird 3 and database-file properties (page size, SQL Dialect, ODS major/minor)

In version of jaybird 2 I can get the database page size via gds isc_info_page_size. But now I can't find out - is it possible in jaybird 3.0 to do that? I have host:port, database file name/alias and ...
Сергей Никитин's user avatar
-3 votes
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Error While Inserting Data in to Database

I tried to insert my data into my database table name called newdevice. My query is: String query= uni +"," + nam +","+ temp + "," + vendor + "," + invoice +","+ dop +"," + cost ; res=...
Raj kumar's user avatar
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Connecting JDBC with Firebirdsql

I had a problem in connecting with the firebirdsql. here is my code. try { Class.forName("org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver"); Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:...
Raj kumar's user avatar
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Why won't my Java JDBC to Firebird database connection disconnect?

I am using the following code to connect to a firebird database public static Connection dbStatic; ... public void getConnection(){ FBWrappingDataSource DataSource = new ...
Jonathan Elkins's user avatar
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How to add a string variable to a SQL query on a jdbc firebird connection [closed]

I am trying to query a Firebird database from a Java application. This query contains 2 integer variables and 1 string. The query looks like this: Statement statement = conn.createStatement(); ...
Sven D's user avatar
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Date to Timestamp conversion with Firebird

I need to convert a date (without time component), chosen using toedter JCalendar, to an SQL Timestamp (i.e. with 0:00:00 time part) to use it in SQL queries. I there nothing more simple or elegant ...
Tom's user avatar
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iReport plugin doesn't find FBDriver class

I'm trying to connect my application to my Firebird database, and I need to generate a report in iReport plugin, I'm using JDK 1.8. When I set the Firebird JDBC Driver (org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver) ...
Raphael Oliveira's user avatar
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Jaybird (Firebird JDBC) absolute() method

The absolute(int row) Java Doc says: Moves the cursor to the given row number in this ResultSet object. If the row number is positive, the cursor moves to the given row number with respect to the ...
Joabe Lucena's user avatar
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Set the charset for Firebird connection from Pentaho DI

I'm trying to set the connection Charset for my Firebird connection using Pentaho DI but still couldn't read the data in the right encoding. I used many parameters like encoding , charSet,...etc but ...
Jason4Ever's user avatar
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Connecting to a datasource defined in new class

Is it possible to connect to a datasource defined in another class, without any frameworks or servers etc just for a local application, built just for practice. I have a class called ...
Novice's user avatar
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Error connecting to Firebird with JDBC

I am trying to connect a Java application to a Firebird database (I don't have access to the source code). The application requires Driver class, JDBC URL, Username and Password. No matter what ...
dmateev's user avatar
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Firebird excessive logging

I'm using WildFly 10 with Hibernate and some JDBC. I have no logs at all If I declare my data source like this: <datasource jta="true" jndi-name="java:jboss/Firebird" pool-name=&...
erickdeoliveiraleal's user avatar
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Jaybird (Firebird JDBC) ResultSet FetchSize -- Pagination long lasting queries

I am trying to find a way how to force jaybird to do "pagination" in ResultSet. Suppose we have some long lasting sql query (it returns for example 5000 rows in 15 seconds). However, fetching of first ...
Jan Hubený's user avatar
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Firebird CHAR_TO_UUID, failed with GDS Exception. 335544606

First background. I am coding desktop application with Java as Eclipse RCP (efxclipse). My configuration: Eclipse Mars efxclipse 2.0.0 JDK 1.8_66 Equinox OSGi framework Firebird ...
tJeyhun's user avatar
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How to getString(Table.Column) in ResultSet JayBird

I need to use the database Firebird and for this I use the Jaybird 2.2.9. When I used the MySQL driver, to converter of ResultSet to Object this way: empresa.setBairro(rs.getString("empresa.bairro"))...
Tiago Roque de Carvalho's user avatar
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No suitable driver found for jdbc in Java 8 with Maven

I have a Maven console application using JDBC and FirebirdSQL and Java 8, according to the specification, there is not need to add the class registration anymore, so the line Class.forName("org....
user2070369's user avatar
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BIRT Report Designer empty DataSet scripting

I am using BIRT Report Designer 4.4.0 and I kept getting the error message Cannot fetch the next data row.
jera's user avatar
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Impossible to generate metamodel in spagoBI studio with Firebird

In SpagoBI Studio, after saving a connection that was ok with the result firebird database, showed no table in the schema. It is possible to connect with Squirrel. Data of the local connection: url: ...
Alexandre Nardelli's user avatar
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Jaybird java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Probably I'm asking a common question but I really don't get what I'm doing wrong and what I could forget when I try to connect with my Firebird DB through Jaybird. I've added the Jaybird.jar to my ...
whizzzkey's user avatar
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How to install Firebird JDBC on Centos

Can anyone help me to install or setup Firebird JDBC on my centos machine. I see no documentation on how to install from their site. Thank you in advance.
Jhay's user avatar
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Firebird JDBC update listener

I need to develop app which could do this: user launches few copies of my app, in every copy there's one table with data from Firebird database. When user changes something in one copy of app, any ...
another-programmer's user avatar
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How to connect to Firebird using LibreOffice

I have to create some reports using LibreOffice. I need to connecto a Firebird database using JDBC. I installed the driver (adding it to the classpath) and configured my connection to use firebirdsql:...
alvaroc's user avatar
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