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How to check if running in autonomous transaction?

In a trigger, I need to do some stuffs only when the code is not running from autonomous transaction. Is there a way to detect if the code is running in the context of an autonomous transaction?
Fabrizio's user avatar
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Get value from Firebird cursor by field name

I need get data from cursor by field name, stored in var. For example, I have statement: for select CUBE1, CUBE2, CUBE3, ....., CUBE31 from GET_DATA(......) B where ..... as cursor cvol do ...
Evgeny's user avatar
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How to get sum of detail table fields in master table with update trigger

There are master table 'factgad' and detail table 'recgad' in a Firebird 3.0 database. factgad: factgad_k(pr_k)... recgad: recgad_k(pr_k), factgad_k(fk)... When I update the master table, I have to ...
basti's user avatar
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Is the cursor variable updated when updating a row?

In the code below (stored procedure body), whether the value of the cursor field is automatically updated after UPDATE or not? If not, is the Close / Open command sufficient again or not? I didn't ...
Himer Norbert's user avatar
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procedure return True or False

I need a stored procedure in firebird 3.0 to return True, False or 1,0 result to check if this person or the record exists in database. If exists the procedure should return true, if not return False, ...
Sahat's user avatar
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