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I need to create a fetchxml retrieving cases where department is opening user's (user profile->) department

On D365 I have to create a view "Created By Users Department". On User and Case we have Department lookup. <fetch> <entity name="incident"> <attribute name=&...
Shivani's user avatar
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get the active fetchXML value of view from javascript

I am doing ribbon button for a view, the button should run an operation on each record the user sees. e.g. If the user applies the filters to show only records with condition fieldX = valueX so the ...
ayala's user avatar
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Extracting Dynamics 365 data using Azure Data Factory pipeline with FetchXML query

I want to use FetchXML query to extract data from Dynamics 365 in Azure Data Factory. I used this initial setup for the entity 'campaignactivity' (without any FetchXML query): And in preview data I ...
Timothy Shen's user avatar
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Is there any way to display null values (as string) in a multi-value parameter using FetchXml query in SSRS reports?

I'm learning SSRS and stuck in a scenario where I want to display some records (containing null values) in a multi-value parameter. I'm using Dynamics 365 Fetch query. For a simple drop-down allow ...
Atif Ahmad's user avatar
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how to embed ssrs fetchxml dynamics 365 report in Web Page?

We have a requirement where we have to embed our Dynamics 365 fetch XML SSRS report in the web portal? please suggest how can we achieve this scenario?
Bipin Bhandari's user avatar
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How to join Audit table to Entity table using FetchXML in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement

I would like to add a link to the Entity table in this query: <fetch version="1.0" > <entity name="audit" > <all-attributes/> </entity> </fetch&...
Maarten's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 FetchXml return different results

We are using XMLHttpRequest to fetch appointments from Dynamics 365 using JavaScript. We link appointment to activityparty to get all the participants, and we succeeded the retrieve the attribute &...
Gilad Markman's user avatar
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Filter Dataset Result based on Parameter Value

I am working on Microsoft Dynamics Reporting service. My requirement is to show records which is dated 3 years or earlier from a given date. The parameter I have is a date selection field. What I am ...
Harsha's user avatar
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Filter users by type Dynamics 365

I am trying to exclude App Users from a view in Dynamics 365 CRM. The fetch xml is very simple: <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" ...
Dalsier's user avatar
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Dynamics crm fetchxml group by

I would like to have the total number of tasks for each user. For example, John Smith 562, Elsa Taylor 953, etc. I tried this fetchxml, but the result is just the total number of tasks: <fetch ...
Sean's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 default value in FetchXML

Is there anyway I can receive a default value in Fetch XML queries For example <attribute name="fullname" /> If in the entity "fullname" is not set in dynamics currently it's ...
DaemonBee's user avatar
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Fetch XML and optionSets

basic question. Am using Fetch XML builder in XRM. How do I tell Fetch to return the optionset label instead of the numeric value? I have tried everything. I can see in the result set the name of ...
user3047520's user avatar
-1 votes
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Document Core Pack fetch

can anyone give me an Example of fetch Condition that i can used for the Document Core Pack fetchxml i use the DCP for a dynamics crm Template.
bnb's user avatar
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SSRS FetchXML Report works in Visual Studi - empty in Dynamics 365

I at my whits end. I have spent the last couple of days building a very in depth and mildly interactive report in Visual Studio 2015 (yes, I know but SMT wont let me upgrade to later version). The ...
Aussie Nuf Man's user avatar
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D365 Display deeply related information on a form in subgrid

Have a requirement to show list of Unterweisung (trainings) titles in Contact's form as a subgrid. Please, look at: Is there a way to display those? I have tried to append fetchXML to form grid vie ...
Pavils Gulenko's user avatar
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How to query a keyword on different attributes based on entity in fetchXML?

I have 2 entities in the database; an Appointment and an Email. I want to write a search function that fetches all Appointments and Emails that contains a string a user enters. However, I want to ...
chadb768's user avatar
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Return parent record along with all child records using Fetch XML

I want to return one parent record (Quote) along with all of its child records (Quote Details + linked entity Product) for use in a report using Fetch XML. I am using the Parent Report-Sub Report ...
Josh's user avatar
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How to get fetchxml to find all account when using lt and gt and using ge & le don't work as expected

I am just starting out using fetchxml and dynamics 365 (v9)... So, I have a dynamics 365 scheduled service that needs to be broken into smaller chunks. However, when building the fetchxml query for ...
user4710158's user avatar
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I'm trying to fetch Invoices entity linked with Invoiceline entity ,and I get no result

My fetch works fine when I use just attributes, but when I add link-entity, or filter it doesn't work. Here is the link code. Please help to find my mistake! These two entities are connected with the ...
Hasmik Mnatsakanyan's user avatar
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FetchXML to sort Activity based on Activity status Text

I need a fetchXML that can sort all activities based on Activity Status option set Text. My FetchXML <fetch top='5000' > <entity name='task' > <attribute name='activityid' /> ...
Nachiket's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 CRM - Remove Outer Join Duplicates from SSRS Report

I am facing an issue with SSRS reports in Dynamics 365. I have a custom entity named entity1, which has a 1:N relationship with the connections entity. Each record in entity1 can have more than one ...
Milton's user avatar
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Left Join fetchXml based on common column

I have two tables that are not related, but have a common column. I want to join the rows in table B that match with <attribute name='substitutedproductid'> in Table A. Table A looks like this: ...
Alan Judi's user avatar
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Invalid XML. ---&gt On A Plugin Containing FetchXML

This happens when there is &, or other invalid characters in the contract name. My question is, how do I deal with these invalid characters??!! Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Invalid XML. ---> ...
Alan Judi's user avatar
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Can I use FetchXML to retrieve a list of Entities and a list of Attributes?

I want a fetchxml that will return a list of Entities, hopefully with Display name and schema name. Similarly I would like a fetchxml that will return the attributes for an Entity. Also with Display ...
Mitchell M's user avatar
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3 answers

Retrieve all related activites of an account - Dynamics CRM

I would like to get rid of the Social Pane on Dynamics 365, by replacing it with a Subgrid on the account form which would list the activities of the account and the activities of the account's ...
Hubert Solecki's user avatar
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Extracting entity name from FetchXml columns in Dynamics 365 Database

I'm trying to write a SQL query that shows all Advanced Find views owned by a specific user in Dynamics 365 b8.2 (on-prem). This is pretty straight-forward in terms of getting the view name, and User ...
Chris Watts's user avatar
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Fetch XML filter on Primary Key without name

I am aware the below condition attribute='primaryKey' is not a valid field, wondering if there is some fetch xml syntax that allows you to filter on the Primary Key without knowing the name of the key?...
greg's user avatar
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Fetch XML - Querying DocumentBody and Displaying Full Image [duplicate]

Hello All Overflowers! Hoping you can help me out here. I am writing a report on D365 ONLINE 9.0, and I am almost just about done. The basic layout of the report is: 7 Total Data Sets WorkOrder ...
Brian Frick's user avatar
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How to use 'in' operator in 'or' filter in Fetchxml based report?

I am using following xml in an Fetch based report in SSRS for Dynamics 365. I've allowed @transaction parameter to null but rest of the both parameters must have values. So, I put an or condition so ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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How can you display option sets within a SSRS report?

I'm new to Stack overflow and new to SSRS report building. I'm currently building a report that needs to display each option from and option set in a different column I also need to pull date a last ...
Seb Gedge's user avatar
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How to implement custom FetchXML with aggregate as a System View in Dynamics365

I have a custom entity called course enrolment which has a lookup to the contact entity. I want to a view of contacts that have an active course enrolment. I don't believe that this can be done from ...
madbrendon's user avatar
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How can I get Microsoft Dynamics 365 to appear in the list of data sources when creating a report in Visual Studio 2017?

vs studio data source list I have VS 15 installed but it started crashing after I installed BIDS. I know VS 17 may not be compatible with BIDS but is there a workaround because I am unable to find ...
Luke's user avatar
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Fetch hierarchy data using FetchXML in Dynamics CRM 365

I need to create a FetchXML request that retrieve every division and it's subdivisions from dynamics 365. Expected result Div -- Div1 -- Div1-1 -- Div1-2 -- Div2 -- Div2-1 -...
khaled_bhar's user avatar