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-1 votes
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Feedparser not returning values, only metadata

I'm using feedparser to get info from a public database ( Each of my entries looks as follows When accessing specific properties: url = '...
Numy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to overcome mismatched tag error in python feedparser module

I am using the python module version 5.2.1. trying to read feeds from usnews, for example I get an xml file with the rss 2.0 header feedparser ...
Jack Mullen's user avatar
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Unreachable xml feed entries

I'm working on a python application supposed to make a request on a phonebook search api and format the received data. The entries are sent back as an xml feed looking like the exemple at the bottom. ...
joel's user avatar
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Python: Download/parse *Solely* the pubdate tag of rss entry

how do I download only the specific attribute of a metadata of an rss? I'm using the universal feedparser library feedparser.parse(linkstr).entries[0].published I have this line, which returns ...
xland44's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to parse a xml feed using feed parser python?

Im trying to parse a feed in python using feedparser. But all I get is None returned. Im not sure what im missing. Here is my code: import feedparser def rss(self): rss = '
kevinabraham's user avatar
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how do deal with special characters in html

I am reading in some xml data and in particular I have the following string H.P. Dembinski, B. K\'{e}gl, I.C. Mari\c{s}, M. Roth, D. Veberi\v{c} this is latex notation. I am using mathjax, but ...
carl's user avatar
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Python FeedParser format Reddit Nicely

I am trying to create a program that prints out the first 5 jokes from /r/Jokes but I am having some trouble formatting it to look nice. I want to have it set out like this. Post Title: Post Content ...
FeaturedEpic's user avatar
0 votes
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atom\xml python feedparser <content> enclosing access

How to access 'content' enclosing with feedparser? <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties xmlns:d=""> <d:Ref_Key>...
surge_'s user avatar
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1 answer

Python XML Feed parser cant find specific event

I am making a python script to read the NWS CAP alerts, and look for a tornado warning. I have the script far enough to read the XML, However I cant get it to return true when a tornado warning is ...
Melona380's user avatar
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1 answer

feedparser cannot get namespace values

hi i am trying to find the best way to extract values from a string returned from feedparser, basically its returning the following, i can of course do a regex match but im sure there is a better way. ...
binhex's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

feedparser attribute error

I'm trying to retrieve some news from the BBC rss feed and save certain parts locally in xml (althought this code only prints it). I seem to be able to retrieve everything I want except for the ...
user3050397's user avatar
2 votes
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Python/XML RSS Feedparser - Blank Fields

I'm trying to parse the NOAA Weather RSS Feed. I've got my script pulling the entries just fine, but some of the fields are blank and I can't figure out why. It seems to be a problem with more complex ...
Hoopdady's user avatar
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How can I convert a readable stream to valid JSON using nodejs?

I'm trying to consume an ATOM feed of concert data and output it to JSON for a bit nicer consumption. So far I've been using request to get the data and feedparser to parse through it and it seems to ...
imjared's user avatar
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Universal Feed Parser issue

I am working on a python script to parse RSS links. I use the Universal Feed Parser and I am encountering issues with some links, for example while trying to parse the FreeBSD Security Advisories ...
hDan's user avatar
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1 answer

python feedparser custom namespaces

I try to parse some atom feed. E.g. >>> feedparser.parse(""" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns:a=""> <entry> <a:...
Nik's user avatar
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feedparser, missing entry values

I am trying to parse the following RSS feed from NOAA: It works great except for this section: <item> <title>Summary - ...
code base 5000's user avatar
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feedparser doesn't give lat long with NOAA xml

Using the example url given on the NOAA rest site: And the below code: import ...
tabx's user avatar
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3 answers

SimpleXML parse external php feed

I want to parse an external php feed. The address: The output: <?xml version="1.0"?> <annons> <rubrik>Wilja</rubrik> <datum>...
Stichy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to obtain value from WeatherBug XML File in Python?

I want to get the temperature and time from the following file: <rss xmlns:georss="" version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Observations from Tunkhannock, PA - ...
cisasteelersfan's user avatar
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3 answers

Accessing "content" attribute in feedparser

I'm using feedparser in Python to parse a remote xml feed. Results include the typical title/link/published/etc, however there is also a "content" tag that has the following value. How can I access ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 answer

Python Feedparser is missing an entry called "name" in the parsed output

I have an XML file filename.xml with the contents <product> <sku>144249</sku> <productId>119223</productId> <name>Cannon Digital Camera</name> <...
jason's user avatar
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XML::RSS::Parser and Facebook RSS feed ...

I need a subroutine which should parse "any" RSS feed passed to it. I was using XML::RSS:Parser a few times already for some RSS feed but it does not work with Facebook. Example code: use LWP::...
user1075334's user avatar
2 votes
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Retrieving raw XML for items with feedparser

I'm trying to use feedparser to retrieve some specific information from feeds, but also retrieve the raw XML of each entry (ie. elements for RSS and for Atom), and I can't see how to do that. ...
a3nm's user avatar
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How to speed up RSS Parser parsing feed and thumbnails

I wrote a rss parser for my podcast app. If I am parsing a rss feed with different podcasts and showing the result in a ListView, it takes about 1-2 seconds for my parser to parse the whole feed. ...
NewProggie's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to retrieve multiple tags from feed using feedparser

I have the following XML document <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><entry xmlns='' xmlns:gd='' xmlns:issues='http://schemas....
Dexter's user avatar
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MWFeedParser tag inside tag (media:thumbnail)

i am using MWFeedParser to read from Youtube atom feed from here: here Xml code: <media:thumbnail url='' height='240' width='320' time='00:01:34.500'/> ...
user535351's user avatar
-1 votes
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Handling duplicate data when parsing huge XML feeds

I'm writing a component which parses an xml feed with stock quotes and saves the result in a database. The problem is fairly straightforward, except that feed can not be read incrementallly. That is, ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
0 votes
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How to load xml in cron job

I have a problem in running the cron job. here are my code: <?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( '' ); $items = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "...
Avinash's user avatar
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2 answers

Parser line break if string contains &#8211;

My NSXMLParser breaks on this string: <title>AAA &#8211; BCDEFGQWERTYUIO</title> I parsed it in this way, hope is the right way: - (void) parser: (NSXMLParser *) parser ...
elp's user avatar
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Python feedparser not using atom/WordPress namespace?

I'm trying to use feedparser (an excellent library) to parse WordPress export files, and a (minor) inconsistency between WordPress version is causing me a huge headache. WordPress 2.x doesn't include ...
Kyle Fox's user avatar
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Twitter feed appears to be both RSS 2.0 and Atom?

I'm parsing various site feeds, and putting together a small library to help me do it. Looking at the Atom RFC and RSS 2.0 specification, feeds from Twitter seem to be a combination. Twitter ...
Greg K's user avatar
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