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3 votes
1 answer

Is facebook discontinued automatic fb_mobile_purchase (Purchase event) and started to log Start trial and Subscribe?

facebook-ios-sdk: 17.0.0 we have enable log in-app events automatically We rely on the Purchase event (also known as fb_mobile_purchase) for the outcome/result to our campaigns and we noticed that ...
Sabin Hantu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Facebook events parameters not visible in events manager for android app

We are adding meta app events natively inside a flutter app and I am currently working on the android integration, I'm using standard events any they show up in events manager on meta but non of the ...
Toka Ali's user avatar
0 votes
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Facebook Events Manager revoke access token

I was following Facebook's docs on creating test events and standing up a direct integration for their conversion API server side. Part of the getting started guide had me generate an access token ...
wakers01's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to create facebook event via API 2023

as I'm searching, this is favourite topic through the years (because FB is constantly changing API capabilities). I was wondering if anyone tries the same as I - create an event for my page via FB ...
Vaca's user avatar
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Can I identify if the a traffic is coming from facebook or somewhere else to log AddToCart Event Or Purshes Event on Facebook Pixels

To describe more the issue, I have a business manager account on Facebook and I have implemented everything as it should using React, my problem is when the event AddToCart is firing the count ...
Omar Aljoundi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Error on Facebook official_events Graph API "(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call."

I can't get the official_events API to work in the Facebook API. I made a Facebook app: App type: Business Not "Native or desktop app" Latest API versions I request an access token with ...
Maarten's user avatar
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1 answer

Facebook Events Manager doesn't show events of unauthenticated users

I implemented Facebook SDK in my Android app for event logging. Events that are sent while the app user is authenticated (i.e. logged in to Facebook) show up in events manager. However, events sent in ...
highwaychile's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Standard events appear in event manager but can't find them in ads manager

In my Android App I am sending 3 standard facebook events: FindLocation CustomizeProduct CompleteRegistration All those events appear in Events Manager so I know they are being sent correctly: But ...
matip's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to log user's basic info in Flutter?

I want to setup Facebook Advanced Matching in Flutter app so - I want to know if there a way to log user's basic info (name, email, phone, DOB, gender etc) with this package? Package:
Slick Slime's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Flutter - facebook app events android error

I install the package facebook_app_events version 0.13.5 that includes the latest facebook sdk. The problem is that when I try to log an event or get an anonymous Id it throws a kotlin exception. I ...
Erick Garcia's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How to use AppEvents.activateApp() in 12.0.0 version

I have updated the FBSDKAppEvents to 12.0.0 version, and the function AppEvents.activateApp() in AppDelegate is now deprecated. I have searched in the Facebook documentation, and unfortunately I didn'...
M. Mansuelli's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to get the list of events of specific facebook page

i am trying to get the list of all event that the specific page has on the Facebook, but i couldn't find this in their Graph API. there are several forums and stack posts but they couldn't help me. is ...
Iona Bartishvili's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Turn off automatic collection of Purchase event only in Facebook SDK for Android

I am upgrading Facebook SDK for android to v5. I don`t want the Purchase event to be logged automatically since I ...
binaryKarmic's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Need to create Facebook events feed from public page

I'm trying to get an events feed from a Public Facebook page, but can't get it working. I've an app with "Page Public Content Access" permission. I try {page-id}/events and {page-id}/feed without ...
Ralkeon's user avatar
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97 views having very low success rate when measured from Firebase Performance library

I am using Facebook SDK in my Android Application for sending events of their dashboard. Can anyone tell me what could be the probable reason or is there something which I am doing wrong?
aamitarya's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to get Facebook public page past events using graph API?

I want to get past events for a public facebook page (of an organization that i am working for) to integrate with their wordpress website (which i am working on) What is the solution here? I cannot ...
g.k's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Facebook Codeless Event - iOS app does not connect to Events Manager

I'm trying to get Facebook Codeless Event to work, but I can't seem to connect my app to Events Manager. Followed instruction from this article:
green0range's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Android app has stopped sending any events to Facebook Analytics

Has anybody been faced with problems regarding fb events? I have an app on Android, which is published in Google Play. Recently I upgraded it and then I found that my app had stopped send any events ...
Maria's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Importing Facebook Events

I am working on a feature which includes Facebook events, but I just read that Facebook API endpoint for getting events are deprecated. But still, I've got one question. How is possible that Evensi....
Michal Hlávka's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Permission to get events from Facebook Page

I am attempting to get events from a specific page, through a person who is administrator of the site and the host of the events. This will not work unless i make the administrator a tester on my ...
Exasis's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Facebook Graph Api Get Event By Id

I am trying to receive an event from the Facebook Graph Api By Id with following request:{eventid}?access_token={app_accesstoken} I am using an app-accesstoken. The ...
Gandar's user avatar
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How to I overwrite other Facebook javascript SDK?

I am creating an app for Shopify and I am loading Facebook Javascript SDK on their pages. But those pages might have apps that do the same and in most cases other apps overwrite my code. How can I ...
Eligijus's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API return empty Page Events (7th May 2018) [duplicate]

I am trying to get events data on a Facebook page by using Page Events API but I couldn't get anything It just returned an empty data object { "data": [] } I understood that Facebook is changing ...
Ryan's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Facebook graph api me/events returns blank

I'm using the Graph API Explorer and have given permissions for user_posts, user_likes & user_events. me/posts and me/likes return non-empty data, but me/events returns this: { "data": [ ] } ...
coding_idiot's user avatar
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Graph API empty events list of page [duplicate]

currently I'm trying to access the events list of a facebook page. I used the Graph API Explorer with a valid access token. Endpoint: {page-id}/events When I'm trying to access the end point the ...
Karl Heinz Mueller's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Get parent FB event from recurring FB event

Facebook recently added recurrences to their events. So a parent event 887104098135547, will have some event_times like so: "event_times": [ { "id": "887104171468873", "start_time": "...
Mike Lambert's user avatar
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0 answers

How to create a button that marks user as "Going" to Facebook event using php

I want to create a button on my site using PHP that marks users as "Going" to a Facebook event that click the button. This is the PHP SDK that Facebook has for attending: /* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */ /* ...
LighthouseLukas's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does Facebook have a webhook that an app can subscribe to to detect when a Facebook event is added to a page?

Does Facebook have a webhook that an app can subscribe to to detect when a Facebook event is added to a page? Or do apps that are interested in this information just have to repeatedly poll /[page-id]?...
Gabriel's user avatar
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1 answer

Limit number of facebook request allowed?

My previous facebook developer account was blocked due I guess of making to many requests (No reason given by them and no answer after trying to contact them). So before fall in the same issue with ...
Dex's user avatar
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0 answers

jQuery facebook FB.Event.subscribe not working

I am developing a Facebook canvas app. Trying to login and authorize my app is working fine. But this scenario doesn't work. I open my application canvas{appID} Click ...
wpcoder's user avatar
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1 answer

RestFB Searching events by start_time

I am unable to write GET request of the event specifying by start_time. Connection<Event> eventConnection = fbClient.fetchConnection("search", Event.class, Parameter.with("q", "york"...
Madness's user avatar
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0 answers

Facebook events request with dynamically captured access_token returns empty data

why does the following javascript return empty data? FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { if (response.status === 'connected') { var ...
fitsum's user avatar
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2 answers

Decoding recurring events from Facebook Open Graph API?

I am trying to work out how to get better data from the Facebook Open Graph API as it appears they now support recurring events for profile pages, yet there does not appear to be any way to get that ...
Kendall Bennett's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Facebook Retargeting Pixel code for React Native

Hi I am try to add facebook retargeting pixel for my react native app, and I am hoping that the community can help me clarify something. First, to track an event PageView or ViewContent of a product, ...
Thang Pham's user avatar
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Facebook API post in event - external website

So, I've created a wedding event on my FB account. Now on my website (static) I would like to have a form (maybe embedded or something from FB) that a visitor could leave a message on it for greetings....
c.k's user avatar
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Get All Public Facebook Events by Graph API

Over here need to ask whether there is any workaround to get all facebook events even if it is of a particular city. I have also tried by getting venus and then getting events happening over there, ...
Syed Asad Abbas Zaidi's user avatar
0 votes
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Exporting posts from a Facebook-event to a group

My friend recently passed away and me and another friend was asked to estimate how many people would come to the funeral. I did this by creating an event, inviting those we thought would want to come. ...
August Schirmer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Export webcal from a Facebook page I administrate

from my private Facebook profile I created a page for the club I'm a member of. I now want to export all the events created on the page to a google calendar via the webcal-link. There are manuals on ...
quotschmacher's user avatar
1 vote
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Permissions issue when embedding Facebook event in externally hosted website

I run a website which runs monthly events. We recently switched to using Facebook events so that we can take advantage of more streamlined social sharing. I created our first event which works just ...
commadelimited's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Facebook Fan Page - Invite Fans to Event

is there a way to invite fans from a fanpage to an event? (Who are not your friends on facebook) I browsed the web, but just found answeres, who are some years old. I already tried to invite with ...
csskevin's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Fetching photos and videos from a Facebook event using the Graph API

I'm attempting to fetch all photos and videos from a Facebook event using the Facebook Graph API. Currently I'm using the /{event-id}/feed endpoint, described here
Jón Trausti Arason's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I get event details from a personal fb account(not page) to to my website?

I am able to fetch event details in my php based website through Facebook graph API only if the event is uploaded in facebook page. But if I use a personal fb account instead of fb page I am not able ...
Shubham Pokhriyal's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I get all Facebook public events those locations ids are same to the specific given location id using Facebook Graph Api?

Right now, I'm getting nearby events(but not all the list) on the basis of following two graph api call: First (getting nearby location ids): search?q=*&type=place&center=lat,long&...
Taimur Siddiqui's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android - Facebook Event track Purchase

I'm working on implementing the Facebook tracking of Purchase event in Android. I followed the guide here, and made a custom Bundle to send to ...
nightfixed's user avatar
1 vote
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Multiple Facebook Custom Audience Tracking Events on the same page

I have a single page website and I am trying to invoke multiple events for the same Facebook Custom pixel from here. I am using Facebook Pixel Helper on Chrome to test. Here is the scenario: This ...
Piyush Vaishnav's user avatar
-4 votes
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Post Events to Facebook (out of Wordpress / PHP) [closed]

I have really searched for a long time to get this working or to find a plugin which does exactly that. Maybe I am understanding something wromg: I want to automatically create an event (not a normal ...
Claudio Götz's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to access events created by user in Facebook API by using Javascript?

I know very basic of javascript and this is my second call to Facebook API and I am having a problem. I need to read the list of user's events. Here is my code inside a function: FB.api('/me/events', ...
Bernard's user avatar
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How to get events from a page with the new facebook graph api v2.4

Earlier, this would give back a list of events: clubversuz/events Now it gives back an empty array called 'data'. Ok..they say that now you should explicitly declare the fields in a request, so I ...
progonkpa's user avatar
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Get facebook calendar events

I'm trying to get a user's facebook calendar events. I added the permission user_events, and this is the request I use - var request = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath:"/me/events", parameters: nil); ...
Omer's user avatar
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1 answer

Facebook User vs Event (get RSVP status for user on event)

Is there any better way of checking RSVP status of user (logged in our application) vs. specific Event through Graph API, than calling /v2.3/{user_id}/events and going through all events to find the ...
Marek Sebera's user avatar
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