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Conflict resolution strategy: What's the difference between size ordering/ data ordering/ least recently used rule?

What's the difference between size ordering/ data ordering/ least recently used rule? I did lots of researches already, and most of the books say: Data ordering: Arrange all possible assertions in ...
boomken's user avatar
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CLIPS programming fact and rule base sizes

What is the scalability of Clips..that is what is the maximum limit on the number of rules and facts in CLIPS ? I am using CLIPS 6.24 but unable to upload one million facts!!
code_Assasin's user avatar
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Scale of knowledge and fact base for an expert system

I am new to development of expert systems.I have started programming with clips a few simple codes like animal identification,mini version of mycin etc.I want to increase the knowledge and fact base(...
code_Assasin's user avatar
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Creating a knowledge base with common relational databases

It might be silly question and i know for such systems they usually use Ontology authoring tools or Rule-based languages like CLIPS, but is it possible to create a Knowledge base by relational ...
Ariox66's user avatar
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opensource php expert system for mySQL [closed]

I am looking for a open-source expert system (hopefully php). I would like something analogous to a binary decision tree, or some kind of yes/no solution to solving problems Problem ---> Questions ---...
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