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1 answer

Run FuzzyJess files in console. Is it possible? (new in Jess)

I'm new in Jess and I was executing my .clp files on windows 10 console with: java jess.Main example.clp Now I'm learning about fuzzy logic and read that to execute fuzzyjess .clp have to use: java ...
Madneo31's user avatar
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1 answer

Drools: more than one rule are fired and I want the conclusion to be printed (then part), is it possible? if not what do you suggest?

I'm trying to make an intelligent tutoring system using drools, and the purpose of the system is to provide personalized exercises for each student based on his assessment test. After completing the ...
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1 answer

Automate copyright year in footer.vm of email template in velocity files

For copyright year I have added various syntax like ${ctx.messages.getMessage(${ctx.dateTool.getyear()})} But it's printing same as it is Even tried with various others ${ctx.dateTool.getyear()} ${...
minakshi verma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Execution of a single rule for a group in Drools

I am working on an expert system based on legislation, I have many rules like these: Rule 1: If the seizure has an amount greater than 3000, seize the amount, justification law 100 Rule 2: If the ...
Julian Solarte's user avatar
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CLIPS find-all-facts return value

I tried this by adapting from the WineDemo.clp example with CLIPSJNI. (defmodule SEVERITY (import MAIN ?ALL) (export deffunction get-dengue-list)) (deffacts any-attributes (...
joyling's user avatar
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2 answers

[CLIPS][JAVA]How to acquire string from console and insert inputs

I'm developing a little expert-system with Clips and Java using Clipsjni. I've encountered a problem and I can't find a solution online, so I'm asking to You. I want to put the output of the function ...
Pasq's user avatar
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2 answers

Java rule engine for Android [closed]

I'm trying to develop an Android app which will diagnosis dog diseases. I already have the knowledge base which is composed by 60 rules that can diagnose 15 diseases, the smallest rule have about 10 ...
Geshner Inagaki's user avatar
3 votes
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Expert Systems Design: logic programming (Prolog) versus general purpose programming (Java) [closed]

I'm building a card game called Tijari (uses 40 Spanish cards deck, quite similar to Bridge) as an Expert System. This is all part of my doctoral thesis. I'm having a hard time finding a good balance ...
younesouhbi's user avatar
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2 answers

Dynamic (tree) structure of functions as process (and implementation in Clojure)

This will all sound probably very strange as I was not able to find an exact term for what I am trying to do. I am developing an application that, given a set of rules (which are easily translated ...
Michael M's user avatar
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Drools 6.0.3 rules - Why this code runs in infinite loop?

I'm trying to show some messages when a sick person has a diagnosis. The rule to show this is "Imprime diagnosticos" The problem here is that this code doesn't show any print message... and runs in in ...
João Marques's user avatar
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Return a value from rule jess or drools (expert system)

In jess the way to return a string from a rule is like that : (defrule welcome-toddlers "Give a special greeting to young children" (person {age < 3}) => (printout t "Hello, little one!" crlf)) ...
Lah Cen's user avatar
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1 answer

Passing Values from Java to Jess

I have to send some values from the Java class which calls the Jess script for processing in the Jess script. This is my code till now: int val1=0; int val2=1; Rete engine = new Rete(); Value val = ...
user4655509's user avatar
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Interface to communicate to web pages from android application

I am trying to implement a "Doctor Finder" application for android which will have a symptom checker facility like webMD. Since webMD don't have any API's I must create my own expert system (which ...
barack o mama's user avatar
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Problems with CLIPS and JAVA

I'm creating an expert system in CLIPS, The user will use the system interfacing through GUI in Java. Obviously, I use the library CLIPSJNI. My expert system involves planning scuba diving (I'm ...
Gioce90's user avatar
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Prolog connect to Java

I have an expert system similar to animal identification mold. This program can be run independently in prolog, now I want to build a GUI for it based on java using netbeans. I know how to do the ...
user3317945's user avatar
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How to connect a prolog based Expert System to Java

I'm building an Expert System of Major Decision, it is similar to animal detection Expert System so the logic is simple. Actually in prolog, after "consult" I can type in "?- go." To start the ...
user3317945's user avatar
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2 answers

Add numeric values to a variable in ActionListener, to show variable result

What I need to make: Its a basic, ask user questions and then supply result in the end application. I've made questions on different JPanels, when user clicks on a choice, I want to record his choice ...
satnam's user avatar
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FuzzyJess doesn't aggregate (fuzzy union) rule consequents

I am doing a sample project with FuzzyJess. To start, I must be able to drive a robot avoiding obstacles. I have a bunch of rules like these: (defrule avoid-obstacle-left (ProximitySensors ...
Totem's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Expert System using Drools

I'm in my last year and for a case study I decided to develop a Web-based Expert System for evaluating the knowledge of Students. I will be developing this with Java, JSP and Servlets. But I'm having ...
user2771955's user avatar
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Java Rule-based Systems

Which library should I use in developing a rule-based system with following rules? : The input would an exam of a student if No. 1 question is wrong then student should study this part of the ...
user2771955's user avatar
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Error 800: Missing/empty knowledge base

Currently i having an Assignment of AI(Artificial Intelligence) to develop an Expert System. We are using SWI-PROLOG as our practical class learning software, and now i am trying to apply e2glite to ...
Jack Wong's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Output of JESS in Java

I want to send a "fact" to a JESS file within java and get the results back. I basicly batch the JESS file and then send my data (structure in here) into the engine by .add(). I tried to get the JESS ...
POD's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Idea for developing an expert system using Drools expert

I want to develop tax advisory system using Drools expert. The idea of such system is able to select the Tax rules to calculate tax amount and suggest recommendation(s) to reduce tax payment. For ...
honeynewtype's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Drools: insertLogical and retract

This is a follow up on my previous question. I have a decision tree in the following form: and I want to transform it into rules in Drools Expert. The use of insertLogical has been proposed. Drools ...
John Manak's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Decision trees and rule engines (Drools)

In the application that I'm working on right now, I need to periodically check eligibility of tens of thousands of objects for some kind of a service. The decision diagram itself is in the following ...
John Manak's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

What algorithm to use for Dynamic Scheduling System?

I'm planning to develop an expert system that automatically fits the school faculty's work load (time, teaching load, etc), and generate class sections, room that is at least 90% accurate with what ...
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