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Moving Data from .DLL to an .Exe in C#

I'm rewriting a C# DLL to send a file directly to a c# Executable residing on the same machine. Currently this DLL basically saves the File to a Location then the Executable Application picks that ...
Sorceress Stabber Thomas's user avatar
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How can i pass a control object between a vb6 exe and .net dll?

We are planning phased migration of a vb6 project to Hence we want to refer some objects in our vb6 EXE like textbox, msflexgrid from DLL. Someone has mention in this link that it's ...
IT researcher's user avatar
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Reference to exe in a .Net 4.6.1 project

I need to make API calls to methods in an EXE provided by a software company. In the past very old .Net version, I was able to make it work by renaming the exe to dll (I guess?). This time around the ...
Aamir's user avatar
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C# - Merge Unmanaged Code DLL's into .exe without storing to Disk

Is it possible to merge an unmanaged .dll into a .exe without having to temporarily storing it as a file? I have System.Data.SQLite.Core installed and it has a managed .dll System.Data.SQLite.dll and ...
Ma Dude's user avatar
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How to create an .exe file with external .dll?

I've tried almost everything found on the net to solve this problem, but it just seems to not work! I created a .exe file from a visual studio 2013 project using wpf. I want this file to create pdfs, ...
Sara's user avatar
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TypeLoadException: Two assemblies with same name

On a visual studio solution containing multiple projects, one compiling to give A.dll and other intending to create A.exe.The A.dll is used as a reference in the project creating A.exe. When ...
TheLoneWolf91193's user avatar
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Get target framework of .net assembly that has target framework < .net 4.0

I would like to identify the target framework version of a .net assembly (dll or exe). How can I do this, if the .net assembly has a target framework < .net 4.0 ? It would be nice if there is a ...
PhilOverflow's user avatar
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Can a dll run as stand alone application in dot net? [duplicate]

Can dll run as stand alone application? If yes how, please give example? I have a dll now I want use it as a .exe so it is possible how can I do it?
COSNFUSING_CODER's user avatar
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how run webservice that run an exe with a dll library in c#

I am developing a webservice. This webservice execute a .exe called "program.exe". program.exe uses a dll library. When I run program.exe in cmd, it run perfect. The problem is when I try execute ...
user3235831's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Why don't small changes in code affect exe file size?

I'm curious - sometimes I make changes in my code, recompile, then copy my exe or dll file over the old version and see Windows telling me that the date of the file changed, but the size stayed ...
vesan's user avatar
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Embed exe file in a Class library

Is it possible to embed an exe file in a class library (dll file)? I want to use this exe without the necessity of copying it manually to my workstation. In other words, if I want to use my C# class ...
nabil's user avatar
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Determine if DLL or EXE is CLR or Native

Im looking for a programtic way to determine if a DLL or EXE is native or CLR. This must work for both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. Also it must look at the raw bytes of the file. I don't think MS's ...
ademartini's user avatar
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IronPython -> .exe : How to compile a program that imports an external dll?

I am starting to use the file to create a .exe file of my IronPython project. It seems that cannot deal with programs that use external .net dlls. To be clear here are examples of ...
Serge's user avatar
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Is Splitting WPF Application into multiple dll's is good or bad? [closed]

Previously my WPF Application size was 4096KB as a single .exe file. Now i have splitted the application as multiple like this JIMS.exe Main Application-->103KB JIMSDAL.dll Data ...
Kishore Kumar's user avatar
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Will running exe in memory perform better than dll in .NET?

I need to dynamically load a dll/exe into memory based on database configurations. I can either 1) load the dll or 2) load an win form exe which calls the dll. Is there a performance difference ...
Laguna's user avatar
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What BEST to use in .NET Form Application , DLL OR EXE?

I'm developing a .NET WINDOWS FORM Application , I need to develop a search module and this search could be used in many other applications, i'm wondering what is best to to Develeop Search as : ...
MoniR's user avatar
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Is there a reason to create a .net DLL rather than EXE if file is used as a referenced assembly?

I noticed that I can add a reference not only to a DLL but also to an EXE in Visual Studio and access all classes in the EXE as it if were a DLL. Is there any reason to create a DLL or can I just as ...
Andrew J. Brehm's user avatar
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How to disable an exe file after first installation?

Does anybody know the solution for this? I create an exe file of my software. After first installation I have to disable the exe, so it cannot be run again because when someone purchases the software ...
DEVOPS's user avatar
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DLL include in exe.file?

I build a project in C#. From another project I have 5 DLLs. Is It possible to include the DLL in the exe, that I only give 1 File to people and not x files? I tried ILMerge, but the output file ...
PassionateDeveloper's user avatar
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Is EXE locked (vs DLL)?

If I put all my controls inside the EXE, is it accessible from outside like it would be accessible when it's placed in a DLL?
Shimmy Weitzhandler's user avatar