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PyInstaller can't find docx module

I have a python program I wrote to parse through student data from powerschool and automatically generate a letter with their missing assignments to send to their parents. This program works great, ...
Rattus's user avatar
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JavaFX Application Built with Maven and jpackage No Longer Works

I am building a JavaFX application and trying to package it as a standalone .exe using Maven with jpackage. Initially, I avoided using jlink because I had dependencies relying on automatic modules. ...
IronExcavater's user avatar
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When inputting a number into my .exe created by auto-py-to-exe it crashes, any way to prevent this? [closed]

I have this informational "game" (in a way) where you get info when you select an option, yet every time you do it crashes, what do I need to do? code:
Ben Dover's user avatar
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Pyinstaller: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gradio_rangeslider'

I am trying to package my python program using 'gradio' for the GUI and the custom gradio addon 'gradio_rangeslider' (by freddyaboulton on GitHub). Previously I was unable to import gradio until I ...
Liam's user avatar
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Wix ExePackage payload SourceFile complains about having illegal characters

I have a .exe (dpinst-amd64.exe) file and its contents inside of a sub-folder on my desktop with the name FTDIDrivers_Setup. The contents of this folder are like this shown in the screenshot below. ...
nikhil's user avatar
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wix Install .exePackage after Extracting files

I have a file named CDM212364_Setup.exe which I need to extract first and then I need to install a generated subfile dpinst-amd64.exe file silently. I am downloading the .exe from FTDI. After I ...
nikhil's user avatar
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Not able to run exe containing an infinite while loop as it keeps opening console window even after using pyinstaller to convert and hide the console [duplicate]

I have made a python script which basically has a while loop which waits for a particular exe to start, and as soon as it opens it shuts down the system. But the thing is that the exe file when run, ...
Panav Gupta's user avatar
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"Not a valid calendar for the given culter" whilst launching program with Wine

So I have a little problem. I am trying to Launch a windows program (Bime.exe) which uses ".NET 4.8" and "EITcommon6" as a base. It works fine when I launch it on any windows ...
Khode Alishon's user avatar
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Error when converting GUI to a standalone executable using pyinstaller

I get a lot of error messages when I run the code pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --clean and an empty dist folder Typed out below are the full error messages I get when I run the code ...
Okayu Okay's user avatar
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How to get the address of a resource data entry from the resource table in a Windows executable?

I'm trying to familiarize myself with the resource table in the PE format, and I think I've gotten the hang of it except that the rva of data entry leaf node in the resource tree is supposed to point ...
YoungDON's user avatar
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How to make the following script much faster when turned into an .exe (CoolProp)

I am trying to make my excel file (which uses CoolProp functions) independent of the actual excel CoolProp Add-In so that I can distribute it to others without them needing thr Add-In. I got the idea ...
Checster's user avatar
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Wix not installing new exe package after old package is removed

I am trying to uninstall SqlServer 2017 and install SqlServer 2022. It is uninstalling SqlServer 2017 but never installing the 2022. I have a class named RemoveSql2017.cs that's as follows: public ...
nikhil's user avatar
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2 answers

Pyinstaller : FileNotFoundError: MultiplexedPath must contain at least one path

I am having an issue with PyInstaller when trying to bundle my Python IA script into an executable. I keep encountering the following error: FileNotFoundError: MultiplexedPath must contain at least ...
Alex's user avatar
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name 'ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2' is not defined, chromadb embedding not defined with pyinstaller

I'm creating an executable for my python AI project. So I'm using pyinstaller, but when I launch it, i get the error: failed to execute ... : name 'ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2' is not defined the precise log ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can I set an icon for a Windows .exe from Linux?

I am trying to export a Godot project in a CI/CD pipeline on GitHub Actions. Godot doesn't offer functionality for adding icons to the exported Windows .exe out of the box and uses rcedit instead. ...
Cassiterite's user avatar
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commands in the .bat file

there is a /min command that runs the file .exe is in minimized mode. how to make this one .exe was running in the background and was not displayed in the taskbar.which command should I use? enter ...
magnezium's user avatar
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My .jar project doesn't open with double click, or in .exe

The problem is that I have my project in netbeans and I run it and it runs without problems, I click clean and generate project but when I run the .jar it doesn't run. I run this command in the ...
Cristian PP's user avatar
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Multiple executables using electron-builder

I have written an electron app that shows notifications to my users. I have packaged this app using electron-builder / electron-forge. I also have written code for the app to have a screensaver ...
Gautam Krishnan's user avatar
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ASP.NET web site on .NET 4.7.2 - what executable runs?

We have a "web site" project created many years ago. Currently the "web site" project is maintained in VS2019. We use .NET 4.7.2. The web site resides in our production server, say ...
user7221839's user avatar
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Difficulty creating file in exe on emu8086

I am trying to take user input and put it into a created file, but it is returning this error: file does not exist: C:\emu8086\vdrive \emu8086\vdrive\C\inventory.txt interrupt error: 21h/3Dh : cannot ...
avery grace's user avatar
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python3.6.7 and pyinstaller with upx, but it returns "UPX is not available"

On my computer, I just have one python environment, it is python 3.6.7. And I want to use upx to resize my exe application. So I have copied the upx.exe to the folder of pyinstaller.exe. But when I ...
leistung's user avatar
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What type do I use in a VS Code launch config in order to run exe files?

I have a project that requires me to convert the Python file to a exe file using pyinstaller -F I run the aforementioned command in the terminal and I am able use the exe as intended. However,...
TechPro424's user avatar
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Godot (4.3) Windows Export issue, unexpected C# script behaviour

On Godot engine, I created a generator that throw on the map various references of objets, and compare if positions are available, It is entirely based on C# code and uses the classic windows export....
Heolu's user avatar
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'openpyxl.cell._writer' module missing when I run the exe generated by pyinstaller in spyder IDE. How to make exe work?

I have following code I am using to generate exe in spyder. I have this saved as python script. Script I have works when I run from spyder. import PyInstaller.__main__[ '--...
devdatta deo's user avatar
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Linking flag exe to dll in c++ mfc

I have two C++ projects: one is an executable (EXE), and the other is a dynamic link library (DLL). In the EXE project, I am using a flag corresponding to a checkbox, and I need to access the value of ...
Mukesh Rajput's user avatar
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How to bundle all necessary dependencies in pyinstaller .exe file?

I have a typing game that is made using django and websockets ,I want to make ".exe file" to run this game on another pc that does not even have python installed !! I tried this code below ...
Acno_Sama's user avatar
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Compiling multiple python files and json files into a single executable Using Nuitka

I was writing some python codes. Created 3 py files named, and The is just a simple code to just launch the the other two-: import subprocess ...
Pratyush Rai's user avatar
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Making python exe file with using pyinstaller --icon option doesn't change file explorer icon

The exe file's taskbar icon and properties icon changed as set, but the icon in Windows File Explorer didn't change. The windows file explorer icon is still the default Python exe icon. I read all the ...
ksha's user avatar
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Subprocess in PyInstaller-built exe can't find or run Python script

I am building a Python project into a standalone executable using PyInstaller, and I'm encountering an issue when trying to run a Python script ( as a subprocess from the main script ( ...
Hamza Alomari's user avatar
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Creation of Tkinter exe using nuitka opens and closes without feedback. App works perfectly when running in python environment

When I apply the main loop solution, I still have the same problem. The script works perfectly when running the .py script. So the exe is created with the nuitka, and when I run the exe the console ...
Hitokiri's user avatar
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Pyinstaller creating faulty .exe files with an anaconda environment

I am using anaconda for my environments and when I try to export my program to a .exe it works but the exe fails and outputs the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "...
SmoothTurtle872's user avatar
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How can I enable breakpoints in both .exe and .dll C++ projects in a single solution?

I have a solution in visual studio with one .exe(exe1) project and 2 dlls (dll1,dll2). .exe depending on these 2 dlls. when I build dll2 and immediately build exe1, it says dll2.lib is not found. But ...
Soumya's user avatar
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How to suppress the .exe file for ASP.NET Core project? [duplicate]

I have a Razor ASP.NET Core 8 project, and when I build for debugging, it creates a .exe file (alongside the .dll). Back in .NET Core 2.1, we only had the .dll file for ASP.NET Core projects, even on ...
herme 0's user avatar
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NSIS Progress Bar Appearing Behind Status Bar in Korean,Japanese and Chinese OS Languages

I'm working on an NSIS installer and encountered an issue where the progress bar appears behind the bottom bar (status bar) when the installer is running in Korean,Japanese and Chinese OS Languages. ...
Abhiroop Saha's user avatar
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3 answers

chromadb 'ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2' embedding not defined with pyinstaller

I am working with the provided method to create the executable for my Python FastAPI project. Since it is an AI-based project, It contains the vector database to handle the embeddings. I am using ...
Muhammad Hassan's user avatar
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"Failed to execute skript 'pyiboot01_bootstrap' due to unhandled exception: Bootloader did not set sys._pyinstaller_pyz!"

I have a Python skript (but what is inside is not important in the case), which I pack into an executable file. I used to have no problems with it before, but yesterday I faced some. This is how I ...
Doroteya Nikolova's user avatar
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The executable only works when the DLLs are in the same folder [duplicate]

I have noticed that my executable only works when it's in the same folder as the DLL files it's dependent on. I know if I put the DLL file in system32 folder my executable will work without having the ...
MeMeo LoGisT's user avatar
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Python script executable single file selecting from INFORMIX database Unspecified System Error SQLCODE=-23101

If I run IsOverUzivNoODBC.exe compiled from Python script runs fail with message IfxPyDbi::Error: Exception('[OneDB][OneDB ODBC Driver][OneDB]Unspecified System Error = -23101. SQLCODE=-23101') ...
Ladislav Schnaiberg's user avatar
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Pyinstaller "skipping data collection for module 'sqlite-utils' as it is not a package."

I am creating an application with pyqt6, and one of the pages have: import subprocess # Create .bd file from csv["sqlite-utils", "insert", self.path + "/...
Natalia Sá's user avatar
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Building installer for python program with Conda libraries

I have a problem with making an installer for a python program. The program has a UI based on PyQt5 and QT-PyQt-PySide-Custom-Widgets. During the development phase, I used the Conda environment ...
bsotrow1's user avatar
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Unable to construct Application instance: class Launcher$Main [duplicate]

i tried to convert my JavaFX Projekt from IntelliJ to a Exe using Launch4j. But now i am stuck with this error.. none of the other solutions on stackoverflow worked. Can anyone help me with my problem?...
Applicator's user avatar
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Run a local PS1 batch from web site page

I have a simple powershell script, like this: Write-Output "Hello" saved on local disk C: and I would like to call it from a web page (https://mysite/page.html). I tried several solutions ...
RobertIT's user avatar
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Using Invoke-PS2EXE to write WindowsForm PowerShell Script to EXE

I am having a dilemma with my PowerShell Script that I am trying to convert into a exe using Invoke-PS2EXE .\main.ps1 .\main.exe I then go run the exe, and I get this error: This is the raw script: #...
Jose Serra's user avatar
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Infinite output command freezing the GUI [duplicate]

Trying to run a command like: "Python.exe" with argument "c:\" that contain the script : i=0 while i>=0: print(i) i=i+1 this should give an infinite output, but ...
Midox's user avatar
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Issues with AutoTS Model Evaluation After Converting Python Script to Executable Using PyInstaller

I'm encountering an issue when running my Python script, which uses the AutoTS library, after converting it into an executable using PyInstaller. The script works perfectly in Python, but when I run ...
Philip Bui's user avatar
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Avoid showing terminal when executing pkg generated .exe

I packaged my node application in an .exe with pkg but when I run it with a double click or with a .bat file, the executable opens a console for the app. Is there a possibility to run the .exe without ...
Bruno Munné's user avatar
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Extracting executable's icon in rust

I'm making some code to extract the 64x64px variant of the icon in an exe file. The following code does work, but it outputs a grayscale 16x16px image. I'm still a bit new to rust so please excuse the ...
Barnabás's user avatar
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Patching windows compatibility settings to an .exe directly or through binary DLL, without the .SDB database?

In the windows compatibility administrator I have the following behaviors added from a database: Is it possible to apply these windows compatibility patches directly to a .exe, or even by loading a ....
David W's user avatar
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Error while converting my .py file to .exe file with pyinstaller

I'm trying to convert my .py file to .exe file with PyInstaller. The .py file, which worked perfectly on Jupyter lab, is not working perfectly in the exe file. This part of the code is causing the ...
조연서's user avatar
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How can i execute this command without needing to execute it manually everytime i open the EXE

i used pyinstaller to make an exe out of my python project. when i tried to execute the EXE file i encountered the following error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line ...
Metaverse09's user avatar

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