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Vertx single thread become slower when client call many concurrently of APIs to vertx service

I expect your ideas so much for my situation. I built a RestfulAPI using vertx 4.5.7, vertx-pg-client same version. When starting I configured pool like this: final PgConnectOptions connectOptions = ...
troonie-pham's user avatar
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does deploying multiple instances of a verticle for creating a httpserver use multiple threading for handling requests?

I want my vertx application to use multiple threads ( multiple event loops ) to take advantage of multiple cores and handles requests more optimally. Hence, I have deployed multiple instances of the ...
Ashwin Prasad's user avatar
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Vert.x aerospike client to use context-bound event loop

Standard java aerospike client's methods have overloads allowing to provide EventLoop as an argument. When running in vert.x that client is not aware of context-bounded event loop and just fallbacks ...
slesh's user avatar
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How to vertically scale Vert.x without Verticals?

According the the Vert.x docs - deploying using Verticles is optional. If this is the case - how can I deploy say an HTTP server onto multiple event loops? Here's what I tried - also read the api docs ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Vertx's netty event loop using only single thread

It seems that a verticle is only ever executed by a single thread and always by the same thread. But Vert.x is capable of using all the CPUs in the machine by creating one thread per CPU. Each thread ...
diesel10's user avatar
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How can I share the same Event Loop from VertX in Lettuce-io

Is there a way to share the same EventLoop from VertX when creating a Lettuce-io Redis Client?
R2bits's user avatar
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Vert.x - gets stuck after some idle time

Below is my code on Vertx. Using SQLclient PreparedQuery to get data from Database, but after 30 mins of idle time it gets stuck. Vert.x version - 3.8.0 //initialized one on application startup ...
Md Faraz's user avatar
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Vert.x IO Blocking operation performance

I'm trying to run a blocking code, like Thread.sleep(100) to simulate a heavy database, with a Vert.x 1000 Worker pool size. val options = DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true).setWorkerPoolSize(1000); ...
joao kleiber's user avatar
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Vert.x EventLoop Thread Block Inet6AddressImpl.lookupAllHostAddr

I'm experiencing very weird thread block of more than 4 second when searching for dns entry (?) while initiating kafka producer, exception: 2019-02-11 10:00:33,982 WARN [vertx-blocked-thread-checker] ...
Tomer Lev's user avatar
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Mongo client blocking event loop in vertx

We are using vertx mongo client in our application we are seeing lot of WARNINGS in our log with the following trace. WARNING: Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1,5,main] has been blocked for ...
Jeeri's user avatar
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Vertx: Using AbstractVerticle Context to pass around objects

We have been using the Context object to in a long chain of async execution. e.g.: private void checkVehicle(final JsonObject cmd, final RedisFleetStorage storage, ...
Orkun's user avatar
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Class without Verticle implement and event loop

I'm not sure to understand correctly the verticles principle. If my main class extends AbstractVerticle (implements the Verticle interface) and this class create instances of other class (by example, ...
protocod's user avatar
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3 answers

Vertx web-server uses only one event-loop thread while 16 are available

I use Vert.x v3.5.1. There is the simplest sample of code: vertx.createHttpServer() .requestHandler(anyRouter::accept) .listen(8080); In my case the event ...
katrin's user avatar
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How vertx handlers work?

For the last week I read documentation about vertx. What i don't get it's how vertx handlers are work? For example public class Client extends AbstractVerticle{ @Override public void start() ...
Almas Abdrazak's user avatar
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Connection pool based web server with async support vs Event Loop based web server

I'm learning about Vertx and it's ecosysteme, firstly i learned about Event loop, and the concept is really nice to me. But since Servlet 3.1 we can use async support in JAVA based servers. I'm ...
Almas Abdrazak's user avatar
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2 answers

Vertx executeBlocking use event loop instead of worker thread

I came from programming ideology of one request = one thread and now I want to understand the concept of event loop using Vertx. According to docs if we use a blocking operation we should pass it to ...
Almas Abdrazak's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Vert.x create a new event loop for an http server?

I have a very simple Vert.x application that exposes a ping endpoint: public class LauncherVerticle extends AbstractVerticle { @Override public void start(Future<...
garci560's user avatar
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154 views java + twitter4j - event loop integration

I'm trying to integrate twitter4j with vertx event loop and I don't know if I'm doing it the right way. I'm new to vertx, although I'm a Node.js developer, so I'm familiar with the event loop/single ...
Catalin Dima's user avatar