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How can you Embed YouTube Video using JOGL

I am working on adding cutscenes to a game mod I am writing. The game renders GUI elements using JOGL, so I have created a render event for the Player's Heads Up Display (HUD) and I want to render an ...
Thornack's user avatar
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Embadding video is not displaying after retrieving it from dataabse

i am saving embedding video code in database and retrieving it from database but it is not displaying video it is displaying just code in place of video. Video Link: <iframe src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Waqar ahmad's user avatar
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Parse URLs of major video streaming sites and generate appropriate code for embedding

Posting a video on allows you to just paste the URL of the video on youtube, vimeo, whatever and tumblr automatically does the embedding for you. I assume that this would be nothing more ...
Markus's user avatar
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