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Why are template strings in 11ty not rendering values from JSON content files?

I'm using 11ty to build a simple static site and have structured my project into templates and content directories. The template strings in my Nunjuck .njk templates are not rendering values from ...
Josh's user avatar
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Accessing the collections object and json data from a JavaScript file with Eleventy

I'm a very beginner in eleventy. And also in English! I'm studying alone. I have a html page gallery.html with a dropdown menu. I have a javascript file that will add some html content dynamically ...
Gaëlle Bono's user avatar
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How to access json data file information from include file in 11ty / eleventy?

I need help with Eleventy (11ty), the static website generator. In the default _data/ directory I have the following navigation.json file: [ { "name":"Home", "url&...
Katja Eichelberger's user avatar
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Eleventy and Netlify blog, with author relations

I have a blog type site that I've been working on, which is almost complete. I've used Eleventy and now I've hooked up Netlify CMS which required me to restructure some data. Netlify CMS requires me ...
Daz Lee's user avatar
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