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Need to ask for AppleScript permissions in an electron app

An Electron app uses NSAppleScript in a child python process and it needs automation controls for each browser. I have isolated the issue down to this specifically because if I run the app in the ...
smal's user avatar
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Node.Js subprocess doesn't start after clicking on a .app, but does if running from unix executable

I'm working on an app using ElectronJS, with a python backend. Electron and Python communicate through python using flask to host a webserver which returns JSON and the like. Here's my situation - the ...
Todd Rylaarsdam's user avatar
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Adding read/write permission to access external HD under Catalina

I'm working on MAC application contains a command line tool. The GUI (electron) using sudo prompt to run the command line tool written in Python. Under Catalina, the app all needed permission to w/r ...
Amr Sh's user avatar
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Bundling or combining two separate apps (Mac OSX)

I have made a desktop application which relies on a python backend and a "client" GUI application written in React with Electron. To use the application I have to first initiate the python backend ...
erikejan's user avatar
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Mac OS - get app window to front

I have electron based app. I open url in electron window using launcher_process = subprocess.Popen(launcher_path + [launcher_url, 'main', runfromsrc]) self.main_window_pid = In ...
Durgaprasad's user avatar
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