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How to properly kill python process spawned by electron app?

I’m developing an Electron app that uses a Python executable as a backend server. The Python backend is spawned using child_process.spawn. While the app works fine most of the time, I’ve noticed that ...
Steven's user avatar
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Executable/installable files with electron FE and python BE

I have a problem with my current project. I have a backend written in python which i complain with pyinstaller to an exe. The py BE communicate with websockets with the FE written in JS/hmtl/css. I ...
Martin's user avatar
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Install tensorflow\tfjs-node on Windows 11

I've got a lot of problem installing TFJS My situation: Python v3.11.9 (from vscode terminal) NodeJS v20.14.0 (from vscode terminal) Windows 11 Visual Studio Community installed What i've done: ...
Doublegram's user avatar
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How to use python in electron js package

My friend and I are buildinf a desktop app using electron js, in there we have a snippet of code that runs in a js file that goes like this: const scriptPath = await window.spawnAPI.pathJoin('..', '..'...
random's user avatar
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cookies are not being set on browser Django, I have a function where cookies work and the other doesn't, why?

I'm making a webapp in Django and Electron using websockets and I wanted to insert one of the socket responses into the user's cookies, but unfortunately I don't know why but they are not being ...
André Pimentel's user avatar
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Page not found on Django using Websockets

It's the first time I'm working with websockets in Django and I'm not doing it very well, what's happening to me is that I get either the 404 not found error or the error: unexpected server response: ...
André Pimentel's user avatar
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I have electron fuse with backend but it is opening command prompt when i start my electron app and doesnot fetch data at first when electron is open

const runDjangoServer = async () => { ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (isDev) { const exeFile = path.join(__dirname, "../../runserver/runserver.exe&...
Prajjwal Sapkota's user avatar
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Can I package a third party application installer along with my electron application?

I'm currently working on a project which has a react frontend and python backend and some functions involving Power Bi desktop. As I'm trying to package the react and python in an electron application ...
Shankar Ravichandran's user avatar
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Stlite Desktop Pyodide Micropip ModuleNotFoundError

When I try to "npm dump" my Stlite Desktop Project, I run into the following error: PythonError: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/lib/
programmmm's user avatar
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Electron with python won't run when packaged

I am packaging an Electron desktop app that runs a Flask server locally. Whenever I try to run the standalone app that is created from the project I get the error below. When I run the project using ...
Python12492's user avatar
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How to bundle React + Flask app to Windows executable?

I have a React frontend and Flask backend which has SQL lite. I want to bundle it for desktop executable. I tried electron JS but it is making frontend exe only. I have to start flask backend ...
Rushabh Panbude's user avatar
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3 answers

I get import gyp error when try to install package for electron

I tried to install on Windows the demo from this repository: git clone cd electron-acrylic-...
Artur's user avatar
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cookies keep resetting with eel python

my app made using python's eel library expects to retrieve data from cookies, the data is not critical and only contains a string of the last path the user worked with, so storing that in a database ...
WILLIAMS SAMUEL's user avatar
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Receive an array in Electron from Python script using ZMQ

I am making an app in Electron, and I use a Python Script to make queries (SQL). I need to send the result of the SQL query to Electron to display this data in a Datatable. I have read that the best ...
Antonio73's user avatar
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Electron-builder relative file paths

I'm coding my first app using ElectronJs as a GUI for an older project written in python. When i run my Electron app from the cmd i can successfully activate a python venv using the provided script, ...
roto65's user avatar
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Python sending GET request to express server in electron main.js process error

I am using the electron framework with a few helper python files. I am running into this error where it seems like I'm unable to start an express server in the main.js process for some reason. Here is ...
Justin Ridenour's user avatar
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Weird properties with mouse events

from pynput.mouse import Listener def on_click(x, y, button, pressed): if pressed: print(f"Click detected") def run_listener(): with Listener(on_click=on_click) as listener:...
Rodrigo Carvalho's user avatar
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Having issue with node-gyp and python

I keep on getting this following error when I'm trying to compile my npm electron project. I feel theres some error with node-gyp and python. Can you guys please help me with this. How can I fix this ...
Just_Ice's user avatar
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How can I trigger function in django while reading it's output without impacting that functions execution time?

I've been trying to find a solution to my issue for some time now, but I haven't come across anything that seems intuitive enough that it seems like the "right" solution. I'm building an ...
eeScott's user avatar
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Options for Bundling a Python web server in Electron?

What are some options for packaging a python web server (i.e. flask, tornado, quart, sanic, etc.) that uses numpy inside an electron application? I took a look at PyOxidizer, but could not find any ...
chaimp's user avatar
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How can I provide that python-bridge sees my python packages in node.js?

I try to create desktop application with Electron.js and I need use some python packages in this application. I use python-bridge to run python codes in node.js. Now I can run python codes in node.js. ...
Hasan Ismayilov's user avatar
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Electron forge distributable showing "error spawn python ENOENT" when starting the app

I've one Electron app in which I've used python flask a server with Angular JS for all HTML front end thing. In dev environment it's working fine as I expect. But, after creating a distributable by ...
Suresh's user avatar
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Python Flask server not running inside electron app

I'm working on an Electron app where I'm running a Python Flask server inside the Electron app. Code has shared below. When I'm trying to run the Electron app by npm run start command my electron app ...
Suresh's user avatar
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How to retrieve data from JSON using reactJS and placing them in the right place?

I would like to retrieve the data from a JSON that is sent by a python program and place it in the corresponding boxes via the dictionary keys. I have tried to retrieve the data like this but it does ...
Feyto's user avatar
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Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I am new to websockets. I tried to create a websocket with the following address ws://localhost:8000 in order to send data continuously from my python program to a js program which takes care of ...
Feyto's user avatar
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PYTHON module "requests" not working with packaged electron app

In my electron app I have a python file that has two import statements shown below import requests import shutil The app works fine without an errors in the IDE but after packaging the electron app ...
Someone's user avatar
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Nothing is displayed on the page after running npm start

I am currently on the backend of my software which runs via electron but I can't get the data. So I tried to retrieve the data from a python program that sends it using Flask, but when I run the npm ...
Feyto's user avatar
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Can't resolve 'child_process'

I am currently on the backend of my software which runs via electron but I can't get the data. So I tried to retrieve the data from a python program that sends it using Flask, but when I run the npm ...
Feyto's user avatar
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Trajectory of an electron in python

I've been trying to calculate the trajectory of an electron in python without using numpy. I had to use Lorentz's Force, so I defined a function for cross product. def cross(a, b):#function for cross ...
Cengizhan Koyutürk's user avatar
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Pytest runs my tests while collecting them

I wrote some tests for an Electron exe app. With Pytest, in the collection phase, the tests are executed, instead of just collected. Python 3.10.2 for Windows Pytest 7.2.0 Chromedriver 98.0.4758.109 I ...
Freejack67's user avatar
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How should I write custom install and uninstall nsis for electron builder?

hello, I am building an electron app. I need to do 2 things while installing the app 1.set custom installation path here is the the code how I done the first step !macro preInit SetRegView 64 ...
OnTheRoad's user avatar
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Trying to ouput an randomly generate password into an Eletron App using Python Shell [duplicate]

I'm making my first project with Electron. It's a password manager and generator. My main objective right now is to display a randomly generated password into the app using Python Shell, but can't ...
Victor Svart's user avatar
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Including python script in packaged electron app

After packaging my app for a linux system, the python script for doing some background tasks fails to execute, probably because it is not packaged correctly. I've looked through several threads now, ...
Traxan's user avatar
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Package python script in electron app using webpack

I have an existing typescript based electron application which uses webpack. Now, I need do add some python scripts in order to achieve some task and would want to bundle the python script with ...
Pranav's user avatar
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How does one make electron-builder copy .pyc files, which are by default excluded?

Because of the default exclusion rule as shown here, electron-builder refuses to copy .pyc files when building. However adding the line "files": ["**/*.pyc"] into the config file ...
unluckycoder's user avatar
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Node.js Returning a value from an async function - Electron

I am creating a project where I need to take a user input - pass it through a function and return the new value to the user - seems simple enough. I am new to async functions and have read everything ...
elliott hall's user avatar
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Need to ask for AppleScript permissions in an electron app

An Electron app uses NSAppleScript in a child python process and it needs automation controls for each browser. I have isolated the issue down to this specifically because if I run the app in the ...
smal's user avatar
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electron.js desktop app made with python as a back-end does not RUN ON any other pc than mine

so i have recently made a CRUD software with python to connect to xampp database, but once i compile and distribute it, it run on my computer perfectly but when i share the setup file with another ...
Cicada Coder's user avatar
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Getting PythonShell to Work with Electron

I am trying to get a basic python code to work with electron-forge. On the Node JS and python-shell websites, they want you to do this. But it will not let me because it will not let me use require() ...
Monticellos's user avatar
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"/app/node_modules/electron/dist/electron exited with signal SIGTRAP" electron app docker

I'm trying to run an electron app in docker. I have created the docker image successfully using the command "docker build. -t pi/electron-app-node16", when I try to run the docker image (...
Muhammed Fazil's user avatar
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Killing a Python process from Node doesn't kill Python's child process (child process being ffmpeg.exe)

I am developing an Electron application. In this application, I am spawning a Python process with a file's path as an argument, and the file itself is then passed to ffmpeg (through the ffmpeg-python ...
Impasse's user avatar
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Changing an ODE inside the function with ODEINT and python

This is my first question here on the forum, so I hope I'm doing evrything right. My problem is, I am supposed to solve an ODE with python. The ODE describes the movement of an electron inside of a &...
GhastM4n's user avatar
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Sharing memory between Python shells run by Electron

I'm currently working on a desktop application that makes use of React for frontend and runs through an electron window. Electron needs to be able to communicate with my Python backend. I've found an ...
mdkazierad's user avatar
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Electron/NodeJS and multi-threaded python application inter process communication

I am building an Electron app that has to communicate with a multi-threaded python application. My initial solution was to use spawn in the child_process package to spawn a ChildProcess and use stdio ...
Devansh Rathi's user avatar
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how can i convert django app to desktop app

I have a Django app up and running on DigitalOcean with Nginx and PostgreSQL. But some clients want an offline version of the app so that their data remains on their systems and they don't have to ...
danish2694's user avatar
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How can I run an exe for an Electron app from within Python on Windows?

How can I run an exe for an Electron app from within Python on Windows? Ultimately, the objective is to run a custom command line app built with Electron, passing arguments. (I use vscode as an ...
k-0348's user avatar
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Communication between Electron Frontend and Python Backend

After developing a Python CLI app, I realized that it's time for it to have an Electron frontend. How can the Electron app communicate with the Python app in response to a user action on the UI? ...
Athena Wisdom's user avatar
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How to run flask server as portable elf

Hello i am working on a small project using electron js and flask. I was wondering if there is a way to compile my flask server as an exe. And run it in the background so the frontend(electron js) can ...
CrummY's user avatar
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Could Python Subprocess.Popen handle/ignore ENOENT error on Electron app launch and proceed ahead without fail as in command line throws error spawn ./jre/bin/java ENOENT exception import subprocess[r"C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\<some_dir>\<some_tool>.exe", &...
Ulysses's user avatar
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Spawning (and killing) Uvicorn/FastAPI backend from Electron (or Node.js)

I'm building a Python backend for an Electron app using FastAPI (and Uvicorn). I develop on both macOS and Windows, so I'm looking for a cross-platform solution to the following question. How can I ...
dsholes's user avatar
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