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How do I launch multiple EC2 instances to run a program with different parameters

I am running a program which takes in certain parameters. Because the program will run for a long time, I am thinking to launch multiple EC2 instances such that I can run this program with different ...
fagd's user avatar
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Hardening AWS EC2 Instances

I have launched and AWS ECS cluster with 4 EC2 instances with ecs optimized AMI 2 years ago, the system was working fine but due to systems hardening compliance , I need to update my ECS cluster EC2 ...
Bala krishna's user avatar
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Container is connecting default cluster when trying to setup new ECS Cluster

I am using following cloud formation script to create a new ECS cluster *{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion":"2010-09-09", "Parameters":{ "KeyName":{ "Type":"AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName", ...
manish sharma's user avatar
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How can I set an ECS cluster status to ACTIVE

I've deleted the default cluster with aws console management and now I want to set it to ACTIVE on my EC2 instance. Below the output of aws ecs describe-clusters --cluster default { "...
J.Ghassen's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Error registering: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain ECS agent error

Im trying to use EC2 Container service. Im using terraform for creating it. I have defined a ecs cluster, autoscaling group, launch configuration. All seems to work. Except one thing. The ec2 ...
Aldarund's user avatar
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