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react-dropzone , isDragReject not working when file exceeds max size

using react-dropzone,I added ,maxSize: 1048576, when i drag a file the exceed this size isDragReject is false even that the file is rejected. how can i over come it ? I tried to use onDragEnter and ...
programmer's user avatar
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initial file from s3 not displaying react-dropzone

I'm using react-dropzone + s3 to upload images for a product and it's working fine. The issue starts when I want to edit the product. I'm trying to display the images of the product in the react-...
pop's user avatar
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Invalid response from server - react-dropzone-s3-uploader

I'm trying to upload pictures directly to S3 with the react-dropzone-s3-uploader. I tried to follow the documentation but I'm getting this error: Invalid response from server This is how my code ...
pop's user avatar
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4 answers

react-dropzone accepts all uploaded file types instead of specified file type(s) in "accept" parameter

My react-dropzone 'accept': { .. } parameter seems to be totally ignored when I am uploading files. My useDropzone({}): const {getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive} = useDropzone({ ...
yeln's user avatar
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how to remove or delete selected file from React-Dropzone

I have the following code and I am trying to remove or delete a selected file when the x button is press. Currently I am able to upload a image by drag and drop. I can see a preview of the image. I ...
Jerry seigle's user avatar
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Can i use react-dropzone-uploader with Cloudinary?

I need to use RDU with cloudinary is it possible or is there another solution similar to RDU to use with cloudinary? i need to preview images and delete an image from the preview before upload
Ralph B21's user avatar
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How to clear react dropzone file input as well success icon and show initial drag and drop

I need to clear the file name as well success message once the file is uploaded . it should show the original label,as for there are two states used one for keeping track of the files (setFile()) and ...
Srishti Roy's user avatar
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how to handle 2 zone with react-dropzone

I need to use 2 differents dropzones in one component for storing 2 different files withe useDropeZone version. I'm trying with onDropAccepted and retrieve event with input id...but the id never ...
fbm's user avatar
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2 answers

maxFiles not work in react-admin - dropZone

I have tried to put a file limit to the ImageInput of react-admin built with react-dropzone, in two ways, the first is to pass the ** maxFiles ** as a property directly: <ImageInput className={...
Daniel's user avatar
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Material ui dropzone S3 uploader

Pardon me if this has been asked before. I am new to react and I'm developing a feature to upload files to S3 bucket using Can some one help me out ...
Twisha's user avatar
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Upload image one at a time with preview issue - React Drop zone

const [files, setFiles] = useState([]); const onDrop = useCallback((acceptedFiles) => { // Do something with the files setFiles( File) => Object....
vini's user avatar
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React Dropzone : need to pass id with file to upload

I use React Dropzone to upload files to my Node.js server. When a file is dropped in the dropzone, the handleOnDrop() method is called. Then another uploadPicture() method is called. ... handleOnDrop =...
Frankie's user avatar
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6 votes
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react-dropzone-uploader how to display already uploaded files from a react state

I am currently using RDU(react-dropzone-uploader) to upload files to the server, I am saving the uploaded files in a react state. I am trying to figure out how to display the already uploaded files as ...
dev0864's user avatar
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React dropzone uploader extra.reject, dropzoneReject not working for custom extension other than MIME types in accept

I have been using react-dropzone-uploader I am passing accept prop as below accept=".glb" for this extension, extra.reject in "inputContent" function always returns false when dropping other format ...
dev0864's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Best way to store file objects in React Redux store (files upload from DropZone?)

I am currently using Material Ui dropzone to upload multiple files. just wondering what is the best way to add/update files in the redux store. I am currently doing a dispatch action when "onChange" ...
dev0864's user avatar
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2 answers

Material-UI DropZone "getFileAddedMessage" handler returning multiple file names in a single string

I am using Material UI dropzone. I am able to drop multiple files at a time. But the component is returning all file names combined in a string on ...
dev0864's user avatar
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DropZone: How to Accept .csv Files?

I've read quite a few answers on SO about this, and most advise using the acceptedFiles property to specify the accepted mime types. However, the DropZone docs say: Mime type determination is not ...
VikR's user avatar
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Chunked uploads with react-dropzone

I would like to upload chunked files using React-Dropzone. I have the following code: OnDrop: const dropTest = async (file, rejectedFiles) => { var formData = new FormData(); formData....
Uğur Cemil Yılmaz's user avatar
5 votes
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How to use Async Await in "onDrop" of "react-dropzone" ? (Parsing error: Can not use keyword 'await' outside an Async function)

I'm using "react-dropzone" for dropping files : import React from "react"; import { useDropzone } from "react-dropzone"; const DropzoneUpload = ({ onDrop, accept }) => { // Initializing ...
JAN's user avatar
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Use React Dropzone Uploader with custom input field

Can I integrate input inside react dropzone uploader? Basically the file I get from input should go to dropzone uploader. React File Dropzone: &...
KillMe's user avatar
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How to access raw text of each chapter in user uploaded EPUB file

I am trying to access the raw text of a user uploaded EPUB file. Tried a few libraries with no luck, most require a local file path to access the files contents it seems and I don't know how to ...
David's user avatar
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How to preview pdf using react dropzone

Im having a hard time figuring out how to preview PDFs that I'm uploading using react-dropzone. PNG and JPG are working perfectly but I would also like to be able to show the user either the pdf ...
Philipp Albrecht's user avatar
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React-Dropzone: I can't put my thumbnail image inside dropzone

The thumbnail preview of my image is outside of my dropzone (it shows up below). How do I make this show up in the dropzone / instead of the dropzone? Here's my code: <ReactDropzone ...
pinkhoodie's user avatar
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FF file type blank if you drag files in a folder - DropzoneJs

I am using dropzonejs/react-dropzone and I want to take a folder and drag it in. It should extract the files out, but in FF the file.type is blank and thus all the files get rejected. I have the ...
chobo2's user avatar
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react-dropzone - How to read files through a folder?

I am trying to use react-dropzone and I am trying to read all the images of a folder that has been dragged into the zone. I see they have an example. const { getDroppedOrSelectedFiles } = require('...
chobo2's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

react-dropzone opens files chooser twice

I an encountering an issue with react-dropzone for quite a long time. First, let's jump straight to the problem with a video: The ...
Emmanuel Scarabin's user avatar