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How to ManifestStaticFilesStorage with django-storages, boto3 on DigitalOcean Spaces Object Storage?

Context: I am running Django==5.1.2. I need to have cache busting for my static files on prod. On dev, my settings are like so STORAGES = { "default": { "BACKEND": &...
ONMNZ's user avatar
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EndpointConnectionError using Localstack with Django

I'm working on setting up Localstack in my Django app so we don't need to connect to S3 for local development. This is the relevant part of my docker-compose: app: build: context: . ...
Dillon Brock's user avatar
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Django S3 Storage prepends base url before custom domain

I have S3 object storage with a CDN infront of it (on DigitalOcean). I have pointed my domain to the cdn & this is working fine. In Django I am using django-storages[s3] to connect ...
Victor's user avatar
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Can't save BlobFields when using both django_gcp and django-reverse-admin

I'm trying to use both django-gcp to store large images as BlobFields, and django-reverse-admin so I can edit all of my data inline. My models look like this: class SceneContent(models.Model): ...
nathan lachenmyer's user avatar
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botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidArgument) when calling the PutObject operation: None upgrading to django-storages==1.14.4

I am encountering a ClientError: InvalidArgument when attempting to upload files to an S3 bucket using django-storages==1.14.4. This issue did not occur with django-storages==1.10, where the file ...
Tariq Ahmed's user avatar
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Django ignores static configuration for uploading to S3

I had the same problem with media files before, I did all the configuration but django kept saving the media files locally and not in S3, I think it was solved by implementing a custom class ...
Esteban Fernandez's user avatar
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Unable to Upload Files to S3 from Django on Amazon Lightsail, Despite Working Fine Locally with Same Credentials and Policy

I'm running into an issue where I can successfully upload files to my S3 bucket locally, but I encounter problems when trying to upload from my server. Here are the details: Django Settings Settings....
Anil Poudyal's user avatar
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Django on CapRover Creates Local Directory Instead of Uploading Media to S3

I'm deploying a Django application using CapRover, and I'm running into an issue with django-storages s3 bucket. When I run the app locally, everything works fine, and media files are uploaded to my ...
CYW's user avatar
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Django REST framework serializer.is_valid() saves files to MEDIA_ROOT although .is_valid() is False

I have a project which supports file uploads via Django forms and also Django REST framework, these files are used are stored in a model 'Document'. The issue is that when a file that fails validation ...
H0lyBruh's user avatar
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django-import-export: Customizable storage not working with minio

Following the documentation, I'm trying to configure the library to store temporary import files from the admin page into a MinIO bucket. This is my STORAGES configuration: ...
ferran's user avatar
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ValueError: Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'css/bootstrap.min.css'

I've tried almost all the solutions exist on stackoverflow and few other channels but I couldn't get this resolved. File already exists on path but it couldn't find it. Same behavior on the server ...
Mudassar Hashmi's user avatar
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Getting two "https://" in the url of image

I'm developing a project using Django and Django Rest Framework in which I have to save an image in a model. I'm using S3 bucket as a storage device. I'm able to upload the image and save it to the ...
Kushagra Gupta's user avatar
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nginx x-accel redirect to gcloud storage is returning empty HTML page

Stack: I am running django app (DRF) behind nginx proxy server. Media files are stored in Google Cloud Storage's private bucket. Django app along with nginx is hosted in cloud run and has all the ...
Dedahujaev's user avatar
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How to resolve "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'storages.backends.azure_storage'" [duplicate]

I have a django app and I have the module: django-storages[azure] installed with the command: pip install django-storages[azure] And now I try to run the collectstatic command. But if I enter the ...
Chukwuneku's user avatar
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django-storage[s3]: using storage and upload_to field together on image field doesnt work

There are sevaral threads/blogs on how you can use django-storage library to upload files/images on different cloud platforms(in my case I'm concerned about only S3). I followed those and configured ...
genikiwi35's user avatar
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File path not saved in database, but it is in storage. Collision? Django rest framework

Hey im trying to handle file upload with use of celery tasks. However after all tasks complete, file appears to be in storage and not in database when i query /files. Thumbnail (which is generated as ...
youwish's user avatar
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Getting DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE/STORAGES are mutually exclusive when upgraded to 4.2

We are in process to upgrade to django 4.2. However we are facing above issue in running django peroject. We have already setup new way of STORAGES in i.e. STORAGES = { "...
sAm's user avatar
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Django - Oracle Cloud Bucket integration with django-storages

I have configured the django-storages to point to OCI bucket. Below is the configuration: AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID = env('AWS_BUCKET_KEY') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = env('AWS_BUCKET_SECRET') ...
Usoof's user avatar
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Urls in CSS files not getting signed through django-storages

For example, my css code has this image file: background: url('/static/studyspot5/images/shapes/footer_sass.png'); And it does not render on my AWS site I have the following relevant code in my ...
Lawrence DeSouza's user avatar
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Django 4.2 on AWS - collectstatic is not uploading files to S3

This has been a nightmare to try and figure out. Nothing is working. Here is my code. eb-hooks log is always sending the files to the localhost 1084 static files copied to '/var/app/current/static' ...
Lawrence DeSouza's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'storages'

I no idea why this error kept occur in my terminal my current django version, 4.2.3 python version, 3.10.6 and my virtual environment is on, and I did downloaded these pip pip install boto3 pip ...
Chai Yon Xing's user avatar
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Django storages adding “;amp” to staticfiles query string parameter only for Django-jet files resulting in unauthorized access

Some staticfiles links have wrong params, what i noticed that they are only related to "django-jet" package. Normal Django staticfiles URL:
Jay's user avatar
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What do i set my STATIC_ROOT to when using django-storages, boto, boto3?

I am using linode object storage and django project deployed on a linode server. I have everything set up as far as the linode bucket and aws settings in my but what do I set my ...
ReliableAirRepair's user avatar
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Use Backblaze B2 as Django Default Storage

I want to use Backblaze B2 to serve media files only in Django. I have used django-storages for that purpose, and as per it's documentation it support Backblaze B2. I used the below configuration in ...
Samiddha 's user avatar
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Accessing localstack images at localhost for Django ImageField

I have a django rest app that I am running locally with docker and a docker-compose file. I have a model with an image field. However, the image field has a URL in the form of http://localstack/... ...
Brandon Shute's user avatar
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django-ckeditor5 server error 500 with AWS S3 bucket

I am attempting to use AWS S3 bucket for storage with a Django site. I am using django-ckeditor5 for some text fields in some models. I am allowing image uploads in the ckeditor fields. This works ...
Finn's user avatar
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Django cant access S3 bucket unless policy completely open to public

I am attempting to use an AWS S3 bucket for static and media files. I am able to get files to the bucket with "python collectstatic" with the IAM user credentials set in the ...
Finn's user avatar
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django-storages FTP doesn't work on production

I've frontend (made with Angular) on a cloud hosting and backend (made with DRF) on pythoneverywhere. I configured django-storages so that it sends the files that the user uploads to the server where ...
Manu's user avatar
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Django - generate a unique suffix to an uploaded file (uuid is cut and django adds another suffix)

I'm going to use DigitalOcean Spaces as a file storage and I want to add suffixes to uploaded filenames for two reasons: impossible to guess file url with bruteforce ensure it is unique, as I'm not ...
Milano's user avatar
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How to Update file name in FileField after file is uploaded on s3 via presigned post URL in Django?

I have integrated django-storages in Django Project. for large file sizes, I have used a pre-signed URL to upload files from externally without taking a load on my server. by pre-signed URL, Files ...
Pankaj Savaliya's user avatar
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No Signature at the end of url using digital ocean cdn in django

This is my configutation AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'keyid' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'accesskey' AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'allio1' AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL = '' ...
Aditya 's user avatar
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Access Denied when upload image on GCS using Django Storage Package

Image uploading on GCS works locally properly. After deploying the Django project on a vm instance with the load balancer, setup ssl and domain name gives error of access denied. Forbidden at /admin/...
Dalbeer Singh's user avatar
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Django - S3 - Access File Metadata

I have a simple model like so to store and track user uploaded documents: class Document(...): file = models.FileField(..., upload_to=upload_to) ... I am using the django-storage package to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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django-pipeline not working with S3Boto3Storage

How can I use S3Boto3Storage with django-pipeline? According to the docs it looks like it would work: The ...
Philipp S.'s user avatar
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Where should I store the Django media files so that I can have the same functionality as the Lynda site?

I built a Django website that works like Lynda's tutorial. Now my question is, where should I save my video files so that they are only accessible to users who are allowed to download them? Does ...
Amanullah Amini's user avatar
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SuspiciousFileOperation at /file/upload/ Detected path traversal attempt in '/app/media/Resume/Lal.pdf'

I am trying to upload a file to dropbox using django restframework. I am running the app on heroku. I am getting the following error : SuspiciousFileOperation at /file/upload/ Detected path traversal ...
Harikrishna Gannu's user avatar
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Azure deployed django app not displaying media files on Vuejs frontend in prooduction

These are the packages that I am using: Django==3.2 django-storages==1.12.3 I am trying to deploy a django REST API with Vuejs frontend on azure. This is my directory structure for the django API. I ...
Syed Bilal Ali's user avatar
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Unable to access the S3 bucket with django: ValueError: Invalid endpoint

I'm trying to integrate S3 Bucket with my django application. But always getting this error. raise ValueError("Invalid endpoint: %s" % endpoint_url) ValueError: Invalid endpoint: <...
Rohit Hazare's user avatar
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google Engine ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'storages'

I´m receiving this error where I deploy my app on Google Engine. When I run it locally it works. I already have that dependency in my requirements file. I checked the logs on google console and it ...
Jhader Manuel Hurtado Castro's user avatar
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Convert the Image to base64 and upload the base64 file in S3 and get the same file using django

I need to get a image from django imagefield and convert it to base64 file and upload that converted file in private s3 bucket. And while I getting the image from the s3 bucket I need to get that ...
vinoth kumar's user avatar
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Why is django-storages s3boto3 backend file url failing with AWS Signature Version 4 error?

The django-storages s3boto3 backend claims to provide presigned url generation for files uploaded to s3 using the .url property on the file field. The generated url looks about right, but when opened, ...
Grace Whitney's user avatar
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Django-App s3 bucket not working properly

So I'm currently deploying my website on heroku and I want to serve the static and media files from AWS S3, and at this point the files are being served from aws but the styling is not being applied. ...
Stephane-Gon's user avatar
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Can't save InMemoryUploadedFile to S3 in Django Admin

I'm using the django-storage package, and trying to upload multiple images at once. So I overwritten the add_view and save_model methods in ModelAdmin, in order to remove the original image field and ...
andrepz's user avatar
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Delete Image on S3 bucket before uploading new image with the same name

I have a model, that on save, it uploads my image to my S3 bucket. But I'm having some trouble when I want to reupload an image with the same name. (Example: when a logo updates it needs to be ...
Yorbjörn's user avatar
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Why isn't Django serving staticfiles in production?

I am wondering the reason why Django does not serve the statifiles in production, when DEGUB = False. STATICFILES_DIRS We specify STATICFILES_DIRS to tell Django where to look for staticfiles that are ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Django with Google Cloud Storage

I have been trying to implement Google Cloud Storage (media file uploads) for my Django app on Google App Engine using the django-storages package. I have followed all the specification given by the ...
Mess's user avatar
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Django-Storages change s3 bucket on existing object

I have a django app that allows files to be uploaded to an S3 bucket using django-storages. The file is for a part that needs to be approved. Once it is approved, I'd like to move the file to a ...
Sergio Cardoso's user avatar
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django storages breaks the admin staticfiles

I tried moving from local static files to S3 using django-storages. I followed the documentation carefully but still there is no access to the static files. In the local environment I have: STATIC_URL ...
NotSoShabby's user avatar
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Error with setting up minIO in docker-compose: <ERROR> Unable to initialize new alias from the provided credentials

I have trouble with setting up minIO in my docker-compose. I found this problem on several websites and tried to make it work. But I failed :D Anyway, if anyone is able to help me I will call him my ...
MartynaMajch's user avatar
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How to use google drive api in django for authentication and file storage?

How can I use google drive api as authentication as well file storage in django? I want to save files that they upload to their own google drive
Pisot's user avatar
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