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Distcp in Kerberized Cloudera Cluster throws Can't get Master Kerberos principal for use as renewer

I am performing distcp operation to copy the files from one directory to another in same cluster. It is a Kerberized Cloudera Hadoop Cluster. Command I ran: hadoop distcp -overwrite hdfs://nameservice/...
Vijay's user avatar
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Client cannot authenticate via: [TOKEN, KERBEROS)

From my spark application I am trying to distcp from hdfs to s3. My app does some processing on data and writes data to hdfs and that data I am trying to push to s3 via distcp. I am facing below error....
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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Migrating Hadoop Clusters from Big Insights to Cloudera

What are the best approaches to migrate clusters of size 1 TB from Big Insights to Cloudera. Cloudera being a kerborized cluster. The current approach which we are following is through batches: a. ...
Sridar V's user avatar
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Transfer of files from unsecured hdfs to secured hdfs cluster

I wanted to transfer files from unsecured HDFS cluster to kerberized cluster. I am using distcp to transfer the files. I have used the following command. hadoop distcp -D ipc.client.fallback-to-...
Midhun Mathew Sunny's user avatar