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ACLs not supported on at least one file system: Distcp HDFS

As per distcp documentation -> If -pa is specified, DistCp preserves the permissions also because ACLs are a super-set of permissions. but hadoop distcp -pa -delete -update /src/path /dest/path/ is ...
satish sidnakoppa's user avatar
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Distcp - Container is running beyond physical memory limits

I've been strugling with distcp for several days and I swear I have googled enough. Here is my use-case: USE CASE I have a main folder in a certain location say /hdfs/root, with a lot of subdirs (...
GwydionFR's user avatar
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Hadoop distcp with file list

I would like to use distcp to copy a list of files (> 1K files) into hdfs. I have already stored list of files in local directory, now can I use -f to copy all files? if yes what is the format do I ...
Turbo Sullivan's user avatar
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Should the Falcon Prism be installed on separate machine than the existing clusters?

I am trying to understand setup for a Falcon Distributed Cluster. I am having Cluster A and Cluster B, both with their Falcon Servers (and namenode, oozie, hive etc.). Now, to install the Prism, what ...
proutray's user avatar
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