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DBI cpan install fails

Trying to install using cpan install DBI under bash-4.2 fails on several linux platforms including raspberrypi. On a GoDaddy server a lot of commands go well until gcc -c (many options) Perl....
DGerman's user avatar
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CPAN Install DBD::MariaDB failed on OS X 14

I am using a MacBook 14.1.1 Sonoma M2 chip and want my Perl scripts to talk to my MariaDB database. Installing DBI was no problem. However when trying to install DBD::MariaDB I get the following error:...
mhotchjr's user avatar
1 vote
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How to exit current CPAN module and open a new session?

I am new to perl and CPAN. I see that perl is installed in my system. However, I would like to install DBI package to run a script called INSTALL.PL. When I type CPAN, I get the below error message ...
The Great's user avatar
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How to install DBI and other modules on msysgit (on Windows 7)?

I'm trying to install the DBI perl module on my Windows 7 machine, using Git for Windows, ie. msysgit, and the version of perl that ships with it. I've been able to install a few other perl modules, ...
crazybilly's user avatar
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Error to use DBI::mySQL

I started learning coding two weeks ago without having any IT background so far. I have been stuck the problem mentioned in the title. I wrote the code as #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010; use strict; use ...
Jackie Kim's user avatar
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Perl API Error: Bareword "SQL_INTEGER" not allowed while "strict subs" in use

I am attempting to connect to the Ensembl API using the following Perl code: #!/bin/perl use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry; use DBI qw(:sql_types); my $registry = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry'; ...
user2639056's user avatar
1 vote
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Connecting to Oracle from Strawberry Perl

I installed DBD::Oracle from CPAN and tried to use the code below to connect to Oracle DB: use DBI; use DBD::Oracle; BEGIN { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} ='C:\instantclient_11_2'; $ENV{'NLS_LANG'}='...
smith's user avatar
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How to get information from log files and add them to database table using Perl DBI sqlite

I have this assignment which requires me to take the source ip and destination port from this log file and add them to a database table i created using Perl dbi sqlite. i have tried to write a script ...
user218001's user avatar
-2 votes
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Creating Table in database from Perl using SQLite3

I'm having trouble creating a table in a database I created with Perl using dbi sqlite3. Using the code I have below, I want the table to contain port-probes, one line for each source ip and port. I ...
user218001's user avatar
1 vote
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Installing DBI module and DBD::Oracle Driver Using CPANM

So based on instructions I was given on stackoverflow, I was attempting to install a new version of Perl on my 64 bit Solaris virtual machine using perlbrew, in order to ultimately install 'cpanm' and ...
This 0ne Pr0grammer's user avatar
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Problems installing DBD::mysql in Perl

i'm trying to make a perl script that interacts with my mysql database within my *AMP stack, but i'm having some problems. I have installed the DBI module but when i try to install the DBD:mysql ...
conorw89's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Will all perl versions support older modules?

I'm have Perl 5.8 installed on all of our servers and wanted to use the DBI and DBD::Oracle modules to access our databases. My main concern is with the newer versions of perl the DBI and DBD modules ...
krizzo's user avatar
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perl packaging dbd mysql module in script

I have a script and keep all external modules local so I can then package my entire script in a zip and have it work on all machines without having to install all the modules on different machines. I ...
user391986's user avatar
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2 votes
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DBD:SQLite disconnect

I wrote the below code: $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:mysqlite.db', "", "") || die "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select value1, value2 from valus_table where ...
Rubin's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the relation of DBD::Mysql to ODBC?

In there are certain references to ODBC but afaik DBD::mysql is "parallel" in the connection stack to DBD::ODBC. Does anyone know why is ...
szabgab's user avatar
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16 votes
11 answers

Which Perl database interface should I use?

Is CPAN DBI the best database interface to use in Perl for general database use? Are there some better options?
David's user avatar
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