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R Shiny app connected to BigQuery cannot filter by dates

I'm working on a R Shiny app that used to load the data from a CSV file and display it on a plot. The user had the ability to do some filtering via dropdowns and dateRangeInput selectors. My goal is ...
Caligula's user avatar
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Unaligned relative date range

How to define Relative date range in time dimension to query exactly last 24 hours with no time unit alignment? Assuming current time is 2024-12-10T15:35:48.000. How to query data from 2024-12-09T15:...
PeterS's user avatar
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Pandas check for records for a lag before a certain date range of interest and exclude

I want to check for a date range of interest but the problem is that one of my constraints is dependant on records before data range. My example is that I'm interested in novice race records from 2018 ...
Eoin Vaughan's user avatar
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SQL query to audit employee claim based on specific sequence of rows defined by criteria

I need to create an exception/audit report for our accounting section. The business case is an employee is deployed to remote location and can claim lodging cost if they are away from their family. If ...
Jean-Marc's user avatar
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Turn a list of dates into Fridays Only

Update: Here is what I am trying to do. I have 3 columns of random dates; I'd like to combine these in one array and produce a column containing ONLY Friday dates (i.e., for weeks in which a date ...
Badr VA's user avatar
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Get date range using moment.js

I am trying to get a Saturday to Sunday date range using moment.js. It works up to last line and after that both start and end dates equal to end date. Using today's date (Nov. 1, 2024), I can see ...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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Filtering the specified records in Webforms

Problem: I'm working on an ASP.NET WebForms application where I need to filter records in a DataTable based on a date range. The date range is selected using FromMonth, ToMonth, FromYear, and ToYear ...
Mangala's user avatar
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Get User total amount spent from a defined date range in WooCommerce

I've been trying to get my head around some code I've been modifying to fit my purpose and needs. In a nutshell, I want to display the total amount of money spent for a user on the frontend (Based on ...
jarjar's user avatar
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Filtering a Table for a date range that exists in two date columns

I am fairly fresh here so please forgive me if this has been asked previously. I have a data model in MS PowerBI which has a date table and a fact table with two date columns (ME_PostDate, ME_Rec_Date,...
user3385529's user avatar
-6 votes
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Highlight overlapping time in Google sheet for a range of data with Start and End Time in Columns

PART A There are multiple rows of data in a Google Sheet with start and end times in the format as shown in the picture. This data is already processed and filtered out from a larger data set to ...
S Mitra's user avatar
-2 votes
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Create Weekly Date Range in Excel

Much appreciate all of you for helping me to solve my case in Excel. I want to create a date range in Excel but the data I have will have a lot of repetition because it is based on the ticket creation ...
Joinnes's user avatar
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Postgres split time ranges into 1 minute slots, without rounding boundaries

I have a postgres table with timestamp columns: start_datetime end_datetime duration id 2021-10-17 03:13:00 2021-10-17 03:15:02 302 6214550 2021-10-17 03:15:02 2021-10-17 03:17:03 4,021 6214551 ...
matthewr's user avatar
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Group 2d array of dates and values by contiguous dates with the same value

I have a date range 2023-11-01 to 2024-01-04 and some date have different MinStay value. This is my array of date range $input = [ [ 'date' => '2023-11-01', 'MinStay' => 1 ], [ 'date' => '...
Hola's user avatar
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Date/Element range index on MM-DD-YYYY format in MarkLogic

Have user data with timestamp in the below format and stored as string. MM-DD-YYYYThh:mm:ss Sample: { "Name":"myname", "created":"12-17-2014T13:40:07" } I ...
MarkLogic Engineering's user avatar
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Data is not getting inserted into proper partition

I have a table with proper partition. Code snippet: CREATE TABLE RSA_DBA.RSA_ADHOC_ACCT ( RSA_ACCT_DTL_GID NUMBER(12,0) NOT NULL, EFF_DT DATE NOT NULL, RSA_CMPSN_REC_GID NUMBER(12,0), ...
Pooja's user avatar
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Datetime hours range search in mongodb

MongoDB Aggregation - Find Documents within Specific Hour Range and Date I have a MongoDB collection with documents containing an orderDate field of type ISODate. I want to find the documents where ...
mongoPioneer's user avatar
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Impossible to pass disabledDates in react-native-date-ranges

I am trying to disable specific dates in the React Native Date Range. Despite trying various methods, I am unable to find the correct way to disable dates. Here is what I have tried so far: My Setup: ...
Quentin's user avatar
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Empty dateRangeInput() is giving an error

My previous question 1 was about managing empty dateRangeInput(). My previous question 2 was about error-handling when an initial date is posterior to an end date. I have integrated the solutions to ...
firuz.safaev's user avatar
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Exclude dates not within specific ranges from a user-selected date range in node.js?

I have an array of multiple start and end date ranges and a user-selected start and end date range. I need to exclude the dates from the user-selected range that do not exist within the specified date ...
Jaskaran's user avatar
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Cannot Include a Date Range for my Amadeus API Requests for Flight Offers

I am using Python and I am reading the documentation and using the Get request to search for Flights under a certain price for a project in my online course. I am able to get my requests to go ...
Taylor Python's user avatar
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Use date range control for Jalali(Pesian) calendar in Looker Studio

I want to use date range control for the Jalali(Pesian) calendar in Looker Studio,; is there any way? My input date is in Persian format.P I want to show my users filters in the Jalali format to ...
Negin Nazari's user avatar
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Extracting records in a range in excel

Hi I have an Excel table with about 7k records. I want to extract specific records in to a new table that have a date range of >=date1 and <=date2 The main table has a date field I was trying to ...
Baz's user avatar
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Get the datetime range between two dates

I have implemented below code to get date range - from datetime import timedelta, date,datetime def daterange(date1, date2): # Iterate over the range of days between date1 and date2 for n in ...
emiley mille's user avatar
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Flutter syncfusion date range circle not in center

daterangepicker image i want to ask how to make this circle place in center of the date, here is my code showDialog( barrierDismissible: false, context: context, ...
mbieb's user avatar
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Polars: Create a new column with an array of dates from two different date columns storing the start and end of the range

I have a dataframe with a date start and date end (Start Promotion and End Promotion). I would like to use Python Polars to create a new column (from the previously mentioned columns) that will be an ...
ikebeau's user avatar
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Power BI Days in a given week of a month

I have the following columns - Week of Month, Month, Year, Date, & Days in Week. I am trying to show in the column "Days in Week" in this format: 1 - 4, 5 - 11, etc. In other words, I ...
Joshua Johnson's user avatar
-2 votes
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have a list of week numbers, how can I find the days corresponding to it python [duplicate]

I have a list of weeks for 2024: wks = [2,3,4,5,6,7...18] How can I extract the dates that correspond to each week, bearing in mind, that the week starts on a Tuesday? As Jan 1, 2024 was Monday, I ...
frank's user avatar
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how to draw horizontal hi low range with background color every Quadruple (Quad) Witching Friday in pine script

I want to draw hi low range of every Quadruple witching" refers to the simultaneous expiration four times a year of stock options, index futures, and index futures options derivatives contracts. ...
Nishant Taraviya's user avatar
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how to repeat date range Between 2 Dates via linq in

I'M trying to repeat date range Between 2 Dates via linq in Below is the start and end date information in the datetimepicker control startDate = 16-Mar-24 endDate = 22-Mar-24 so I want to ...
Tam88's user avatar
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how to query based on start and end period dates with MS ACCESS in VB.NET

I'M trying to query based on start and end period dates with MS ACCESS in VB.NET Table ABSEN can union with table HELPERABSEN so I want to take the start date and end date from the table PERIOD with ...
Tam88's user avatar
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How can I turn date intervals given in columns and extract the volumes per hour in the time interval for muiltiple overlapping periods?

I have the following df: Start_Date End_Date Relevant Volume 2024-10-01 2024-12-31 False 0.000000 2025-01-01 2025-03-31 True 0.097989 2025-04-01 2025-06-30 True -0.014449 ...
cJc's user avatar
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Create a Histogram based on the date range [closed]

I am new to Data Science and Python. I have a Data Set with date range Starting: "2020-03-15" and Ending: "2022-02-23". On each date there are multiple activities. I am looking ...
A Khan's user avatar
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Trying to pull data from another tab where one column equals specific text and the entry is between a date range

I have a sheet of client transactions. From this tab I want to pull transactions marked as "Payment" but I want to be able to pull them month by month, so for example, this month, I only ...
EKL's user avatar
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How do I expand a datetime range to one row per period of time?

I have patient encounter data with an admit datetime, discharge datetime, and some metrics like DRGWeight. I need to get a census of patients in four-hour increments or periods. Is there a way to do ...
Christopher Thoms's user avatar
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Simple Count of Rows that contain a date within a given Date Range

I have tried to research an answer but cannot seem to find the right solution. I am looking to simply count the number of rows that are in this sheet that contain dates from any given quarter. For ...
DKeeler's user avatar
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How to split row with date range into multip rows by year

The result of my simple SQL query SELECT ID, STARDATE, ENDDATE FROM A INNER JOIN B ON A.ID = B.ID AND B.CONTRACTID = 572786 WHERE A.ISACTIVE = 1 is: ID STARDATE ENDDATE 394539 2024-03-01 2025-...
DontKnowMuch's user avatar
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SQL 2019 -Group by Id and Date field

SQL 2019 I'm having difficulty to generate similar groups by date. This is the source table and image what is expected IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#EmpType')) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #EmpType ...
Vad's user avatar
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Angular primeng range datefor example from january 31 to dicember 1st 2023 in a reactive form and calculate if the year is a leap year or not

THis is my HTML <div class="row"> <div class="col-4"> <p-calendar label="startDate" formControlName="startDate" ...
Sophia's user avatar
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DateRange from @appbaseio/reactivesearch does not allow me to select past dates

I am using DateRange from @appbaseio/reactivesearch which does not allow me to select past dates, I need the date range to allow selecting past dates: import { ReactiveBase, DateRange } from "@...
Dawood Ahmad's user avatar
-2 votes
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attendance table log mysql

I have an attendance table like this: Employee Date_Time Status std001 2024-02-01 22:01:00 IN std001 2024-02-02 06:00:05 OUT std001 2024-02-03 07:59:00 IN std001 2024-02-03 17:00:00 OUT std001 ...
Yohan Wijayanto's user avatar
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Reset ant design RangeSelect value after it closes

I open ant design range select and move to a previous date and then close it without selecting any date or year then I reopen it, but it still shows me the date that I navigated to. I want to show the ...
Haseeb Ahmed's user avatar
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How to Ensure Default Date Range Filter Applies in Embedded Looker Studio Report?

I'm embedding a Looker Studio report into an HTML page and want it to display data for the last 7 days by default. While I have set up a default "Date Range" filter within Looker Studio, ...
Diego Agustín Colman's user avatar
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Unable to select the today's date in SfDateRangePicker calendar

I am trying show the initial date range from yesterday to tomorrow date, but today's date is not highlighted, and I tried to change range like today to tomorrow and I clicked on today's date it was ...
Shanmukha's user avatar
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Splitting one row with date field into multiple rows with specified quarter dates

I have a data frame with start date and end date. I want to split that one row into multiple rows with date range in pre defined quarters. pre defined quarters(irrespective of year) are: Q1-Apr-Jun Q2-...
ROma's user avatar
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Update Criteria for Yearly Date Range Without User Input

I want to apply a date range as criteria for a query that isn't the standard current year, but avoid the necessity of user input. I have a form in which the user inputs their billable time, and I have ...
TikiMark's user avatar
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Implementing a "Custom Comparison Date Range" in Looker Studio

I am encountering a challenge in implementing a custom comparison date range feature in Looker Studio. My goal is to enable users to select two different date ranges: one for the primary analysis and ...
Alessandro Vettor's user avatar
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Date Range Filter is giving wrong Value

The Date Range Filter isn't performing as anticipated in apache superset. For instance, when selecting a time range from 2023-10-01 ≤ col < 2023-10-10, the expected output should display values ...
Shakin Kajamaideen's user avatar
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Graphql date range as input field

I am implementing a GraphQL API for a automobile inventory which stores the info like registration, inDate, outDate, etc. I need to implement a fetch API to retrieve the info of all cars which came in/...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Increment end date +1 if a range has a holiday

Currently making a document where there will be four rows of dates. This is for a cycle for a product I'll be managing through Excel. The dates will always be the same distance apart and I have the ...
user1786889's user avatar
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Sum weights ​belonging to (date)range types and their intersections

I'm creating a hotel booking tool for our desk/reception using PostgreSQL 16. To answer booking requests, I need both the total price and the associated daily prices of the stay. Current setup + ...
Andreas M.'s user avatar

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