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GraphQL filtering on nested object retrieved from database (using Dataloaders?)

I have an SQL Database that I access via EntityFramework (C#). I want to expose the objects via a GraphQL API using the Hot Choclate framework. They are to be exposed pretty much without any changes. ...
FerencOfUmea's user avatar
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HotChocolate v.13 [UseProjections] attribute does not work with DataLoaders

I have the following GrapqhQL query: query { listTenants { totalCount items { tenantId name sites { totalCount items { siteId cmxName ...
Daniel Ninchev's user avatar
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HotChocolate v.13 DataLoader approach with attributes and source generated code not working

I recently started experimenting with HotChocolate v.13. and I am having issues implementing the data loaders with the [DataLoader] attributes like shown in this video: Let's simplify DataLoader with ...
Daniel Ninchev's user avatar
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Is it possible to use dataLoader with multiple keys in GraphQL?

For GroupDataLoader by Hot Chocolate, you can only pass 1 key in .LoadAsync(). I think it is same for BatchDataLoader as well but I am intrested in group data loader. If we go by use cases then Group ...
GThree's user avatar
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What is the best approach to use filter on GraphQL queries?

I am trying to understand what is the best approach to utilize query with filters in GraphQL for my scenario. So far what I have learned is, GraphQL does not have filter concept. UI/Consumer can fetch ...
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Why are there multiple DB calls with DataLoader?

Per my understanding, when I use DataLoader in GraphQL, it should hit DB once only with supplied key(s). This is regardless of the number of parallel calls. What am I doing wrong here? My scenarios: ...
GThree's user avatar
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How to use DataLoader for Connections with Hot Chocolate GraphQL

I see that it's possible to use Data Loaders for root queries, but is it also possible to use Data Loaders for nested connections? In the example below, I want use a Data Loader for the rooms ...
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