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Indices mismatch during merge in pandas

I am trying to merge two dataframes in Python, pandas, df1 and df2. I am trying to merge them on Column1, and then assign value of Column2 from df2 to df1. This is my code: df1 = df1.reset_index() ...
melca's user avatar
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R: sp::merge does not merge sp-object and df as wanted

I am trying to join a sf-object and a df by a common column name, and have tried sp::merge without succeeding. Sorry for formatting in advance. I would like to keep all data from the sf object, ...
Vilde's user avatar
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0 answers

Merge two dataframes by replacing nans in r [duplicate]

I have the following two dataframes: df_1 TE TS LULC DD RI Soil FA TE NA 0.049 0.077 -0.119 -0.692 -0.035 -0.154 TS NA NA -0.559 -0.462 0.035 0.189 -0.196 LULC NA ...
2 votes
2 answers

Merge two dataframes and keep non-missing entries

I have two dataframes like this: set.seed(1) df1 <- data.frame(id= 1:4, sex= c("m", "m", NA, NA), somevar= letters[1:4], whocares_var= rnorm(4)) df2 <- data.frame(id= 1:6, ...
LulY's user avatar
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Create a new variable based on non-existing values on another variable in R dataframe

I know the title sounds very basic but I didn't find a solution by searching. I have a dataframe like this where id refers to a participant: id condition 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 0 2 1 3 ...
Sointu's user avatar
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1 answer

The syntax of how updating more than one specified column in Python Panda dataframes during a merge whenmatched condition

I am building a StreamLit appication in Snowflake. I am using a grid editor initially loading data from a table. Users can change the data in certain columns. When the users hit a submit button I want ...
Gokhan's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

From two dataframes with related data, fill columns in the first one (occurrences of a value in 2nd) and merge info

I have two dataframes. The first (df1) has names and the second (df2) has names and the car these persons own. First, I want to fill the first dataframe with a new column with the occurrences of the ...
John Fistikis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pandas: Merge by common column retaining all other columns and sort by common column [duplicate]

I have two DataFrames, both of which have an x column and a y column. The x values are unique within each DataFrame, but there is some overlap between the two. I want to merge the two DataFrames, ...
Brain Bytes's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

dataframe easily implement merge_asof

I have two dataframes: time_start = datetime.datetime.strptime('2024-02-01 10:00:00', "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") interval_l = [1, 7, 14, 17, 21, 22, 31] df_l = pd.DataFrame(index = [time_start + ...
user6703592's user avatar
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Look up values from single column in pandas df1 for multiple columns in df2 [duplicate]

I have two dataframes, df1 is a list of football teams and their average stats for the season df2 is a list of matches, each of which features two of the teams from df1. I want to be able to look up ...
Dafino's user avatar
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2 answers

how to make pandas merge without inner data

how to make pandas merge without inner data? input: inner_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='user', how='inner') outer_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='user', how='outer') so i don't need inner data i need only ...
user avatar
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Is there a smart way to merge 2 DataFrames based on substring criteria?

I'm currently working with some phones numbers DataFrames and I need to merge them in a substring criteria way and has to be an left merge (meaning to have all combinations in case there is more than ...
Kadooken's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

how to merge dfs without duplicate lines

My dataframes are similar to below df1: user name length job 0 5234 Ed 7 manager 1 4793 Mark 14 admin 2 9321 Nick 8 admin 3 8149 Duncan 3 admin 4 ...
Ed Jefferies's user avatar
-2 votes
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Combining data with multiple dates into one row for each case

I have a bunch of data and each row has a 4 date fields. The first date field is a duplicate for the ID number and sometimes not. It looks a little like this: ID,LName,FName,DateIn,DateOut,Days,...
ThatOneGirl's user avatar
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Merging two pandas dataframe with repeated primary keys [duplicate]

I have two pandas dataframe that looks like df1= Class_ID Student_ID feature1 1 4 54 1 7 24 1 9 865 2 23 342 ...
Apook's user avatar
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Polars Dataframe full-join (outer) on multiple columns without suffix

I have this code: import polars as pl df1 = pl.DataFrame({ 'type': ['A', 'O', 'B', 'O'], 'origin': ['EU', 'US', 'US', 'EU'], 'qty1': [343,11,22,-5] }) df2 = pl.DataFrame({ 'type':...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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How to combine datasets into a unified data frame?

Second question for my final Google Data Analytics certificate project. I have bike data from 4 quarters (split into 4 data sets) that I believe I have correctly transposed to data frames. However, ...
JA2024's user avatar
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long to wide transformation without creating lists and nulls

this is a followup question from my previous post. My dataframe arranges visit for a specific PK based on dates, with a columns for: visit number visit date exam done in that visit I am trying to ...
Gal Or's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How do I perform a smear between two dataframes in python/pandas? [duplicate]

I have two dataframes and I need to perform a smear (if that is what it's generally called). Basically the first one is smaller (5 million rows) and the other is 40 million rows. I want to add the ...
babyface's user avatar
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I want to lookup values from pivot, if value does not found then use N using Pandas Dataframe [duplicate]

Input df This is pivot I have.I want to lookup only zero value if there in above pivot and print N if value absent. Expected df In excel i am able to do comparison in these 2 df with sumif function ...
Sanju M's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Merge Dataframe based on substring column labeld while keep the original columns label

I have a dataframe having columns with the a label pattern (name/startDateTime/endDateTime) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame({ "[RATE] BOJ presser/2024-03-19T07:30:00Z/2024-03-19T10:30:00Z&...
Crovish's user avatar
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2 answers

fill in null values of one pandas dataframe with another dataframe [duplicate]

I would like to fill in null values of one pandas dataframe with another dataframe (and multiple times, with multiple dataframes). Example: df_A A B C index 0 3 5....
lolo's user avatar
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When I merge 2 dataframes in R, my plots show NA cells exist but I can't find them in my Seurat object

I have a combined_seurat_object (called CJ) to which I would like to add additional columns (conditions, gene names, etc.) which is called sample_data. I am using the merge() function. Both my ...
drb219's user avatar
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Join 2 dataframes with same column but different values (Python) [duplicate]

I want to join 2 tables, with same column names, table 1 has data universe with some NA's, table 2 has valid data for which table 1 has NA values. I want to populate NA value in table 1 based on table ...
Varsha Ramamurthy's user avatar
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Merging two dataframes of different lenght by two columns that are in both dataframes, but exist multiple times in one dataframe [closed]

I have two dataframes. One main dataframe and one supplementary dataframe. Both of those dataframes contain the columns "year" and "density". "year" is only present as ...
Der Gerät's user avatar
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2 answers

Merge on one column if condition met else merge on another column

So consider these dfs: data1 = [{'name': 'Muhammad', 'age_x': 20, 'city_x': 'Karachi', 'number' : 1001}, {'name': 'Ali', 'age_x': 19, 'city_x': 'Lahore', 'number' : 1002}, {'name': '...
nzskra's user avatar
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0 answers

How to efficiently left merge two large Dask dataframes without matching on index and while retaining partitioning in left dataframe?

I have the following two dataframes: df_1 is a Dask dataframe containing a col_to_merge. It consists of many partitions but does not have known divisions nor an index. It is possible for me to create ...
CynthiaL's user avatar
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Merging two Pandas dataframes without a primary keys but using latest dates instead [duplicate]

I have two pandas dataframes that looks like: df1 records the students and their mock exam score and the mock exam date: ID Mock_Date Student_ID Mock_score 1 14/3/...
Apook's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

join/merge multiple pandas dataframes with blending of values on one column

I have two pandas dataframes width unique column names except: year student_id student_name I would like to merge on these 3 columns (year, student_id, student_name), however sometimes the ...
lolo's user avatar
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Binding columns of two dataframes of different lengths in R tidyverse with grouped vectors [closed]

I'm trying to column bind two dataframes: the first is a time-series with numerous columns and ~10,000 rows. The second is a derivative of the first with correlation coefficients among other relevant ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to combine it into a long string based on the numerical value of the assignment in the group by, from small to large [duplicate]

I have a table, and I want to combine it into a long string based on the numerical value of the assignment in the group by, from small to large. Here is my dataframe : df = pd.DataFrame({'RTG_CODE':['...
Josephine Fang's user avatar
0 votes
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Merging an R Data.Frame based on different columns depending on row

I have two data frames that look like: Df1: ` ID ID_T1 ID_T2 ID_T3 ID_T4 1 101 NA NA NA NA 2 102 11111 11111 11111 11111 3 103 22222 22222 NA NA 4 104 NA NA NA NA 5 ...
kuli's user avatar
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pandas column partial substring replace by another dataframe column if substring contains the string

I am having replace issue while I try to replace a string with a string from another dataframe. Below is my data : import pandas as pd data={"ID": ["zx125", "zx137", &...
Josephine Fang's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Join two data frames using the last row from each group

Our weather station recorded daily weather data (about 7 rows/observations) per week. We collected disease data once per week (one observation/row per week). How can I join the last row of the ...
Ahsk's user avatar
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after merging two dataframes, how to reassign row index?

I merged two dataframes but I want to re-sort the index so it has a sequentially larger row number by 1. So for example below, the 3162 should be 281, and so on... 278 2024-05-08 09:18:40.224469054 ...
ChairmanMeow's user avatar
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Horizontally merge dataframes while simultaneously making columns unique values

I have a for loop being used to fetch dataframes of data ( I provide a list of stocks and it fetches a dataframe of data for each stock. I do this by using a dictionary d={} fullset= pd.DataFrame () ...
Trav's user avatar
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Joining dataframes and keeping one data column as main

I have four data frames Df= Roll marks grade section > 123 45. C. A. C > 344 67. B. A. D > 442 90. A. B. B > 887 80. A. B. B Ds= Roll ...
CoderG's user avatar
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Simplifying this specific merge of dataframes?

I'm struggling to get pandas merge, join, or concat to do what I need, so I wrote a merge using for loops (I know). Sady this is a lot of data and it's simply taking way too long. How would I simplify ...
Clara's user avatar
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joining two dataframes on column value and column name

I have two dataframes that I am trying to join in some way to produce a third dataframe. I am doing this in python. df1: Date A B C 27/04/2023 00:00 55.6637 0.32194 0.145006 28/04/2023 00:00 57....
user24825361's user avatar
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Python take data from two different dataframes, create a new dataframe and structure the data as collected from the other two

I'm very new to python and struck in an issue solving. # First Dataframe df1 = pd.DataFrame({ 'name': ['Adam','Ashley','Adam','Don',], 'items': ['Apple','Banana','Cherry','Date'], '...
Kush's user avatar
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2 answers

Python - Edit and Replace column values in a dataframe based on a column in another dataframe

I'm new to python and struck in a problem. df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'apple', 'cherry']}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['app Banana', 'Cherry', 'banana', 'apple', '...
Kush's user avatar
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how to merge dataframes in r only for rows which equal a specific value in a different column

I have 2 data frames in R. Data frame 1 (df_1) comprises many columns, but only 3 are relevant here: Problem |Service_Time | Imputed_Problem ---------------------------------------------- A ...
Emma541's user avatar
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Merging pandas dataframes with inconsistencies

I have 2 pandas dataframes SC and SB. SC contains data on football player physical statistics in a competition. SB contains data on football player tracking statistics in a competition. # Sample ...
codemachine98's user avatar
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Concatenate two dataframes with different headers

How can I concatenate 2 dataframes with headers of different length? I want to add the headers of the second dataframe as a row. Below is my df1: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': [2, 3], 'C': [3, ...
Jawed Sheikh's user avatar
2 votes
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Append empty columns from a list to an existing dataframe

Consider this: I have a (rather long) list of column names: COLUMNS = [a, b, c, d] I have a df that have some columns as in the list, and some new ones: import pandas as pd data = {'a': [1, 2], ...
nzskra's user avatar
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5 answers

Python: Merge two dataframes on certain columns using the excel equivalent of index/match

I'm trying to replicate an excel type of "index/match" in python. I have two dfs. df1: RIC Sector Code SP500 SP400 SP600 FI 40 SP500 BRBR 30 SP400 XPEL 25 SP600 df2: (contains lookup ...
Esams's user avatar
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Is there a way to combine two data tables where the new data that needs to be appended doesn't overlap and is appended above the body of the file?

Simplifying my csv files: Old Timestamp,Mined,Health,Reward 2024-03-16 07:33:41,13 hours ago,100%,6.45 BTC 2024-03-15 13:13:12,1 day ago,100%,6.63 BTC 2024-03-14 12:22:30,2 days ago,100%,6.65 BTC New ...
Gray Gillman's user avatar
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Merging two dataframes but based on string match condition

In python, I have two dataframes. df1 looks like below: ID Limit Comment 12 200 ['Normal'] 23 202 ['Emergency'] 23 203 ['Normal'] 43 304 [...
S_Scouse's user avatar
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How to replace column of one df with column of another df based on multiple matching columns? [duplicate]

I have 2 dataframes that look like this: current_df id email approved comment order_id country region date 0 3211 None False Others abc_123 Greece Europe ...
say_n's user avatar
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Merge two dataframes in R, utilizing one as a dictionary gives more rows

I have two dataframes in R. One of them is huge (200k rows) and one of the columns ("fields") has a total of 160 possible values that repeat themselves. Then I have another dataframe that ...
roybatty's user avatar
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