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Indexing best practice in a large column table [closed]

I have a question about SQL Server indexing strategy. I have many tables with millions of rows, structured like this: Field0 nvarchar(5) primary key Field1 nvarchar(xx) .. Field300 nvarchar(xx) ...
Stefano Cosenza's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is postgres not using my index on a json column?

I am trying to figure out why postgres stops using my index on a json field when i have a lot of data. Up to 1 million rows, it works fine and uses the index. But when I try the query on a table with ...
dbu's user avatar
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Create primary index for primary key in postgres with desc ordering

I have a table with time-series data and with a primary key - actually several large tables but this will do as an example: postgres=# create table foo (x varchar, y varchar, z text, updated ...
Richard Wheeldon's user avatar
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How to add two index for the same column in DB with db_schema.xml

I have a column name in my db_schema.xml, I want it to have the unique property and also fulltext, when I add these two fields it returns an error that said Index Name already exists, this is because ...
Roberto's user avatar
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Why do I get a Clustered Index Scan instead of a Table Scan? [duplicate]

I have these simple tables, one without indexes and the other with only a primary key and clustered index on id: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTableWithoutPk]([id] [int] NOT NULL, [category_id] int NULL) ...
Julian's user avatar
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Why is PostgreSQL sorting a seemingly already sorted result set?

I'm trying to optimize the following query for a school assignment: SELECT DATE(b.book_date), SUM(b.total_amount) revenue, COUNT(DISTINCT(t.passenger_id)) count_passengers FROM bookings b ...
Finamore00's user avatar
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querying sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats not working

I am trying to check the fragmentation of my table indexes in Azure synapse studio with query SELECT DB_NAME(ips.database_id) AS DatabaseName, OBJECT_NAME(ips.object_id) AS TableName, si....
JaniH's user avatar
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AWS Amplify GraphQl multiple indexes on schema for separate queries

I have a AWS Amplify GraphQl project. A react application. In schema I have a model named "UserEntry". I want to write couple of queries. Let me share the model/schema first. type UserEntry @...
Jawad Ali's user avatar
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2 answers

postgresql index not being used in query

I have AWS RDS PostgreSQL as a database. I have a table for storing childbirth_data data with currently 5M records and another for storing message to child stats (not the actual messages) with 30M ...
Shweta 's user avatar
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Does the PolarDB engine selection of X-Engine not support columnar indexes?

Does the PolarDB engine selection of X-Engine not support columnar indexes? After selecting the X-Engine for my PolarDB instance and attempting to manage indexes, the following error is displayed:[...
user24266786's user avatar
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Indexing in MongoDB with Embedded Objects

I'm working on a Spring Boot Project using MongoDB as Database. I'm applying indexing on an embedded object which is slowing down one query but speeding up a similar query. I have a MongoDB collection ...
Narayan Jee Jha's user avatar
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This query is slow because I think I'm using a lot of id values in the ANY() clause, isn't it?

I have this table in Postgres: CREATE TABLE public.products ( id character varying NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, name character varying ...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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How to properly utilize a composite index in JOIN queries?

I am using MySQL Server 8 and have a MyISAM table containing daily statistics for 'cell' objects for a period of 2 years. In the test table described here there are between 51 and 57 cells (rows) for ...
Ivaylo's user avatar
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is it even possible to use multiple indices to query a design document view in CouchDB?

I am struggling in creating a design document key to enable flexible queries (involving multiple conditions in AND or OR) of a complex database stored with CouchDB 3.3.2. After reading related ...
FangQ's user avatar
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How to properly index by (UNIX) day (epochDay) a denornmalized database

It is impossible to keep a UNIX "universal anchor" for days ( like the way UNIX-time does, since the days of ALL the different regions heavily overlap on top of ...
Delark's user avatar
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AttributeError: module 'pinecone' has no attribute 'init'

I am following the Pinecone API and I received this error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/leonardjin/Dev/lodge/openAI/collegeAssistant/academicAssisstants/apush/...
Leonard Jin's user avatar
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Postgres ignores my gin index for a similarity query

In my table (around 12 million rows), I have a text field called full_name and the id. I also have the following indexes: create index entities_full_name_gin_trgm_ops_index on temp.entities using ...
Sassa's user avatar
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Why isn't no order (as opposed to ASC vs DESC) allowed for Mongo indexes?

I assume other DBs behave the same way - { Collection: db.Collection(VibeChatUser), Index: &mongo.IndexModel{ Keys: bson.M{ "Email": 1, // specify the field ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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Perfomance impact when using lexicographically ordered string for primary key

How much performance hit is when using string primary key in PostgreSQL (or generally in any whell-known DBMS)? String is lexicographically ordered on its first half (as string date) and random in ...
Arkemlar's user avatar
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MariaDB upgrade 10.3 to 10.9, indexes, eq_range_index_dive_limit and EXPLAIN

I'm currently in the process of upgrading and MariadDB server from 10.3 (10.3.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) to 10.9 (10.9.3-MariaDB-1:10.9.3+maria~ubu2004-log) I've been running the 10.9 version ...
David Andrex's user avatar
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MySQL: Is there any way to optimize multiple table ORDER BY with following DB structure?

I have two tables with following structure and indexes (real names are changed for purpose): mysql> describe table1; +---------+---------------------+------+-----+-------------------+---------------...
yuriifedorchuk's user avatar
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How to maintain data integrity in Laravel Morph relationship on database layer?

In the context of a SaaS-based system, I am designing a role management system using Laravel's Morph relationship technique. This system involves assigning roles to both company entities and admin ...
Khurram Saddique's user avatar
2 votes
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Using index better than sequential scan when every hundredth row is needed, but only with explicit list of values

I have a table (under RDS Postgres v. 15.4 instance db.m7g.large): CREATE TABLE MyTable ( content_id integer, part integer, vector "char"[] ); There is a B-Tree index on ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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What constitutes a concerning large value for the seq_scan column in PostgreSQL's pg_stat_user_tables

I'm trying to identify which tables in my Postgres DB are missing indexes, for which I'm looking at the pg_stat_user_tables. I read that "large" values in the seq_scan column are an ...
ll47's user avatar
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Do I need an index on N+1 columns, to efficiently do a SELECT on the N columns, and sort by the other?

Suppose I have a table like this in MySQL: CREATE TABLE mytable ( column_A [...], column_B [...], column_C [...], column_X INT(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, -- type not really relevant ...
matteo's user avatar
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I know that this question was asked many times, but I could not find an explicit answer when there is a WHERE clause as well, and this is very important for me since I will have table with Millions of ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Optimizing a table's index in MySQL

I have the following table (tracking searches): CREATE TABLE `searches` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `deleted` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `query` varchar(1024) COLLATE ...
onassar's user avatar
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Reindex multiple indexes in postgresql in one query

I can reindex indexes one by one like this: database=# REINDEX INDEX CONCURRENTLY indexname1; ... database=# REINDEX INDEX CONCURRENTLY indexname2; ... How could I run reindex of multiple indexes in ...
AntonioK's user avatar
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Migration to Azure SQL Database created larger indexes than on-prem

Recently migrated an on-prem SQL Server database to Azure SQL database, using Azure Data Studio migration assistant. The process was successful. However, the size of the final database is much larger ...
SQLParent's user avatar
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How to fix PostgreSQL errors telling tid from new index tuple overlaps with invalid duplicate tuple?

When inserting new rows to one of my tables (having multiple indexes) from a Spring-Boot application, I sometimes get: ERROR: table tid from new index tuple (952367,9) overlaps with invalid duplicate ...
Tobias Hermann's user avatar
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Can querying an non-unique index return multiple values?

I have a table UserId - PK SubscriptionId Date Multiple users can have the same subscriptionId, and I want to query all the user who have this subscription. So I was thinking of adding an non-...
niyruu's user avatar
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Index mechanism used in GRIDDB

Griddb uses a hybrid indexing system that combines hash indexes and tree-based indexes. What advantages does it offer over a pure hash or tree-based approach? Is it similar to Adaptive Hybrid Index ?
GildedProtagonist's user avatar
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How to increase BTREE index creation speed

I have an RDS snapshot of a database that has a 1 TB table. I am trying to create an index on one of the columns. Since this is a clone table (for testing purposes) I decided to use an m6g.large which ...
gurjarprateek's user avatar
3 votes
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Does a combined index also index the individual columns?

If in Entity Framework I have the following: builder.HasIndex(e => new[] { "CampaignId", "CountyId", "StateId" }).IsUnique(); Are the three individual FKs indexed? In ...
David Thielen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Indexes needed for user advanced filter?

ASP.NET MS SQL table: tblPets ID (123456789) AnimalType (Dog, Cat, Goldfish...) AnimalName (Rudolf, Ben, Harold...) CountryCode (US, AU..) StateCode (CA, NY...) CityCode (AK, LA...) IsMammal (True, ...
user1946932's user avatar
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Postgres gin index on jsonb column not working

I have two jsonb columns in my table: etl_value and user_value. I have jsonb_path_ops gin index on both columns. "ix_variable_instance_versioned_etl_value" gin (etl_value jsonb_path_ops)...
na_ka_na's user avatar
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SQL rebuild Index Maintenance Plan is missing the Index Stat Option to set fragmentation percentages?

My maintenance plan is missing the section in the config window that allows you to set the fragmentation > a percentage. Does anyone know how to get this option or is it maybe I'm on too old a ...
Robert Weatherman's user avatar
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Create an index on a column that is not part of unique together index

I have this table that has a 'unique together' index: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entity_properties ( entity_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES entities, property_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES ...
2 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL: If I define 1-to-1 views for each of my tables and query only from my view layer, will the indexes of the underlying tables be used?

I am using PostgreSQL and I want to create a layer of views on top of all the tables in my database schema. I will implement a 1-to-1 mapping of view to table, so these views will not have joins in ...
Ozzy's user avatar
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MySQL SELECT on multiple FULLTEXT indexes. Extremely slow results

10 million rows. MySQL server V. 5.7 Two indexes called "tagline" and "experience". This statement takes < 1 second: SELECT count(*) FROM pa WHERE MATCH(tagline) AGAINST('&...
Ned Hulton's user avatar
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Is Django db_index helpful in text search queries?

I've the following model in a Django project: from django.db import models class Book(models.Model): title = models.CharField(verbose_name='Title', max_length=255, db_index=True) authors = ...
Dos's user avatar
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Configuring indexes in postgres

this is my first time dealing with indexes and would like to understand few things. I have the tables of the following schemas: Table1: Customer details id name createdOn username phone address 1 ...
Bunny Talks's user avatar
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Automatically delete documents based on a condition mongoose

I have a database with users collection which contains a verified field in its schema. I want users that have not been verified 5min after account creation to be deleted. How can I do this? I am ...
AnotherSherlock's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can table have both primary & clustered index together

Say we have a Student table in a MYSQL database and its schema is below. This table has around Million Records. ID (PK) Name Aadhaar_ID Address Admission_year Can the above table have the following ...
Aditya Goel's user avatar
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Index Not use in basic query

Having the table block: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "block" ( "hash" char(66) CONSTRAINT block_pk PRIMARY KEY, "size" text, "miner" text , "...
Brahian's user avatar
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Is there a built-in MariaDB method to export index creation statements in SQL form?

I would like to temporarily disable index updates. This seems not to be possible, so instead I would like to just drop and recreate the indexes after I'm done changing the data. I have found the SHOW ...
Luc's user avatar
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How to use database index correctly when performing search on multiple fields?

Suppose we have the following model (i'm making a Django example, but i suppose my question extrapolates on any framework): from django.db import models class Card(models.Model): title = models....
marqueewinq's user avatar
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Database index that support arbitrary sort order

Is there database index type (or data structure in general, not just B-tree) that provides efficient enumeration of objects sorted in arbitrarily customizable order? In order to execute query like ...
Dmytro Sheyko's user avatar
-1 votes
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Index seek instead of index scan for is not null in condition

I have the query below... SELECT Compra_ID FROM [Fart_Compras_dss_tracking] WHERE [local_create_peer_timestamp] IS NOT NULL CREATE TABLE [DataSync].[Fart_Compras_dss_tracking] ( [COMPRA_ID] [int] ...
Raul's user avatar
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Optimal PostgreSQL single/multicolumn indexes?

I'm trying to determine the best indexes for a table in PostgreSQL. I expect on the order of ~10b rows and ~10TB data. The table has 5 main columns used for filtering and/or sorting Filtering: 3 ...
nick314's user avatar
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