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Scrollbar in simple HTML appearing

This code below shows a HTML scroll-bar. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="395b56564d4a4d4b5849790a170d1708">[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-...
G Funk's user avatar
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One-page website wont scroll to the specific div on mobile

I have some problems with the scrolling to each sections on a one-pageesite. Click here to view the demo site If you check the page on pc, you will see, when clicking a menu item in the header, the ...
Gyár Vakolat's user avatar
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Pushing second column to next row if text in first column is long

I'm using Bootstrap 3. I have 2 column in 1 row. How do I push the column in second column to next row if text in 1st row is longer than 1 row? Here is my code and the Lorem Ipsum text in 1st column ...
sg552's user avatar
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How to auto-adjust rows in desktop vs mobile view(responsive) in bootstrap

enter image description here this is the white space im referring to this is my HTML code for ref where im using the row class <middle> <div class="row custom-row&...
kislay p's user avatar
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Set minimum flexbox height to content's height

When I resize the window, it can happen that the <input> elements protrude its parent <div>. Is there a way how I can assure that: .split-content minimum height equals it's content + ...
thothal's user avatar
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bootstrap table without borders

Trying to show bootstrap table without borders. When I remove (bootstrap.min.css) then I can hide borders but when add it , can't hide borders <link rel="stylesheet" href=""s-post-summary--meta">
Al-Iraqi's user avatar
-1 votes
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2 column table with rowspan = 2 and aspect ratio 1/1

I am trying to achieve this result: But I got this instead: <table class="table" style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="2" style="display: inline-block; ...
Youssef Ghrib's user avatar
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Bootstrap 3.3.2 mobile nav submenu buttons not showing under parent buttons on click

I am looking to fix my mobile nav in bootstrap 3.3 to show submenu items on click. The parent buttons shouldn't link to anything, just show the children links. The navigation currently will not show ...
Noy's user avatar
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How do I center a navbar in Bootstrap 3?

I can't center a navbar in Bootstrap 3 because I don't know how to edit CSS in Bootstrap. I downloaded Bootstrap locally, so I don't know if I need to edit the CSS file that is in the css folder of ...
Fruit_alpha's user avatar
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Columns with its own scroll taking the 100% of available space of a 100vh container

I'm trying to have 3 columns with its own scroll, but taking 100% of available space. But there's no scroll, or they don't get the 100% of the available space. Important that the body has not to have ...
FlamingMoe's user avatar
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Image shrinks to fit in div, but shrinks in width as column gets narrower

I'm pretty sure I'm just missing something basic, but for the life of me I get figure it out. Background: I'm using bootstrap 3 (please don't judge :) ), html, and css. I've got a div that has ...
Ben's user avatar
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Panel content overflow to bottom

My text in second column has overflow to bottom row. Refer to the long address which overflow to bottom. jsFiddle : Adding "word-wrap:break-word; does not fix the ...
sg552's user avatar
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Bootstrap3.3.2 tabs not working: when I click on them different tab information shows up

i want to show the listdata in process tab and listdata1 in approved tab and listdata2 in dismissed tab but here it showing all the listdata in process tab <ul class="nav ...
pan's user avatar
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UI Design that need to restructure in HTML and CSS

I want the dropdown design look like as [Mega Menu Dropdown] but the design become like as [Dropdown]. I'm poor in CSS and I need help on this from you. I am using Bootstrap v3.4.1. Script below will ...
Mac's user avatar
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Dropdown menu doesn't work in html and css

Hi I want to hide the dropdown-menu submenu but it seems doesn't work. I use the property display: block !important; and it doesn't hide it and when I try display: none !important; and doesn't ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Bootstrap split button not rendering correctly

I cannot get a Bootstrap split button to render correctly. It works fine in Codepen and JSFiddle, but on this test Drupal website the dropdown piece seems to be getting pushed under the button. I ...
GuyManDude's user avatar
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HTML Bootstrap tab-content link 'freezes' after first click

I'm using Bootstrap's list-group to build a page navigation feature on my HTML page. Am trying to build a nested bootstrap list-group. However the link inside the tab-content div class works only on ...
Vakindu's user avatar
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How to show previews of previous and next images in carousel in Bootstrap 5

I want the previous and next images in the carousel to appear partially for every central image like this Here is the code. <div class="carousel-container"> <div id="...
xinyun's user avatar
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How to make a footer div push an affixed div up when you get to the bottom of the page

I am trying to mimic the layout of this search results page. I have everything working using bootstrap affix, except for the footer. When you scroll to the bottom in the example that I have linked, ...
MrB's user avatar
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Change Font Size and format

Based on the code below, how can I change the font size and format? For the size I tried: Approach 1 (didn't work) .text-large { font-size: 150%; } Approach 2 (didn't work either) html { font-...
Ed_Gravy's user avatar
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Reduce spacing between links

I know this question has been asked a lot of time but, since I am new to HTML, I still need some guidance. Based on the code below, how can I reduce the spacing in between the links in each column? ...
Ed_Gravy's user avatar
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Change text color to white

Based on the code below, how can I change the text color to white? The code is adapted from this question. In the tagged question answer, I don't know how the color was set to blue in the fist place. ...
Ed_Gravy's user avatar
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Put URLs in separate lines, different spacing and appropriate colors

Based on the code below, how can I have the URLs in a new line as shown in the screenshot below with similar spacing? Please note that I don't do HTML coding on a daily basis so I am fairly layman in ...
Ed_Gravy's user avatar
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How to make product block for full height in Bootstrap 3

How to make this code to be in full height (cms is OpenCart 2.1 and is using Bootstrap 3)? <div class="row equal"> <div class="product-layout product-grid col-lg-3 col-md-4 ...
Володимир К's user avatar
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How to leave space between order type drop down and button search?

I work on web forms I have issue order type drop down is very close from button search and no spaces . so How to leave spaces between drop down order type and button search using CSS or ...
ahmed abdelaziz's user avatar
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Equal spacing between characters in html

I am making a pagination system for my search page and currently have something that looks like this: .pagination-wrapper{ display: flex; justify-content: center; padding-top: 50px; } ....
eligolf's user avatar
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Bootstrap input border flashing when clicking away from altered input:focus

I have a simple form with an input field where I created my own floating placeholder/label. I then wanted to change how the focus behave, removing shadow and alter the borders. Here is the code I have ...
eligolf's user avatar
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CSS command not running in media query

I know this may have already duplicated, but I tried many of the solutions on the internet and still doesn't work. I have two pictures that wishes to appear in different screen sizes. However, the CSS ...
dansyw91's user avatar
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How to crop image to show only the center portion?

I am on Bootstrap 3. How do I show an image cropped in a .col-sm-6 grid column? The image is 720px wide. On its own, with .img-responsive, when the display size changes, the image will be resized ...
u936293's user avatar
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Menu's drop-down angle (font awesome icon) is only displaying small rectangle with the unicode of f107

This is a WordPress site using Colorlib's Shapely Theme and the Shapely Companion plugin. (Note: This is a bootstrap theme, and uses bootstrap-navwalker. I am also using a child theme to customise ...
SunnyOz's user avatar
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Display tooltip over line breaks in text

I am using tooltips in bootstrap3. If you hover over the gap between the lines in the 'Position' column in the table example, the tool tip will disappear. Notice that the mouse pointer changes from ...
Matthew Hegarty's user avatar
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Bootstrap 3 Navbar - problem with navbar-header

I've built this Navbar (with Bootstrap 3) which is done to styling requirements. After building it, and being told it tested fine (and it was deployed to production) someone realised that the Navbar ...
BlissSol's user avatar
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How do I change the display type of a Bootstrap 3 modal?

By default, bootstrap modals are set to display: block;. How can I change this to display: flex;? I would like to avoid adding JavaScript to fix this if possible. This code makes it so the modal has ...
Finlay Metcalfe's user avatar
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Bootstrap 3 Navbar with 2 columns

I have a Navbar already built for an Angular site which is using Bootstrap 4, which looks like this I'm trying to copy this Navbar design for another website which is using Bootstrap 3. I initially ...
BlissSol's user avatar
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Bootstrap 3 form-outline like mdbbootstrap 5

My site uses Bootstrap 3.3.6 and like to renew some features. Found a great input feature form from MDBBootstrap 5 and like to add it. But unfortunally this framework uses Bootstrap 5. And I do not ...
Lee Wen's user avatar
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linear-gradient for Bootstrap thumbnail

I try to make a 3-column grid with images so that some text overlays these images. I found an example of the linear gradient for this purpose: .card__content { position: absolute; background: ...
AstFreelancer's user avatar
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Flask form in Bootstrap input-group is wrapping to next line on mobile

I'd like the 'Go' button to stay next to the search field. On Desktop view it looks fine but when I switch to a mobile view it wraps the submit button (the input-group gets broken up). how do I ...
Troy's user avatar
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Bootstrap buttons not sitting apart

On the getbootstrap doc page for buttons the example buttons have a type and two css classes: <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary</button> The ...
Matt W's user avatar
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Input Group in combination with span: style problems using bootstrap

I am facing a style problem. So this is my code: <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <form> <div class="input-...
wemfal's user avatar
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how to apply flex-column for block only on sm-breakpoint in Bootstrap 3.3.7?

So the general idea is - on screens less than sm size, I would use the column flex-direction; everything bigger - the row flex-direction (or, in the worst case, if it impossible, I will not use the ...
Sergey Matsiupa's user avatar
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In bootstrap 3, why isn't button aligning to the bottom of the column as the CSS states?

I'm using Bootstrap 3 and I'm trying to align a button to the bottom of a column. The only way I can seem to accomplish this is by assigning an explicit height and using absolute positioning. Since I ...
Millhorn's user avatar
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how to use an element width in a calculated value in css? [duplicate]

I am using Bootstrap 3. To center horizontally in the screen a 300px wide button I use the following CSS code that uses calc: .kiosk-form .centered { margin-left: calc(50% - 150px); } In the code ...
UnDiUdin's user avatar
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How can I ensure that all boxes retain the same size regardless of how much text is in it?

I have some Bootstrap card boxes that have various sizes of text that will be stored within each. I want to ensure that the box will retain the same height regardless of the amount. In that case, ...
Vzupo's user avatar
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How can I make a div span 2 rows [duplicate]

I am trying to do exactly this: Where my mark up is: <div> <div>A</div> <div>B</div> <div>C</div> </div> Is this possible with grid, ...
j00m's user avatar
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Bootstrap 3 grid make panel stay on bottom right corner and scrollable div

This is the following HTML: <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-...
Chandra Syahputra's user avatar
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How do I change lots of Bootstrap column widths at once via a variable (or something better)?

I want to be able to change all the 3's quickly into whatever number I need. (I have separate CSS I haven't included here, but please let me know if I need to add it.) <div class="container&...
GVguide's user avatar
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Trying to fix arrow on my virtual Google map

So, i'm trying - and failing - to fix the right chevron (red arrow) on my virtual Google map popup. I'll try to document all the relevant code but i'm not sure it'll be reproducible without a Google ...
Myuser03's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make whole <li> clickable as a link

I have navigation menu that contains links, what I want to achieve is to make the whole li element clickable as a link. so how to achieve that please? I'm using bootstrap 3.2 library. below is the ...
Osama Al-far's user avatar
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How do i make a html table not have dynamic columns that change size in width depending on the amount of data in a <td>

I am trying to create a table that has equally sized columns which wont change depending on the length of the table data In the picture the data under the heading "Titel" moves the second ...
kalle konsida's user avatar
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How to upgrade bootstrap version for my Old Project?

I have my old project written by old bootstrap 3.3.6 classes. Now I want to use the features of bootstrap 5.2 but it's not straight forward to just change the version of the bootstrap. What's the best ...
ghalib Raja's user avatar

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