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display:none not hiding the empty option in dropdown in IE

I have running Angular 11 application. In the page I have 2 radio buttons and one dropdown. The behavior is that whenever I change the radio button selection, I want to reset dropdown value and show ...
Asif Zaidi's user avatar
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use SCSS to generate both defaults and css variables

I'm implementing a websites style. For legacy support reasons, I need to support IE11, at least for a while. For workflow and my sanity reasons, I would like to use css variables where possible. I ...
Plagiatus's user avatar
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HTML Table Vertical Scroll with first column frozen

I am using React Bootstrap (v4) Table. I want to have a frozen first column with x & y scroll which should be IE11 compatible. I tried adding position: absolute to first column, but it does not ...
Varun Joshi's user avatar
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2 answers

<input type="button"> doesn't inherit the font-family [duplicate]

Hi everyone, I have a question, hope it helps with code .common{ font-family: "MS Pゴシック"; color:#FFFFFF; } <table> <tr> <td class="common" > <...
Anna's user avatar
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2 answers

Why my media query for 768px and 576px not working

I am trying media queries, but they won't work on 768px and 576px. I tried the minimum width but it also does not work. .changing-color { background-color: powderblue; width: 100vw; height: ...
sylvia_fe's user avatar
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style problems when switching from internet explorer to edge

I'm working on a legacy application created with HTML 4, The application is working correctly on Internet Explorer, I want to run the application on Edge chromium and chrome, but I get many style ...
user3093583's user avatar
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How to select Document Mode in Chrome and Edge browsers similar to Internet Explorer?

I am working on converting a web page that was creating using old web standards to support modern web browsers. The web page currently renders correctly in Internet Explorer, only after setting the ...
kal's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any way I can set CSS properties purely as a fallback for others not being browser compatible?

My website was rendering fine in all browsers until I tested it in the Internet Explorer. My menubar moved entirely to the left covering my logo and all the parts that used Grid did not show up ...
FSDevie's user avatar
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5 answers

CSS: Flex doesn't keep same height for divs in IE11

I’m currently using display: flex; to display 3 tiles that adjusts and keeps the same height based on which tile has the most content in it. The below HTML/CSS works in all browsers except IE11 & ...
spidey677's user avatar
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AutoCompleteExtender Hiding in IE but working in Edge

We are using AutoCompleteExtender in our project and when checking in IE we don't see the full list but just first element. However, same site works just fine in Edge/Chrome. I did poking around and ...
Rohit's user avatar
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6 votes
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tailwindcss: Force tailwind to use compatible rgb syntax?

I'm porting an app using tailwindcss to work with IE11. Unfortunately, tailwindcss insists on generating colors using the modern W3C CSS Color Module Level 4 rgb() syntax, which does not appear to be ...
henrikl's user avatar
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2 answers

In IE, this :not(:nth-child():nth-last-child()) declaration isn't working

I have the following CSS. .formhidden {overflow: hidden} .formhidden[id*='petinfo_'] {height: 48px} .formhidden[id*='petproblem_'] ...
Amaroq's user avatar
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Hide vertical scrollbar on browsers but making it still working

I have to hide the vertical scrollbar of an element but I have to make the "scrolling" keep working, for example using the mouse wheel. I Followed this post: .container { overflow-y: ...
Matt's user avatar
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4 answers

How to center button in browsers not supporting flex?

I have created the following page, to inform users that their browser is outdated. table, .modal-footer a { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } td { width: 60px; text-align: center; ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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VBA to click on popup sweet-container's button using className

I have tried to click a Button in IE Sweetalert popup by using querySelector and GetElementBytagName, ClassName. The HTML of the popup as shown below. <div class="sweet-alert show-sweet-alert ...
RajK7333's user avatar
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Is there a way to blur react components on IE11?

I'm aware of the fact that filters are not supported in IE 10-11, but is there a way to blur React Components in some way? I was looking for solutions, but didn't find anything useful. Is it even ...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS background-position doesn't help to change where the image is

by default styles are that: .landing-icon.self-service-badge:before { background-image: url("/images/Evolution/site/self-service-badge.svg"); height: 76px; width: 76px; } and image ...
Maxim Gavrilov's user avatar
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Need help I printed the document as a comp pdf file, but I can't see the lines in the table. I searched the Internet and tried to find a way, but nothing worked. Is there a good way because it's only ...
CherryHoneyBadger's user avatar
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Flex wrap does not working in td tag in IE11

This markup works in Chrome as expected. Can I make it work in IE11 using css? <table width="100%"> <tr> <td> <div style="display: flex;...
Denis Malakhov's user avatar
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css filter not applying in IE11

To Apply color for bootstrap 2.3.2 Icons, I am using filter property in CSS. This works good in all browsers except IE11. .apply-color { filter: opacity(0.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 blue); } How can we ...
Karthik Dheeraj's user avatar
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Side nav is not taking full page height in IE11

I need the sidebar to fill 100% of the page height, but when the page length increases, the sidebar's height is not increased in IE11 but in chrome, the sidebar is taking full page height.[![enter ...
user9041815's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to get around Internet Explorer 11 ignoring my font-face due to cache-control headers?

Problem: IE11 does not use my Roboto font-face or my Material Icon font-faces. I've narrowed the issue down to the cache-control. When I remove the following from my web.config, IE11 displays my fonts ...
masu9's user avatar
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Remove border of TD cell in collapsed table in internet explorer

I'm working on creating a printable report(HTML table) that works on internet explorer. The page should be (1)printable and should (2)work on internet explorer. The page contains a table that should ...
Abozanona's user avatar
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IE makes two indents instead of one

I have some JS code that implements a typewriter effect. However, if everything works fine on google chrome, then in IE why additional indents appear. In the console in chrome there are 2 indents in ...
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Different font on strong elements for Internet Explorer 11 and Safari on iOS 9

I have a web app with two fonts, Amatic SC for h1 and h2 and Open Sans for the rest. The webpage displays strong text fine on most browsers: For Safari on iOS 9 (tested on iPhone 4S) and Internet ...
emonigma's user avatar
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4 answers

Logo in navbar not properly centered in Internet Explorer

I have a navber with a logo being centered using flexbox but in IE it is not properly centered. Does anyone know why this might be? The dev build is at Thanks!
luke bouch's user avatar
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Anchor tag not showing up in IE

I'm building out a frontend site and I cannot figure out why my anchor tag is not being displayed in IE 11. I'm not doing anything fancy to it, it's just not visible. The site is live at ...
luke bouch's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

HTML Flex layout looks different in Internet Explorer

I'm trying to get a simple flex layout to work the same in IE11 as it does in Chrome. In Chrome it appears like this: However in IE11 it appears like this: Here is the code : html, body { ...
Rocket's user avatar
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1 answer

custom Angular component not applying css class on ie11

I have a component such as: <my-component></my-component> I want to give this component a overflow-x: hidden; I tried: <my-component class="ofx-hidden"></my-component&...
monxas's user avatar
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Bootstrap/css nof found/working on IE and ED

I am working on a web application, to my "big surprise" I found that my css / bootstrap on Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge is not working. I have already tried several things that are ...
Bartballon's user avatar
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Max-width on Internet Explorer

I'm having trouble getting max-width to work in IE. Is there a way to get max-width to work on IE? This is what it looks like on other browsers: enter image description here This is what it looks like ...
roarsandmeows's user avatar
-2 votes
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enabling max-width in Internet Explorer

I've implemented max-width so that content for .name takes up 1 line vs 2 lines. So instead of: Bob Lee it correctly looks Bob Lee in other browsers. e.g. chrome I've found that IE doesn't support max-...
roarsandmeows's user avatar
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Setting focus to an IE PDF style webpage for scraping using Excel VBA

I navigate through this password protected website and get to a point where it opens up what looks like a child window but has a URL like "http://yadayadayada**.pdf**?V42". Although it's a ...
John Wilson's user avatar
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SVG images not getting full width of viewport in ie

I am using SVG image with inline images, and working fine other browsers except internet explore. in ie its showing smallest size but actual image is 100% width of screen , below is my SVG code <...
fei's user avatar
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SASS adds -ms prefix to css grid, But it's not working in IE

when we use sass it automatically adds prefixes for different browsers. sass code .grid-container{ display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(4,1fr); grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr; } css code ....
Kasun Jalitha's user avatar
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is(':hover') is not working properly in IE 11

I have a drawer menu that opens the bottom part of the navigation menu when I hover on a list item on the upper part of the menu. I want to keep the bottom menu open when you move the mouse from the ...
kappa's user avatar
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Hide scrollbar in IE 11, but achieve IE effect

I have a navigation in my site that contains multiple items. Depending on the screensize, many items can be offscreen and a user can scroll across. I have an issue in IE where the scrollbar appears on ...
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CSS zoom/transform behavior in IE11

I want to show the screen in "100%" size in IE with CSS. The default zoom size for IE for my clients' computer is 150%. To show the screen properly without asking my clients to change the ...
Yuki's user avatar
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-webkit-box not work in IE,but work in chrome

-webkit-box not work in IE,so this code work in IE. :p tag <p class="company__note">職種商品企画・プランニング、人事・労務、営業(個人向け・新規開拓中心)、営業(個人向け・得意先中心)、営業(企業向け・新規開拓中心)、営業(企業向け・得意先中心)、販売・サービススタッフ、店長(...
No Tow Asia's user avatar
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grid-template-columns is not working to ie11?

I'm using tailwind css and grid-template-columns is not working in IE11. How can I separate so that it will function on IE11? grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)) <div class="...
Ayaka's user avatar
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How can I fix the Font-Face Error in Internet Explorer (without using font-face) [BLAZOR]

my Application is a Blazor Server App. So my problem: I have a page, which shows a loading screen until the data is loaded. As soon as the data is loaded it displays it in a table. This data I then ...
MaxinhoHD's user avatar
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Custom collapsed navbar (2 columns, with each column containing 2 columns of items)

I have a custom collapsed bootstrap navbar. Not collapsed it looks like this (notice I have 2 sets; 1st is the menu items, 2nd is social media icons) normal. All good so far. Works in all browsers ...
ThermalShock's user avatar
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CSS table > td - force content to one line cross-browser

This is working on Chrome/Edge: <style> .o { width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; } </style> <table style="width:100%; position: relative; border-collapse: collapse"> &...
Taurus's user avatar
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Invalid calc() on IE11

Why IE11 can't calc this? I see from the console that it finds it invalid (in the compiled styles it's red underlined) h6 { ... font-size: calc(calc((( (20 / 16) / 16 - 1 / 16) * (100vw - 20rem) / ...
Fred K's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the distance greater with a margin top in IE?

I have the following component in my application .call-support { display: flex; justify-content: center; padding: 20px 0 20px 0; } .container-support { display: flex; align-items: ...
homerThinking's user avatar
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How can I get display:grid (or ms-grid) to work in Internet Explorer 11?

@media (min-width: 100px) { .my-header { .header-info-nav { top: -38px; float: right; .username, .change-profile, .ttm-link { ...
gemArt's user avatar
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how to hide a input type radio in IE and collect the value?

i have a "vue" application working properly in all browsers except internet explorer. The main error I find in IE is the fact that it does not recognize the value of an input if I hide it ...
homerThinking's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Flex elements don't automatically get equal height on IE11

On Chrome/FF my flex elements have equal heights (the height of the tallest element). But on IE11 they each have their natural height, so they end up having different heights. How to make it behave on ...
drake035's user avatar
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Smooth scrolling in IE 11 and 10 breaking CSS transform matrix

I have a mobile menu that's using a transform matrix to animate the body content aside. Basically once the menu button is clicked, the menu slides over and a class is applied to the content that ...
Kathryn Crawford's user avatar
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Why does "align-items: baseline" not working in internet explorer?

I am having trouble creating a consistent flexbox between Chrome, Edge, IE and Firefox in my VUE application. The css I have works great in Chrome, Edge and Firefox but fails for Internet Explorer 11 ....
homerThinking's user avatar

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