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Why is my table only scrollable when I make it disappear and then reappear?

I have a data table that adds values to itself when a player clicks a specific button. I have this css for my table and all my seperate table classes. table { background-color: #e3e3e3; } ....
Sybe's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Table tbody merges with thead on scrollable HTML table

On a hybrid web page, one section includes a scrollable table of names with some information about them. Ideally, this table would have fixed headings with scrollable rows below. But I cannot seem ...
Dennis 's user avatar
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Scrolling Issue with table in CSS Grid Cells

I am relatively new to html/css as I have spent most of my career on desktop apps in WPF. I have started to provide a web version of some of our applications and have been enjoying the learning ...
Rob Goodwin's user avatar
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How to scroll only tbody inside flexbox without using height or sticky?

I have table inside nested flex container and I would like to scroll just tbody. I don't want to/can't use hardcoded height or max-height (like for example 500px) because it should shrink or grow as ...
greenoldman's user avatar
2 votes
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How to freeze text from td that has roswpan when scrolling down

I'd like to freeze the Content A text that I applied rowspan on the table. When scrolling down, it fixed at first, but as I go down to the middle point the text goes up and it disappears. So how do I ...
arom's user avatar
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How to add a scrollbar to the <tbody> that take 100% of the width of the table?

So I'm trying to create a React component library that has the features as its jQuery plugin counterpart , I'm almost done with the creation of the library but the scrolling feature is one that I ...
Le Phenix 47's user avatar
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Scrollable table arrow/indicator Angular material?

I am looking for a user friendly way to: Indicate a table is too wide, and thus scrollable, even when the bottom scrollbar is not visible yet Allow the user to scroll this table easily, also on ...
Rob Audenaerde's user avatar
1 vote
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Scrollable HTML table has spaces between rows

I made a scrolling table. When scrolling, you can see the space between the lines in the header. How to hide it? Example Сodepen html <div class="table-container"> <table class=&...
al.koval's user avatar
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2 answers

How to scroll table only in css (horizontal/width)

I'm probably not the first to ask this, but I cannot find a working solution anywhere. This is an extremely simplified version of my page <table style="white-space:nowrap;font-size:30px"><...
Yisroel M. Olewski's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Scrollable table with column and header sticky

Edited : table { border: 1px solid white; text-align: center; padding: 6px; background: #e1edf9; } td { border: 1px ...
sd_30's user avatar
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what CSS properties should I add to make the scroll appear in this table?

I have the following table: 'table' how cam I save it's width Even when the screen is narrowed and only add a scroll to show it, I have added overflow: scroll; to the container <div> but it ...
Shahed A.'s user avatar
2 votes
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HTML Table with collapsed rows: bug if "visibility: collapse" and "overflow:auto"

I have a table with vertical scroll. I keep some rows collapsed and managed by some script. <html lang="en"> <head> <style type="text/css"> table { ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Make a table scrollable with html/css

I made a DashBoard and in my mailPage I can't make it scrollable. I upload my website if you have time to check my problem. My Code window.addEventListener("load", function () { var deleteSVG =...
Lyes.bcb's user avatar
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How can I keep datatable headlines in one line?

In my datatable the headlines are in one line with the sort arrows. But my datatables is scrollable and when I make my window smaller the headline jumps down. I tried to fix this like this: .table ...
peace_love's user avatar
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Horizontally scrolling to rightmost column in table, until nothing is visible between the first and last column

Purpose: To easily compare td in the first column with other columns, including the last one. I have a small table, feeded from a Mysql DB, where I want to easily compare td in the first column with ...
Peter Mose-Christensen's user avatar
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scrollbar is not in visible area (width more than 100%)

I have a div which is more than 100% (width of table). The problem now is that I can't see the scrollbar for vertical scrolling, obviously. Can I adjust the position of the scrollbar? * { ...
awdrt's user avatar
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Style tables in mobile so they go full width and scroll if content is longer

I'm searching for a pure-CSS solution to make tables behave in the following way: if the content the table should always fill the width of its container, with cells distributing horizontally the ...
jacopo's user avatar
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Is there any way to make table's body scrollable without using "display: block" parameter?

I have a problem with displaying my scrollable table. I want to scroll only table's body without header. When I set "display: block" parameter it misaligns table and it does not look such good as ...
Pol Pol's user avatar
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Fixed height table irrespective of the available space. Table become scrollable

I want my table to have a fixed dynamic height, so I can scroll and it does not expand. So I have this bootstrap row & 2 columns. I want the table or the left column to have the height of the ...
Laurent Dhont's user avatar
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Hiding arrow on scroll- Better approach?

I'm trying to hide the arrow that appears on top of selected header as shown below. on scroll I'm trying to hide when the arrow appears on the header Company as the first column is sticky. .hide-...
forgottofly's user avatar
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Horizontally and vertically scrollable large table

Well, here you are a next post about the boring scrolling table with fixed header and footer. This topic is comes from rigid structure of HTML. The source problem was to show really huge table ...
schweik's user avatar
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How to make a div appear outside a scroll container? [duplicate]

I have a table that is inside a div that allows horizontal and vertical scrolling. This table has a sticky header, and if you hover a cell, the corresponding row and column will highlight. When a cell ...
burgoyne's user avatar
-1 votes
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Main header doesn't remain sticky on scroll in a table which has two headers

I have my table inside which i have header with two rows to display two headers as shown in image. Right now as per my css code i am adding scroll to the table body,hence tbody is get scrolled but ...
Nirali's user avatar
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Pin header and first row on Excel like table with filter

I have Excel like filter with table and what I need is I want to pin header and first row on scroll down. It should work even if I apply filter. Please note the fiddle:
user1365067's user avatar
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HTML table with multiple fixed rows and columns

I have a table like this: Now, in reality, there would be in excess of 100 rows and/or columns. Naturally, in such a table, someone might lose track of what they're looking at. So I'd like a couple (...
Adrian's user avatar
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Fixed card with dynamic table bootstrap4 [duplicate]

I'm trying to make my table fixed within card size, the initial number of records is 5 however, I would like it to be more than 10 or 20 the card would be the size of the browser window and create a ...
Eduardo Krakhecke's user avatar
-1 votes
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Table scroll to defined column

I've a big calendar table to provide a overview of a planning. I want to always scroll automatically on windowload to "this day", which col has the class .today. I've already tried to work with JQuery ...
Daniel Wahl's user avatar
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How can I do a scroll inside my table?

I'm trying to do some similar to Excel's sheets in HTML, but it's not working. The idea is to fix some column of my table and put a scroll in the rest of the other columns. I was looking for help and ...
Patrick Roncoski's user avatar
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HTML Table Scroll Function Over X and Y Axis

I've created a table that is contained within a section of my webpage and can scroll over the x and y axis to view everything. My problem so far is that the table can scroll along the y-axis when ...
JMV12's user avatar
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Layout that fixes all the content to the window width, except for large data tables

Goal I am trying to implement a layout that works as follows: Page content is responsive and adjusts to window width If the page contains a large data table, the table will overflow to the right In ...
basilikum's user avatar
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How can I stick my div that is overlaying a table to one specific position?

My left table column is fixed but the rest of my table is horizontally scrollable. I want to place now some divs above that table and stick it to a specific color and date. For example my blue div ...
peace_love's user avatar
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Resize table inside overflowing divs without JS

Is it possible to resize columns in scrollable table when width of all columns has more pixels than div which contains table. The problem is I have something like 20 columns and I need to have my ...
radoix's user avatar
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How to style a div so that the table inside gets partially hidden and can be scrolled

I have a table, and I want to put it inside a div so that the table is only shown until the div's height, and can be scrolled to view the rest of the table. Here is my code: #listTimes { ...
aravk33's user avatar
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Fixed column scroll table

I have a scroll table (you can see a example in the img). In the last column I have buttons to do an action I would like to fix this column and shake the rest. I knew I had to use position (...
Marco_dev's user avatar
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Table with big data add scroll-x and change width of page

I upload data in table using ajax. so when I received response - data will be filled to table and it will be visible on the screen. when data contain some small text example it looks ok. but if I ...
user2243772's user avatar
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Adding horizontal and vertical scrolling to a table

I have a table: <div> <div className="shadow-z-1"> <table className="table table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th>...
BeeNag's user avatar
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HTML, CSS , Table body scrolling with fix header

I want my table to be scrollable vertically with fix header. I want also to make the table width fit on the browser. **Please, as much as possible, do not make any changes on the 'html' part, just on ...
Rocky's user avatar
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5 answers

HTML Table Header with Fixed Position and scroll able table data elements

Main intention of this question is to make table header fixed and when we scroll vertically only elements should scrolled and table header should be on the same position And I want this to be done ...
Mahesh G's user avatar
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DIV Scroll working for one table but not working for another table

Can someone look this issue? The scroll bar is showing for one table where as it's not showing for another table which is made of same CSS and present HTML file. For Top Table Scrollbar is not ...
Mahesh G's user avatar
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css overflow scroll table cell with width:auto or width:100%

I would like to build flexible layout with scrollbars and dynamic widths. I have table width,height 100% of window and 2(3) columns with auto widths ( widths depends on it's content ) and center ...
Tim TJey Jun's user avatar
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Scrollable tbody doesn't occupy all available width

I have a table that contains a lot of rows (1000+). Structure is really simple, here is a simplified example with only one row. <table> <thead> <tr> <th&...
Naigel's user avatar
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HTML table with mcustomscrollbar and fixed column header

I have created a table with scrollbar in which header is fixed while scrolling y and header is scrolling while scrolling table x. Here is my code. $(function () { $('table').on('scroll', ...
Akshay Vaghasiya's user avatar
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html table with first column fixed that accommodates different length of data

fiddle here html <table id="AnalyticalDataGrid"> <tbody> <tr> <td>...
sarsnake's user avatar
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Vertical align content of td with rowspan on tbody y-scrolling

Hi I am running into a problem with vertical aligning of a text in td elements with large rowspan. vertical-align: top works fine until the tbody is scrolled. On scrolling, the text of such cells ...
Dim D's user avatar
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Scroll through table content with complex colspan and rowspan, locking both headers and left columns

I have a rather complex table with several colpsan and rowspan that is built dynamically, and I wish to lock headers (and if possible the first rows on the left also) and scroll table content (both ...
Filipe Castanheira's user avatar
-4 votes
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Is there a way to do a sticky header for a table using CSS only

I have a simple table of airport data: <table cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th>Type</th> <th>Flight number</th> ...
caesai's user avatar
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How to make a scrolling table with dynamic data

I am trying to make a scrollable table with fixed headers that gets dynamically populated. I have found a good example on this site but could not implement it. I have created a fiddle here: http://...
Joe's user avatar
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Setting table height appears to adds margin-top instead

I'm trying to make a scrollable table, with the table height set. However, when I try to set the height, it adds a margin on top of the table instead of adjusting the height of the actual table. I ...
Webhead's user avatar
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Can't align thead and tbody in scrollable table

I have this scrollable table that sometimes Isn't full, like this: 2 things happening here: the background disappears and the th columns are just not aligned. I was messing around with a demo I ...
Abu Barrett's user avatar
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Table within Div within Div

I have a slight issue that I have not been able to solve. I require to have a web page that comprises of a header(OuterHeader), a footer(OuterFooter) and a content. Within the Content I require ...
Dean Marsden's user avatar