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Select only the first match after each instance of another kind of match

I have a table that is broken up into groups headed by specially formatted elements. The first row of each group requires some special formatting so it is appropriately spaced and delimited from the ...
Caroline Regalado's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create a table with sticky column on left and right, and the body between them is scrollable?

I have been working on a piece of code, trying to achieve the desired layout for a table. However, every time I make adjustments to the code, it causes the table to become distorted or behave ...
kiena's user avatar
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Why does an <img> element inside an element with `display: table` expand in width when the image fails to load?

In the standard configuration of WordPress, when centering figure elements containing img elements is chosen, these elements are automatically styled with display: table; margin-left: auto; margin-...
frkly's user avatar
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How do I make two different table styles? [closed]

EDIT: I've updated this post with some of people's suggestions. I still can't get the coding to work right, though. I'm trying to create a document with two distinct table styles (basically dialogue ...
Andrew Anderson's user avatar
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3 answers

Missing borders CSS /HTML

In my table I've implemented logic to highlight the Row/Column when the cell is selected but i don't seem to manage to get the borders on top and bottom of the column correct. The border on the bottom ...
Christof Beckers's user avatar
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textarea inside a `<td>` element is not responding to click events

I have a table with 6 columns. In one of the row cells I am using a textarea element to display and capture user input. Currently, the content inside the text area is truncated and an ellipse is ...
M.Holmes's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make gradient column in a table?

I would like to have one column in a table have a blue gradient background from top to bottom. As in extending over multiple rows, ten precisely. Essentially like this one but for a column instead of ...
user718229's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Discontinued border

I try to draw border-radius on certain rows. The structure is as follow: <tr>row with border-top-radius</tr> <tr>normal row with some tds</tr> <tr>normal row with some ...
sangnandar's user avatar
-2 votes
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Counting cells with a specific class in JavaScript

I have a HTML table and the following script to add a specific class to the cells, depending on their content. Now, I would like to count only the items with class = active and trigger a modal (...
Alex's user avatar
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How do I dynamically size HTML table column widths to the text in the "<th>" element?

I have a some data loaded into an HTML table. Each column of the table has a table header with text in it. I want each column to have a minimum width equal to length of that text (so that it doesn't ...
Ryan Tshovu's user avatar
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How can I make a table in HTML larger than the max-width of the page, and then have it be scrollable on the x-axis [duplicate]

I have been making a simple website for a video game that I play that details the characters and attacks that are in the game. This requires large tables to display the data that I want to show. For ...
Lokstepp's user avatar
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Arrows are not working or showing for table content that is not displayed in the initial viewport

Some of the content career route connections do not work for the table's last row. So, I'm wondering that the information that we need to scroll to click on is experiencing arrow pathway connection ...
Rejuan hossain's user avatar
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Correct way to set table dimensions when only providing <tr> height and colgroup

A html table can be sized by providing width and height, but it can also be sized by setting heights to its rows (<tr style='height: ...'>) and widths of its columns (via colgroup). In the ...
orange's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Making calculations in a HTML table

I have a created a HTML table which is editable. The table contains some cells are predefined with the numbers 1-5, than there is section where the user can enter data and in the last column there ...
Gian Arends's user avatar
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Wordpress Text in Table Doesn't Match Rest of Post

I am making a post template that includes a rather large and complicated table. When editing in the classic editor 'visual' mode, everything looks like it matches. However, when it is published, the ...
Tony Laubach's user avatar
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1 answer

How to generate a table with cells merged in a column [duplicate]

This is the table I expect: And I used this code, but did not get the expected result <table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="10px"> <thead> <tr> <th>a&...
monika's user avatar
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2 answers

Html table with header colpans doesn't render as expected

I got this generated colspanish table scrolling inside a div on horizontal. Where the Auto 2 aggregated header column gets properly sized while Auto 1 doesn't. How do I force Auto 1 to look as Auto 2? ...
lnaie's user avatar
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Vertical gaps between table cells and their contents [duplicate]

I have a tabular layout which contains graphical contents. I understand that using tables for layout is no longer a best practice, but I'm exploring this approach for educational purposes and to ...
Humberto Fioravante Ferro's user avatar
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How to make HTML table responsive?

Right now because my table has many columns, right side of table overflows outside of the screen. I want to make it responsive so that the table wraps itself below for more columns. I want the table ...
 Asadullah khan's user avatar
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HTML tables arbitrarily breaking to new page in PDF report

I am using JSReport (template engine: handlebars.js, pdf recipe: chrome-pdf) to generate PDF reports from html/css and I have encountered some very strange behavior with tables breaking to a new page ...
Jared Jensen's user avatar
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Why aren't the background-color styles for my table working and what can I do to fix it? [duplicate]

My table's background color styles in my head aren't styling the table cells in the body. Here is my code: <html> <head> <style> #11 { background-color: hsv(0,0,100); } #12 { ...
Chance Evans's user avatar
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Create a table with empty space at bottom

I want to create a table with min-height: 90vh, so it don't get smaller than that particular height but when I do that the columns height gets increased and occupy space as per table height and that's ...
Meet's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make elements stick to different scrollable containers for different scroll directions?

I have a long and wide table inside a width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; container, and I'm trying to achieve the following at the same time: make the header row stick to the viewport's top edge; make ...
shau-kote's user avatar
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HTML table row is taller than the height setting for row and tds [closed]

Sample page displaying issue: Sample page displaying desired outcome: CSS: JavaScript file ...
Andy Alegria's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Split headerless html table rows 50% left and 50% right

I have 20 rows like this in a standard html table (table>tbody>tr>td) without a header. current situation <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> ...
Rob C's user avatar
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position:sticky is not working on merged cell

I want to fix the first and second columns of a table in left when the table scrolls horizontally. I used position:sticky for column fixation and it works fine on normal columns. However, I have ...
luichooy's user avatar
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2 answers

td cell to appear directly below th cell

I have a table html like the following: <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Header 1</th> <td>Data 1</td> <th>Header 2</th> ...
AverageGod's user avatar
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Unable to make a column sticky in a table

I have a table with overflow-x enabled due to its length. The data at the start of each row gets hidden when scrolling horizontally, so I want to make at least one starting column sticky. I've tried ...
Muhammad Aleem's user avatar
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Display a table inline with <p> text

I am trying to display a table inline within a p element. The result should look similar to this: *-----------------* Text before. | Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Text after. *-----------...
Steve A's user avatar
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Bootstrap DateTimePicker Not Displaying Correctly in Responsive Table with Overflow Handling

I'm trying to create a responsive table with Bootstrap that includes DateTimePicker widgets in some cells. The table should have horizontal scrolling when needed, but I'm struggling to get the ...
Raluca Micu's user avatar
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How do I make sure that my table headers aligns with my table data in a nested html table?

For context, I need a nested table to group table data (by pdo, program, location). The problem is my th does not aligned with my nested td when the columns are not fully expanded. I'm using Angular ...
lance2k's user avatar
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How do I make column fill available space without table overflow?

I am trying to make a responsive table where: Columns 1-3 and column 5 will always autosize to fit their content. Column 4 will occupy all remaining horizontal space. Column 4 will never wrap text (i....
Cardinal System's user avatar
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Flexible width in HTML table

I would like my table to fulfill these properties: The width of the table is 100% of the parent container. All columns width are fit to the maximum column width. The column flex-column takes the ...
nowox's user avatar
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Adding Border Styling to Table Row Headings and Colum Headings

I would greatly appreciate some help with this, if possible. I'm trying to add some global CSS styling to tables that are automatically generated by our company platform's HTML editor, but running ...
VeeSands's user avatar
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Make table row height adjust to textarea content

I have the following table with a textarea inside the td: #myarea { box-sizing: border-box; border: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; resize: none; } <table> <...
bbWebDev's user avatar
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HTML table header is not repeat on each while printing

When I set HTML table header height 200px (I think, this depends on browser, you can replicate this by keep increasing the height value), it's not repeated on every page while printing it. Same ...
Dev Murari's user avatar
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Why does my table header take half the table height in Firefox?

I have a table in HTML: <div style="height: 90vh"> <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%"> <table style="height: 100%"> <thead> <...
Sohaib Najjar's user avatar
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Use thinner borders within td elements inside a colspan th

I have the following HTML table. As you can see I have two columns that have a colspan attribute. I want the td's inside those to have thinner borders, so that users can more clearly see « real » ...
Laurent Dietrich's user avatar
3 votes
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Which Methods/How to replicate this "Price Compare" responsive card layout?

plan comparison desktop: plan comparison mobile: Hi, I am looking for some ideas on ways to design this section of the layout. This section is both in desktop version and mobile (pictures above) It ...
Iggy_1994's user avatar
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How to use page breaks when printing multiple rows of a table in HTML?

I have a table in HTML where users can add rows as much as they want. However, when the table is long and I print the form, the form is cut off, and the other rows are not visible. What I want to ...
bbs's user avatar
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Possible causes for css sticky positioning in a <thead> to not work

I've created a custom element that mimics c#’s datagridview. I was able to make the <thead> stick at the top like dot net’s listview or datagridview header until just recently I noticed it doesn’...
Abet Giron's user avatar
2 votes
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HTML Table header border moving (overlapped by bg color)

I've created this dummy table based on my real project. The issue I'm having is that the border on the Table Header is moving when the content of the cells changing (no-wrap) hence the border ...
Kenji's user avatar
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Apply CSS style depending of tbody height

I have simple example that applies style when div height is less than 400px. <html> <head> <style> .card-container { container-type: size; ...
TwentySix's user avatar
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How to remove this unwanted table cell horizontal padding on Safari?

I'm using a table: Chrome and Firefox don't pad the cells horizontally Safari does, making the table appear larger I've googled it, added margin+padding: 0, ...
Offirmo's user avatar
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table th td must take max-width 200px then only it should wrap

.table_outer { width: 500px; overflow-x: auto; /* Allow horizontal scrolling */ } table { width: 100%; min-width: max-content; /* Ensure table doesn't shrink below content width */ table-...
Raja shekar 's user avatar
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Two different tables with the same col-spans

I'm trying to align the columns of two different tables that carry the same model of information, but not the same items. This leads to columns of both tables being of different sizes, which makes ...
Luca Di Matteo's user avatar
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CSS to highlight "nested" rows using th and varied rowspan attributes using the :has selector

I have been playing around with the :has selector to see if I am able to create a pure-css solution for highlighting rows in "tree" views using HTML table. I've seen solutions using <...
Owen Hancock's user avatar
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When mouseover on a table cell I want add a border to the cell to highlight it. But when I do this all the other cells width and height are effected

I have following html code for a simple intro page. On mousever (hover) event I will add a border to highlicght the cell. But when I do it with my existing code and css, all the cell heights and ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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How to remove space above the first html table row when using border-collapse: separate?

I am using border-collapse: separate property to add spacing between table rows, and I would like to remove the spacing above the very first table row. What's the best way to do that? This is what my ...
Jurgita-ds's user avatar
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Nested CSS Grid overflows horizontally when placed inside HTML table element

I have a css grid in invoice generated dynamically. I know the number of rows and column in advance. I'm also using template rows and template columns and defining column width for each column ...
fingers10's user avatar
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