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Unable handle the Csrf-Token for GET request in Django

In Django framework, When it was a POST request, if you modify the Cookie CSRF token, its throws the 403 error. But when it was a GET request, I tried to modify the Cookie CSRF-token, and it returned ...
Mani Krishna's user avatar
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Django - Browser doesnt save cookies unless CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN is set

I have been trying to get CORS/CSRF working on my local and I found this weird issue that unless I set CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to localhost as per this answer and I have no idea why its working. Reading up ...
Altair21's user avatar
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Use of CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED setting while upgrading django version to 4.1?

I am upgrading django version from 4.0 to 4.1, and in the release notes it says: CsrfViewMiddleware no longer masks the CSRF cookie like it does the CSRF token in the DOM. And it gives a setting as ...
Gagan's user avatar
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Django "CSRF Failed: CSRF cookie not set." when I change the request.user in my custom middleware

This is my custom middleware. The CSRF error only occurs because of request.user = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: request_user). Please help me fix this Custom middleware: import jwt from django.utils....
Shel Don's user avatar
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Django App not returning csrf token on get response.cookie consistently

Given I have this GET view: class PublicKeyView(View): def get(self, request): # Ensure a session ID is available if not request.session.session_key: request.session....
Gabi's user avatar
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CSRF Verification Failing

For my register and login views, I get this error CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. You are seeing this message because this site requires a CSRF cookie when submitting forms. This cookie is ...
Allen Ye's user avatar
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Django @csrf_exempt a logging endpoint

I'm making a social media site where users click into posts, and every time they do so, I call an endpoint to log a view for that post. Would it be safe to csrf_exempt this endpoint that only fetches ...
Allen Ye's user avatar
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Django Rest + Vuejs axion CSRF not working

I try using Django Rest Framework together with VueJS and axion. But always I get the MSG: CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing. But my Header in the frontend looks correct. And in the developer tools the ...
Philipp Homberger's user avatar
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CSRF token not being set in Django leading to 403 on client-side

When making a POST request with axios from an endpoint in django, the CSRF token cookie seems to not be set, because of this it gives me a 403 status code. which i couldn't fix even after days trying ...
Neokairos's user avatar
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How does CSRF validation work in Django and why do 2 different tokens still pass the check?

I'm currently reading up on CSRF and was wondering how is it possible for the CSRF validation in Django to validate 2 tokens as equal even if the values differ? if not _does_token_match(...
BoostedAnimal's user avatar
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Django server does not accept cookies

When I try to send a POST request to the DJANGO app hosted on the server, with included credentials in the Axios request or with a Postman app, I cannot access cookies in the app, because cookies are ...
Nikola's user avatar
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Can't edit anything in Django CMS due to cross-origin error

About three months ago, I upgraded our old Django and CMS application to the (then) latest LTS versions (4.2.3 for Django, 3.11.3 for django-cms). After the upgrade, I got the following error when I ...
thobens's user avatar
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django admin login CSRF verification failed. Request aborted

I am building an django application. Everything is working locally. But after uploading it to the production server with DEBUG=True. I am getting csrf error when trying to login to the admin panel. ...
Nahidujjaman Hridoy's user avatar
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csrftoken is null in React-rendered form

I am using purely React for the frontend, with Django on the backend. I am using React to render a form & not using the Django form. I am currently unable to make a POST request from my React ...
waffledood's user avatar
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CSRF token still giving error after having middleware, html tag and csrf_protect

I'm trying to get the view to redirect the user to the index page if they type in a page that does not exist. After rendering the 404 error and pressing the button, the 403 CSRF verification failed. ...
AC ._.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to configure CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS in Django 4 to allow access from any IP address?

I have found several posts regarding this but did not find what I need. I have upgraded Django from 2.x to 4.x for an Angular/Django web app which will be packaged and distributed to users that will ...
Brian's user avatar
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Django: Disable CSRF on debug not working

I am debugging my Django project deployed in the cloud. It does not have a domain name yet. I cannot login though the /admin/ page because of the CSRF error: CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. ...
Nikko's user avatar
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When trying to register to Django Website give Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.): /users/register

The website is live and its hosted on remote server(aws ec2) but when I try to register to the website its giving error. Error while registering to the Website I have gone through previous SO post ...
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how to obtain django csrf token in react forms?

I'm developing an app using django rest framework and react. I need to implement csrf token for some of my forms and also jwt refresh token. So these are options that exist for django csrf token ...
famdude's user avatar
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Ktor client - CSRF post request

I am doing a project where I am using django for server and ktor client for jetpack compose application to make request.However the CSRF protection reject my login request(An unsafe post request). As ...
Shiu Ching LAM's user avatar
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How should I implement CSRF tokens in form submitting POST requests, rendered in React

I'm using React to build a component which renders a form. Once the submit button is clicked, this kicks off a POST request using fetch to the backend (Django) which will include the text in the form. ...
Anthony Jackson's user avatar
4 votes
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ensure_csrf_cookie method decorator not setting CSRF token in browser cookies tab

I'm working on a project using Django as API backend (hosted on localhost:8000) and React (hosted on localhost:3000) as frontend. My plan is to host them on different servers in production as well. I'...
GermanProgrammer99's user avatar
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Django CSRF token in template outdated after login

Django allows adding CSRF token to a webpage by rendering it to the template with {% csrf_token %} Now here is the situation. I have two tabs opened with public pages of my website which don't require ...
Ilya's user avatar
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Django DRF - Manually validate CSRF token

I read in the docs that DRF only validates CSRF tokens on authenticated requests and login views should explicitely check the CSRF token. Problem is, how does one manually check the CSRF token? In my ...
usbToaster's user avatar
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Django Files Upload from Form get CSRF Forbidden on production

I have a simple Django FileForm for multiple files upload (basically txts with polygon coordinates). I don't want to save the uploaded files anywhere but only treat them on the fly (memory?) and ...
diml's user avatar
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Django CSRF not working on SSL(HTTPS), but working on local(linux), tried all things

Following is the error I get: 403: CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. When Debug = True, reason given for failure is: Origin checking failed - does not match any trusted ...
Franz Mingus's user avatar
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converting jwt to using Cookie(sessionid+csrf Token) on android app

My application requires that only one account can use it. So, My team decided to use session and Cookie because they can control the access. So, the Cookie has sessionid and csrf Token. As far as I ...
c-an's user avatar
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Django Admin Login 'CSRF cookie not set' when deployed, but works on localhost

I added several variations of the domain to CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS and CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS, and ALLOWED_HOSTS. I added django.template.context_processors.csrf to context_processors. I had neither ...
Katerina S's user avatar
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Django Cloudflare Proxy "CSRF Verification Failed"

I'm trying to proxy my Django App through Cloudflare via workers. The setup is like so:* forwards to my Django site ~everything else~ forwards to my Webflow site So far that part is ...
Micah's user avatar
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Django 4.0 wildcard subdomain preventing from setting csrf token

I'm having a problem with Django 4.0 backend in debug mode where I use session auth with csrf token. I use wildcard subdomains: CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["http://*.local.lab:8080"] ...
Jack Daniels's user avatar
14 votes
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django CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS not working as expected

Im having trouble in understanding why a post from a third party site is being rejected even though the site is added to CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS list in Im receiving a 403 error after the ...
d1spstack's user avatar
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Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. Reason given for failure: Origin checking failed does not match any trusted origins

Help Reason given for failure: Origin checking failed - does not match any trusted origins. In general, this can occur when there is a genuine Cross Site Request ...
Erico Fahri's user avatar
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Why is `csrf_exempt` not needed when using django-rest-framework?

When I make a POST request with Postman, I receive an error Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.) class BooksView(View): def post(self, request): If I use csrf_exempt the error does not occur from ...
MicFin's user avatar
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Django: CSRF cookie sometimes missing while submitting form

After submit the form, I got csrf forbidden error. So, If I clear browser cookie, the problem is resolved. also I put {%csrf_token%} in the form. what should I do?
prashik awachar's user avatar
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Keep getting 403 "CSRF token missing or incorrect" in Django + Vue setup

I have searched through other similar questions but none of the solutions worked nor gave me any insight into what may be happening. My setup is a Vue frontend (with its own routing) plus a Django ...
theberzi's user avatar
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Django site suddenly requiring users to clear their cookies to get a CSRF token

I run a Django site that hasn't undergone any updates in the last few months, yet all of a sudden I'm receiving a bunch of emails from users saying they're getting the following error: CSRF Failed: ...
Leah Sapan's user avatar
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CSRF Exempt inside view?

I want to call a csfr protected class view inside other view in django, but this is giving me a CSFR not set error. I tried to disable it with the csfr_exempt function (Reference), but it did not work ...
Enzo Dtz's user avatar
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CSRF exempt for contactform - Django

Is it safe to use a CSRF exempt for a contactform or a form using the send_mail function from Django? So according to the docs; The first defense against CSRF attacks is to ensure that GET requests (...
Kevin D.'s user avatar
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how to use csrf token in Django integrated with vuejs using Django webpack loader?

I am using Vuejs as frontend and Django rest framework as backend, I have some confusions how to use csrf token, my question has 2 part, first I write my configurations. first as Django documentation ...
Saro 's user avatar
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CSRF error on file upload view (CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.)

I'm trying to build a page with an upload form in Django and the GET request works fine but when I send the file I get the following error: CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. My view is very ...
Yorian's user avatar
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When I set CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True then 403 (Forbidden) error occurred

Pradip Kachhadiya's user avatar
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Django CSRF cookie not set: using Ajax Cross site

I have two parts of my code first is a frontend (no framework/library) running on localhost:3000 via simple python HTTP server and a Django server running on localhost:8080, what's happening in here ...
vishu's user avatar
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django csrf issue with uploading image through Editor.js

I'm following django-editorjs(django package) tutorial of Whenever I try to upload image, I get this csrf error: ...
user3422616's user avatar
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Django - 403 (Forbidden): CSRF token missing or incorrect with Ajax call. Tried everything

I know this is a well worn question and I scoured the web and this website finding countless answers that boil down to the very same solutions and none of them worked for me and I do not know why. my ...
Asher11's user avatar
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Django CSRF Token not validated despite inheriting Generic View and CSRF middleware

I have a POST request on a DRF view that inherits generics.CreateAPIView and CSRF enabled in middleware, but despite that it doesn't validate my CSRF token, I am not sure why not ? Here's my View: ...
Akash Tyagi's user avatar
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CSRF cookie not set: POST from Javascript to separate Django project

I'm developing two separate django (version 3.1) projects. I keep getting a "403: CSRF cookie not set" error and have no idea what the problem is. Project 1 is running on an Apache server &...
user560554's user avatar
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Django - No CSRF error for posts without token

I'm using Django to host a React application. I added the CSRF protection middleware in Django. I tried testing it by sending a http post with Postman, without the x-csrftoken in the header. To my ...
Niels Uitterdijk's user avatar
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CSRF cookie not set Django cross-site iframe in chrome

I'm trying to use an iframe of my django site in a different domain, however whenever I submit a form, It says the CSRF cookies is not set. This occurs in chrome and safari. I am running Django 3.1.0. ...
Mohammed Sarnow's user avatar
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Django Template: Csrf token invalid for multiple post request in the same form

Im working on a Django project and got stuck in a problem that involve csrf token. I have a form that i handle the submit with javascript function, because in the same form i need to perform 2 POST. ...
sh3dir's user avatar
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Django X-CSRF token cannot be set in javascript fetch

I am trying to generate a csrf token in javascript and use that with a POST request using fetch. In my html, I have the following script tag under head to generate the csrf token: <head> <...
Kamruzzaman Tauhid's user avatar

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