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CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing

I am writing my code in django python, Here is my @csrf_exempt @api_view(['POST']) def Userlogin1(request): print('login working') username ='username') password =...
Arslan Asghar's user avatar
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I can't get rid of CSRF checks [duplicate]

First of all, I know how necessary csrf is and what disasters will happen to me if I don't use it, I have read enough about it. I want to disable csrf checks by taking all kinds of risks. I have a ...
safaer's user avatar
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Should the csrf template tag be used in a Search form?

I have a django view that allows a user to search and get data from a database. No changes are made to the database. I also realized that the csrf token shows up in the url. I searched online and read ...
tthheemmaannii's user avatar
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Why am I getting a 403 Forbidden error when making a POST request to the login API in Vue.js?

I'm working on a Vue.js application where users can log in through an API using the axios library. However, when I send a POST request to the API endpoint, I'm getting a 403 Forbidden response. Here's ...
Halil İbrahim's user avatar
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Unable handle the Csrf-Token for GET request in Django

In Django framework, When it was a POST request, if you modify the Cookie CSRF token, its throws the 403 error. But when it was a GET request, I tried to modify the Cookie CSRF-token, and it returned ...
Mani Krishna's user avatar
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Django + React on GPC Cloud Run, post request comes back with a 403 error

I'm attempting to submit a post request for a payment with Stripe. Despite trying many solutions on stackoverflow / reccomendations from CGPT my axios post request is still getting 403 blocked. I'm ...
Owen Mitchell's user avatar
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Angular+Django how to access cookie under different domain

This is a follow up to my previous question (Angular+Django CSRF token not being saved as cookie) since I understand the underlying problem now. I have a Angular and Django setup and I am trying to ...
bp-pet's user avatar
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Django in Azure - CSRF Errors for existing URL in CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS list

Deployed as web app in Azure and added my custom purchased domain name, lets call it ''. I added the URL into the ALLOWED_HOSTS and CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS lists, both as https and http, ...
Dan M.'s user avatar
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How to use custom headers for passing session_id and csrf_token in Django with database-backed sessions?

I'm using Django with a database-backed session storage, and as a result, the session_id is stored in cookies. However, we're using a Caddy server that removes cookies from the request headers. I need ...
hitesh's user avatar
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How to Handle CSRF for iFrames in Django with Multiple Whitelabel Sites Without Using a Domain Whitelist?

I’m building a whitelabel solution using Django, where my clients can embed forms from my application within their websites using iFrames. However, I’m running into a problem with CSRF protection when ...
Omar's user avatar
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Encountering a 302 redirect issue when submitting a form in React/Django app as API call gets redirected

In my Django/React app I want a user to be signed in to be able to successfuly submit a request to an API. I successfully login with google and I believe I am passing all of the correct data to the ...
Max Chapin's user avatar
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Django CSRF error with request on multiple tabs simultaneously

I am working on a Django project and have encountered an issue with CSRF tokens when rendering a page with a form. To reproduce the issue, I added a 5-second delay when rendering the page. Here is the ...
soapcmd's user avatar
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CSRF token not generated in django backend

I have a web application that I built using a Vuejs for the frontend and django for the backend. When I was developing the application, I did not have issues in regards to csrf token generation. I ...
codeouz's user avatar
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CSRF Token doesn't work in production environment

My environment: Django backend deployed on Elastic Beanstalk behind a application load balancer that terminates ssl. The flow is: my website is served on S3 and cloudfront on domain: https://www.test....
lambooties's user avatar
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Django - Browser doesnt save cookies unless CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN is set

I have been trying to get CORS/CSRF working on my local and I found this weird issue that unless I set CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to localhost as per this answer and I have no idea why its working. Reading up ...
Altair21's user avatar
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How to get initial CSRF token from Django to Angular frontend?

I have a Angular and Django setup for a site and I've set up CSRF tokens and everything. However I don't know how to generate an initial token so that the user can log in. When they try to log in, the ...
bp-pet's user avatar
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How do I override my SvelteKit CSRF token to match my Django backend's CSRF token?

Let me start by clarifying that I am using Django on the backend, but then using Svelte and SvelteKit on the "frontend". I am also using Allauth Headless for authentication. When I remove ...
St3ph3n92's user avatar
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Authentication method for Django rest framework to mitigate XSS and CSRF attacks

I am using the Django Rest Framework for my backend and React for my front, and they are served in different domains and subdomains, and now I am completely confused about what I should do to secure ...
webdeveloper's user avatar
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Getting Error: Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.) when trying to make a post request to Django view

I am trying to create a (chrome extension + Django) password manager that will read input boxes from forms and on clicking submit it will make a POST request to the Django view with the data which ...
MuhaAllAmeen's user avatar
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Error 403 while running Docker image on Windows, but works on RHEL8

I have a web application made in Django, I build it and run it in Linux Redhat 8 and it works fine. Trying to run it on Windows using Docker allows me to get into webpage, but I can't login, I just ...
andre's user avatar
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Django CSRF cookie not set with 403 error for webhook URL

I am encountering an issue with Django's CSRF protection while trying to handle Stripe webhooks on my local host. I am receiving a 403 Forbidden error with the message "CSRF cookie not set." ...
A_K's user avatar
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Use of CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED setting while upgrading django version to 4.1?

I am upgrading django version from 4.0 to 4.1, and in the release notes it says: CsrfViewMiddleware no longer masks the CSRF cookie like it does the CSRF token in the DOM. And it gives a setting as ...
Gagan's user avatar
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django : CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. (tutorial2)

There is an error when logging in from the Django admin page. I'm working on tutorial02, and I've tried various things and found related documents, so there's no change. Please understand that the ...
DaeHun Hong's user avatar
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Django "CSRF Failed: CSRF cookie not set." when I change the request.user in my custom middleware

This is my custom middleware. The CSRF error only occurs because of request.user = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: request_user). Please help me fix this Custom middleware: import jwt from django.utils....
Shel Don's user avatar
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how to fix django CSRF error for admin area?

I set up docker-compose to server django v5.0.6 and I see login page but after signin I face with CSRF error. my docker-compose containers: Nginx web (django container) postgres all the configs are ...
mahradbt's user avatar
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Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.) Django and Angular

I am gettig error CSRF cookie not set here is my angular coponent.ts file sendMessage(nick:string) { const formData = new FormData(); this.nickname = nick; formData.append('nickname',this.nickname);...
Zhad1k's user avatar
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Postman request to django with csrf works but not with request in NextJS

I'm currently working on a login system that requires a POST request and CSRF authentication, so I started using Postman to send requests and took the snippet provided by the generator: const ...
Andrea Di Donato's user avatar
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forbidden (403) CSRF was not verified. The request was cancelled

I am logogin with super admin in django project and want to change some properties of users but when i clicked at save button it shows an error as below: forbidden (403) CSRF was not verified. The ...
M Jafri's user avatar
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Getting CSRF 403 error with django server and nexjs client

I am sending requests to Django server from next.js but I am getting error :403 Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.), even after sending the csrf token. I am running both Django server and next.js locally....
zodiac's user avatar
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CSRF verification failed. Request aborted with JWT token in Django RestAPI

I am currently encountering a 403 Forbidden error due to CSRF verification failure when making a POST request to my Django app's API endpoint, even while using a JWT token for authentication. I've ...
GanzYe's user avatar
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Django admin csrf token not set

I have a Django project working locally with login to the admin portal working. Once the project has been deployed to our development environment the pages that do not require CSRF authentication are ...
Buns's user avatar
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NextJs not setting the cookie from django csrf_token

My nextjs application integrated with django has an authentication system based on csrftoken and sessionid. Once the nextjs application runs, it makes a request to the backend for the csrf route, ...
Carlos Curcino's user avatar
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Django App not returning csrf token on get response.cookie consistently

Given I have this GET view: class PublicKeyView(View): def get(self, request): # Ensure a session ID is available if not request.session.session_key: request.session....
Gabi's user avatar
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csrf error when simulating a post request in django

the form i want to simulate <form action="{% url 'reset' %}" name="form1" id="form1" method="POST"> {% csrf_token %} <div class="...
ZahRaF's user avatar
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Triggering Python Function on Django + React

I am attempting to send data from my React frontend to a Django backend and trigger a function. I'm developing a Django REST API using Django Rest Framework, and I've set up a view in the calculator ...
joaovitorpigozzo's user avatar
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Django CSRF protection for cross site post requests

I am using react as frontend and using django for backend. When I host both the frontend and backend on localhost, everything works fine and X-CSRFTOKEN is sent perfectly. const instance = axios....
Nikhil Mehta's user avatar
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axios django 403 (forbidden): CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing

I have a Django-React Project. I can't POST or PUT APIs from the front; I get a 403 forbidden error every time I make a request, only works when I request from the back. I keep getting the same 'CSRF ...
bingbong's user avatar
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How to Use React to Authenticate to Django REST Framework

I am trying to figure out how to authenticate to the Django REST Framework with React. I am using AXIOS. But no matter what I try, I seem to get a 403 - CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. In ...
Muneeb Ahmad's user avatar
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CSRF Verification Failing

For my register and login views, I get this error CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. You are seeing this message because this site requires a CSRF cookie when submitting forms. This cookie is ...
Allen Ye's user avatar
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Django @csrf_exempt a logging endpoint

I'm making a social media site where users click into posts, and every time they do so, I call an endpoint to log a view for that post. Would it be safe to csrf_exempt this endpoint that only fetches ...
Allen Ye's user avatar
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Django Rest + Vuejs axion CSRF not working

I try using Django Rest Framework together with VueJS and axion. But always I get the MSG: CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing. But my Header in the frontend looks correct. And in the developer tools the ...
Philipp Homberger's user avatar
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How does CSRF Token work for a sign up request

I am just getting to learn Django, and CSRF Token seems to be an important aspect in terms of preventing cross-site request forgery. However, I am a little bit confused about its role in a sign up ...
Michael Mo's user avatar
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Django CSRF token not saving to browser cookies in Production environment, but working in Development environment

We have created a Django application to create a Shopify Application. We are having issues with out production environment we AJAX calls to the Django application are failing because the CSRF token is ...
Ross's user avatar
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CSRF token not being set in Django leading to 403 on client-side

When making a POST request with axios from an endpoint in django, the CSRF token cookie seems to not be set, because of this it gives me a 403 status code. which i couldn't fix even after days trying ...
Neokairos's user avatar
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I m not able to send Json data to Django , im trying Ajax for this but its not working , also its show CSRF error

I'm facing an issue with CSRF verification in a Django project when making an AJAX POST request. Here's a simplified version of my code: **registration.html *** <form method="POST" ...
Aryan Bagwe's user avatar
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Dj-rest-auth "CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing"

When I am trying to post data using my dj-rest-auth api http://localhost:8000/dj-rest-auth/login/ it gives this error CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing. How do I fix this as I am unable to find the CSRF ...
Huzaifah Imran's user avatar
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How does CSRF validation work in Django and why do 2 different tokens still pass the check?

I'm currently reading up on CSRF and was wondering how is it possible for the CSRF validation in Django to validate 2 tokens as equal even if the values differ? if not _does_token_match(...
BoostedAnimal's user avatar
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CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing django REST + Vuejs obtain_auth_token

I am making POST request to get the token from the backend. I have traefik to provide https for security reason. It works. But when I deploy Vuejs and make POST with the same payload. I got the error ...
joe's user avatar
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Problems with CSRF token in Django REST Framework integration with React

I'm doing a website using Django REST Framework as a backend with session authentication, React in the frontend and django-cors-headers to communicate between the two. Each is served in the same IP ...
Pol Ortiz's user avatar
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Django server does not accept cookies

When I try to send a POST request to the DJANGO app hosted on the server, with included credentials in the Axios request or with a Postman app, I cannot access cookies in the app, because cookies are ...
Nikola's user avatar
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