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-1 votes
1 answer

What is the point of using jwt(http-only cookie) and csrf token(not http-only cookie)?

As far as I understood, I need protection against csrf attacks when I use jwt by storing them in http-only cookies. So that when a user visits a malicious site and a request to my server is made from ...
Mikhailo's user avatar
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CSRF Token won't be set unless the server sends a response. But CSRF token needed to make a request inside nuxtServerInit? How to handle this case?

Backend Take this express backend server const app = express(); app.use(rTracer.expressMiddleware()); app.use(requestLogger); app.use( cors({ credentials: true, origin: getAllowedOrigins, ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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Unable handle the Csrf-Token for GET request in Django

In Django framework, When it was a POST request, if you modify the Cookie CSRF token, its throws the 403 error. But when it was a GET request, I tried to modify the Cookie CSRF-token, and it returned ...
Mani Krishna's user avatar
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Why is Spring Security setting CSRF cookie with SameSite=None attribute?

I have a Springboot application with Spring Security 6 and a single page application for frontend (Vue). I configured anti-CSRF using the exact same config as the one described in the documentation. ...
charlycou's user avatar
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CSRF and JWT With Sping Security 6 Stateless REST

I have a question about how to incorporate JWT tokens with CSRF protection when integrating with the Angular framework and Spring security 6. While there numerous posts on whether to use both CSRF ...
Spindoctor's user avatar
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Angular+Django how to access cookie under different domain

This is a follow up to my previous question (Angular+Django CSRF token not being saved as cookie) since I understand the underlying problem now. I have a Angular and Django setup and I am trying to ...
bp-pet's user avatar
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Django - Browser doesnt save cookies unless CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN is set

I have been trying to get CORS/CSRF working on my local and I found this weird issue that unless I set CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to localhost as per this answer and I have no idea why its working. Reading up ...
Altair21's user avatar
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CSRF Token With Laravel Sanctum

Following Laravel docs, when making a request to a laravel backend API that uses Sanctum, the SPA must first make a request to sanctum/csrf-token to get the CSRF token which you must then pass to all ...
Chukwuka Osamor's user avatar
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Why does Postman see cookies returned by Laravel, but Flask does not, even when passing through Flask?

I'm working on a project where I'm integrating a Laravel API with a Flask application. Both Laravel and Flask are running inside Docker containers on the same network. My goal is to make a request ...
Benoît Pierrehumbert's user avatar
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CSRF Prevention Using Signed Cookies And Custom Headers

Recently I was reading about CSRF prevention techniques like Synchronizer Token, Cookie-to-header, and Double Submit Cookie. Cookie-to-header is good for websites using a lot of JavaScript, e.g. SPAs, ...
Omar Ahmed's user avatar
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SPA + Storing JWT + REST API not accepting cookie auth

Everyone is talking about don't store jwt in localstorage for security purpose online. But in actual fact, none of the project I work with using SPA + Rest API integration is implemented using the &...
stackdisplay's user avatar
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Cross origin cookies not visible in browser devtools, but still working

I have a MERN stack app, frontend on frontend.local and backend on backend.local. I have CORS set up. I'm using express-session. When a user logs in, I set a session id, and it automatically sends a ...
semi_92's user avatar
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why does samesite=strict attribute in cookies restrict anchor links?

I want to add cookies to my website for enhanced security, as I used to use a bad session storage method. I noticed that there are three options for samesite attribute in cookies. the most secure one ...
a_duck's user avatar
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Why aren't my cookies persistent on subdomains?

I have an MERN app with a front end deployed on and backend deployed on I am attempting to use cookies and jwt for authentication but am having a lot of trouble with cookies ...
Brice Joseph's user avatar
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Spring boot + Angular CSRF protection, Cookie not set

I have an application setup consisting on a backend API and an Angular client. I configured csrf protection in backend like this: @Bean public CsrfTokenRepository csrfTokenRepository() { ...
Cosmin D's user avatar
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NextJs not setting the cookie from django csrf_token

My nextjs application integrated with django has an authentication system based on csrftoken and sessionid. Once the nextjs application runs, it makes a request to the backend for the csrf route, ...
Carlos Curcino's user avatar
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CSRF token not being set in Django leading to 403 on client-side

When making a POST request with axios from an endpoint in django, the CSRF token cookie seems to not be set, because of this it gives me a 403 status code. which i couldn't fix even after days trying ...
Neokairos's user avatar
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Inconsistent Cookie Behavior with Axios withCredentials in Vue.js

I'm working on a Vue.js frontend and have encountered an odd behavior regarding cookie transmission using Axios. I've set up a custom Axios instance with default configurations and an interceptor to ...
firefiber's user avatar
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React with Typescript can not recive XSRF-TOKEN from spring application

I have written a Spring Boot Application where I want to use CSRF protection. For this I have set the Spring SecurityFilterChange with the following snipped: .csrf(csrf -> ...
bjhe1's user avatar
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Spring boot 6 + Angular CSRF throws 401 error, invalid csrf token

Spring security @Configuration public class SecurityConfiguration { @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.csrf(c -> c....
Kimin Lee's user avatar
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Is CSRF attack possible for API authenticating with cookie but not using forms?

I understand the mechanism of the CSRF attack with the form post, but I do not get how it is possible to send a post request from a malicious site. Imagine I have SPA at origin S, Web API at origin A, ...
Pavel Voronin's user avatar
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2 answers

CSRF client side double submission token generation

I am looking into protecting a website from CSRF attacks. Although sensitive cookies already are tagged with same-site=lax, I would still like to implement CSRF tokens. More specifically the double ...
Bram  Vanbilsen's user avatar
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Making Angular add X-XSRF-TOKEN header despite having not root cookie

In our application (frontend is in angular, backend in java) there's the problem of not adding the X-XSRF-TOKEN header on a request, resulting in backend returning 403 (forbidden). The xsrf mechanism ...
Joe D's user avatar
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JWT (XSS) vs Cookies (CSRF)?

I'm a Python backend developer at a start-up. Recently, I was asked to build the authentication system for APIs, and I implemented a token-based authentication mechanism (JWT) using the FastAPI ...
BooRuleDie's user avatar
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Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention: using a cookie for the Synchronizer Token Pattern

The OWASP description of the Synchronizer Token Pattern for CSRF Prevention (here) states: For the Synchronised Token Pattern, CSRF tokens should not be transmitted using cookies. My understanding ...
davidm_uk's user avatar
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Bypass token-based CSRF protection by simply mimicing the user workflow [duplicate]

Imagine there is a website and it uses a double-submit CSRF protection method: Normal user story: After logging in through the endpoint (where a session cookie and a CSRF ...
Ali_MM's user avatar
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CSRF TEST and mismatched value trouble

<!doctype html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> T CSRF_TEST.php </title> <style> html * { font-size:1.75rem; font-family:monospace; } </style> <?...
Rinaldo Rasa's user avatar
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How is a csrf token obtained by the client that was never sent in any response?

The csrf token on the social media platform / is stored in a header called x-csrf-token and in a cookie called ct0. However, it seems that this token is never sent to the client on ...
Gordian's user avatar
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Cookies not passing into post request headers

I'm currently using Vue/Axios on the frontend, and I'm trying to hook up some api endpoints that require a session cookie to be passed into the request headers. The backend is built using Python/Flask....
Thane Stevens's user avatar
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Laravel on sub domain ignore parent cookies when

I have a laravel app on a parent domain. SESSION_DOMAIN is set to because I want the cookies to be shared with another subdomain I now want to publish another app at ...
John Mellor's user avatar
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Django : Forbidden CSRF cookie not set.)

I''m using Django with pyJWT to generate JWT for a simple login. Although it previously worked well now I'm getting Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.) error there is no CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE in the setting....
Damidu Shalinda's user avatar
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2 answers

I am unable to get response data or response body

I ran my jmeter script, but i am getting this message in my response data. for(;;);[{"changes":{},"resources":{},"locales":{},"meta":{"appError":{&...
Ade's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use React and Django for user token authentication and storage

What I want to accomplish is a secure and user experience friendly approach to authenticating and storing user's token. As seen here the recommended answer suggests to use a set of two cookies which ...
Ran123's user avatar
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Axios request not sending expected cookie header to Django server

I'm trying to upload a file to a Django server using an Axios post request in a React app. The server expects a CSRF cookie to be included in the request headers. The request already includes all the ...
Felipe Martins's user avatar
-1 votes
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CSRF Cookie is not being set when using axios GET - Laravel 9 Sanctum

I am currently trying to create a simple authentication feature using Laravel (v9.52.4) and Sanctum. From the frontend I am currently using Axios to get and post data. Both frontend and backend API ...
torokakos98's user avatar
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How to disable CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE in django

CSRF_COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'None' CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = False My frontend and backend run on different domains in development, I'm trying to enable setting csrf-token cookie using HTTP, but I guess False ...
Leonid 's user avatar
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Cookie flow in a site that hosts embedded Youtube video

When there's a Youtube video embedded on a site that I visit while I am logged in Youtube beforehand, how does the embedded video know that it's me so I can add it to my Watch Later list? I think the ...
microwth's user avatar
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Go how to use cookiejar for multiple requests?

I'm trying to make a cli for a site that has csrf, needing the csrf token to be sent on headers and on a form. I can't seem to understand net/http.Client or net/http/cookieJar This its even good ...
RathHunt's user avatar
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Getting "The CSRF tokens do not match" when using nginx

When app is running without nginx then Flask forms work fine. But when I use NGINX then i get "{'csrf_token': ['The CSRF tokens do not match.']}" error every time I try to submit the form. ...
GLTomas's user avatar
-2 votes
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Cookies doesnot sets up

I use Axios to get cookies from http://localhost/sanctum/csrf-cookie My app doing requests from localhost:3000 which is configured by Nuxt. My backend configured by Laravel sanctum at localhost:80 ...
Sergei Illarionov's user avatar
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Ways to prevent CSRF and have good cookie etiquette on a no-JavaScript login page?

Context: I'm building a website that has a password-locked admin portal. Additionally, JS is only used for progressive enhancement of the 100% already-working site. Security issue: The login form is ...
KarlLightning's user avatar
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Why is cookie without SameSite attribute sent on cross-domain form post?

I have a page on which sets a cookie with the following header: set-cookie: secure-cookie=secure; expires=Mon, 24-Jul-2023 11:27:06 GMT; Max-Age=31536000; path=/; ...
dskloet's user avatar
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Cookies and Local Storage is empty on localhost:4200 in Angular 10

Why is my application not saving anything into Cookies and Local Storage when run on localhost? It is Angular10/Express app. If I deploy the application on the server and I visit the website then when ...
Ondřej Ševčík's user avatar
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Is the double submit cookie pattern really safe?

I've searched a lot about csrf protection. Some of it mentioned double submit cookie pattern, and say that it has vulnerability about subdomain xss and http mitm attack. But i can't figure out one ...
K-pop's user avatar
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How can I call a GET endpoint from Postman with JSESSIONID and CSRF protection enabled?

My cookies in the request header look like this: website cookies When I log out or the session expires, I can't make a GET request in Postman, because the values of those two are different each time. ...
Vasil's user avatar
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How is Laravel 8 CSRF token actually safe?

The most voted answer in this question ( states If you put your token in a cookie, it will be send to the server ...
cr001's user avatar
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Laravel Sanctum & NuxtJS SPA not creating csrf cookie in the browser

I have a backend API in Laravel with Sanctum, and separate repository SPA in NuxtJS I am trying to authenticate my SPA with Sanctum. I am trying to get the CSRF cookie in the browser as per Sanctum ...
Robert's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the point of X-CSRF-TOKEN or X-XSRF-TOKEN, why not just use a strict same site cookie?

Frameworks such as laravel and others require you place the csrf token in your HTML forms. However at the same time laravel comes by default with the VerifyCsrfToken middleware that automatically ...
Bernard Wiesner's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the purpose of nonce and hmac in a session cookie?

I am looking at some code, and they are storing a "nonce" and a "hmac" in a users session cookie. What is the purpose of a nonce? What is the purpose of the hmac?
thatguyjim's user avatar
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CSRF, CORS and my approach to authentication

I've seen many questions about CSRF attacks and GET requests, and I'm trying to work out what I need for my app's authentication system. My stack is an SPA React app hosted at, and an API ...
Raph117's user avatar
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