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Dark Overlay while navigate table and search in laravel fillament 3.2

i have a problem when navigating in table and searching for items in laravel filament a dark overlay appears but no modal, pop up or anything, and i cant close it, and i need to refresh the page and ...
Windy Kurniawan's user avatar
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Eloquent model update method not working through web but working through tinker in Laravel 10.45.1

I have had this problem many times now and I really wonder why this is happening. Here is its latest occurrence: public function updateBirthDate(Request $request) { try { $request->...
Adem Tepe's user avatar
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3 answers

Laravel CRUD application returning null for individual items

I am trying to make a Laravel crud application following a tutorial but unable to get my items to show with data individually. I can output all items in the database but unable to output a single item ...
RandomPerson5443's user avatar
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In Laravel, I want a page history not be stored in browser history. How to prevent user using "back" button to see the old page

am working with CRUD project Laravel using Modal for: create, delete, update. But there is a situation when user from Home Page go to a Room Page. In the Room Page, they will click the update button ...
Trong Tue's user avatar
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UpdateForm.js:78 PUT http://localhost:8080/api/items/4 422 (Unprocessable Content)

I was working on a Small Personal Project of mine of learning purposes. Using ReactJs as Frontend & send requests to Laravel API as Backend. The CRUD application I made is almost complete but the ...
Aarish Mughal's user avatar
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Can't Auto Fill Form When Trying To Edit - CRUD

Hello I was trying to use the Edit function from Laravel CRUD with resource. The problem that I got is that the form is not filling any of the old data that I already created using the value="{{ ...
NyK's user avatar
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Laravel API with postman general error at 1364 Field

Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value (Connection: mysql, SQL: insert into posts (post, updated_at, created_at) values (...
ThereIsHope's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Error File Upload Update In Inertia React

So i try to create a update article feature, and this is the code: ArticleController: public function update(Request $request, Article $article) { $request->validate([ '...
Althaf Budiman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

I cannot add data to the database in Laravel

public function projects(Request $request) { if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $validatedData = $request->validate([ 'title' => 'required', 'description' =&...
ckot234's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is my CRUD application's update function not working in Laravel? [closed]

I encountered difficulty with the update function. Even after the data has been updated, it does not change. Is there something wrong with my code? Controller public function update(Request $request, ...
Muhammad Gunawan's user avatar
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Inertia & React CRUD without reloading page

How can i do delete operation Inertia & React without page reloading. ArticleController: public function destroy(Article $article) { $article->delete(); return redirect('/admin')...
Althaf Budiman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Laravel 9, Undefined variable $users

Please help me, I'm new to Laravel. I'm trying to view data from my table but it shows this error. I already tried different methods but all without success and I use Laravel 9. And sorry if this ...
Get Excited's user avatar
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include_all_form_fields parameter for subfields in laravel backpack

I want to complicate the question a little from here. If we have one form, then we can easily process the request in a fetch function. How can we implement the search if we have several identical ...
KordDEM's user avatar
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Filter the output of a select2_from_ajax field depending on another field in crud Backpack Laravel

I have two fields public function setupCreateOperation() { ... $this->crud->addFields([ [ 'name' => 'status', 'label' => trans($this->...
KordDEM's user avatar
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Customize Laravel API Pagination

I'm attempting to make my API match this response: { "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Emma Smith", "avatar&...
CyberRunner's user avatar
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Backpage image field upload image to s3 where path is based on the id of the entity created

How can I upload an image to s3 utilizing laravel backpack's CRUD controller where the path is based on the id of the entity that is about to be saved into the database?? For example I need it to be ...
Yeo Bryan's user avatar
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Laravel Vue Inertia CRUD

So I'm making a CRUD application using Laravel, Vue, and Inertia. I have successfully made the Create feature, but I am facing a problem in the Edit. This is my store and update method in the ...
clintondave10's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to delete data in Laravel 10

I'm trying to delete data in my Laravel project, but when I click on the Delete menu, it just shows the confirmation alert. After I click OK, it only refreshes the /barang page, which shows the ...
dapidmini's user avatar
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Empty attributes in Laravel [duplicate]

I'm trying to edit my database output but when I use dd($customerlist); I get empty attributes. web.php (routes) Route::get('/customer/{customer}/edit', 'App\Http\Controllers\CustomerListController@...
Vyrn's user avatar
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1 answer

can't make the data for the id in each line goes to the form to see the rest of the database

Title: Display Form Data for Specific ID When Clicking a Button in Laravel Question: I'm working on a Laravel project, and I'm trying to make a button open a form with data specific to the clicked ...
Fayez Alhalabi's user avatar
1 vote
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Laravel Redirect Loop

I am trying to access the Admin Control Panel with the username and password saved in the .env file, confirming it by comparing what is in session. But I am getting a redirect loop when trying to ...
jeffri encarnacion's user avatar
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I am trying to make an AJAX request in laravel but it gives me the error "422 (Unprocessable Content)"

I am trying to make CRUD with AJAX request here. I can display the data from the database. But when I try to add data to it it's giving me the error "The POST method is not supported for this ...
Intr0vert's user avatar
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3 answers

How to delete data properly?

This is my delete button <!-- Hapus Data --> <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs- target=&...
ZAlIce's user avatar
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Put Route returns CSRF token mismatch Laravel

I am trying to configure a crud api for a blog and right now i made the PostController like this: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Models\Post; use App\Http\Requests\StorePostRequest;...
Dancro's user avatar
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1 answer

video not stored to my folder when i use file->move() method

this the code in my controller $files = $request->file('video'); $files_extension = 'mp4'; $file_name = time() . '.' . $files_extension ; $path = '/uploads/courses/lectures/' ; $files->move($...
A_k12's user avatar
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0 answers

Laravel - Call to a member function file() on null { "userId": 1, "exception": {

I'm trying to upload files from my app but for some reasons I get " Call to a member function file() on null ". I have created the storage:link. I am using craftable to make a crud. This is ...
Antonio's user avatar
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How to keep an id accessible throw different routes without passing it in every route?

I trying to implement a CRUD web-app that shows specific products to specific customers. I made the customer_id a foreign key to the products, and the relationship between customers and products one ...
Johnny's user avatar
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How to define a route to display data for a specific customer?

I am creating a CRUD web-app that can also show customers their contracts. I am trying to fetch data (contracts) for a specific customer using Laravel Eloquent and vue. I am getting an empty form. I ...
light's user avatar
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Displaying image in foreach blade.php

So, I am trying to display image, here is how i create my data public function create_supplier(Supplier $request) { $validatedData = $request->validated(); $extension = $...
mushroom's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Laravel CRUD API - in update method if I send a Model I have only model with out ID or other information

Laravel CRUD API - in update method if I send a Model I have only model with out ID or other information My expamle is : public function update(GoogleIndexingUpdate $request, GoogleIndexing $page) { ...
Sviat's user avatar
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how to autofill the input field with file type if I submit the form without other fields? [duplicate]

<div class="form-group"> <label>Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" value="{{ old('name')...
Adeel Hameed's user avatar
2 votes
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Image not getting displayed in Laravel Ajax Crud

I am trying to display the uploaded image on the index.blade but it is not getting displayed though the file path in the <img> tag is correct and also I checked on the console and it is also ...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
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Submit button not working in Laravel Crud using Ajax Jquery

I am trying to submit the form after filling out the form fields but it is not getting submitted and also not getting any kind of errors on console as well as network. My create.blade for form: <...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
-4 votes
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Attempt to read property "name" on null laravel-9 crud

Would you like to help me: I try to patch data in edit stage CRUD laravel but got some errors: Attempt to read property "name" on null I have no idea what makes this error, I have right ...
witch's user avatar
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Back button not working laravel ajax crud

I am trying to go to previous page but it isn't working and somehow giving me "SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'name' cannot be null (Connection: mysql, SQL: insert ...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
0 votes
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Store data in Pivot table in many to many relationship in laravel crud

I am trying to store product_id and supplier_id in pivot table product_supplier but it is not getting displayed in the database pivot table. ProductController public function index() { $...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to fix delete button in laravel crud [duplicate]

I am trying to delete a record but when I press delete button it takes me to a white screen. index.blade.php <form> @csrf @method('DELETE') <button type="submit" formaction=...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
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1 answer

Missing required parameter for [Route: one_one.update] [URI: one_one/{one_one}] [Missing parameter: one_one]

I am getting error at {{ route('one_one.update',$student->id) }} and I am unable to use edit for CRUD operation because of this error. Route (I am using resource controller so my route is this) ...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
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Data not returned in variable using Laravel's View Composer

I'm using view composer in Laravel as follows: namespace App\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View; use App\Models\Green; use App\Models\Blue; class ...
Itamar Campos's user avatar
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My route to delete is redirecting me to show.blade instead of destroying the data with corresponding id [closed]

I am trying to delete a particular data with corresponding id but it redirects me to the Show page although the route is directing it to destroy. My index.blade <td><form class="action&...
Pranav Sompura's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I display book details in Laravel using Eloquent join and where clauses?

Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::$title public function show(string $id) { $books = DB::table("book_tbls") ->where("", "=&...
htun min's user avatar
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Laravel 10 error message: Undefined property: Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager

I have the following issues on Laravel and testing a login: Undefined property: Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::${"id":1,"name":"Clark Kent","email":"clark....
Mehdi's user avatar
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How to fix Target class controller does not exist in Laravel? It works on other controller but failed in this one's particular controller

I got error message of Target class [KategoriController] does not exist. however, other controller such as buku and user are working fine. I don't know why this particular controller failed. links/...
Kholid Syaifullah's user avatar
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Use appzcoder/crud-generator package in Modules nwidart

i want to use appzcoder/crud-generator in modules nwidart , but i cant change the path of controllers and views ,.... how can i create code files in modules path ? Thanks I changed the following path ...
Hamideh Mirzaee's user avatar
2 votes
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I'm trying to show data on my View taken from a Database, but i cant manage to show it. Laravel 10.x /

I'm trying to show data from a database in a view where the view isn't showing a thing, except the HTML code for it. This is an piece of the code I'm trying to make it work. <div class="col-xs-...
Leonardo Farias's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to get a single item(id) from search table? Laravel [duplicate]

I only need id data from a table for an insert data for another table. But I don't know how? So I created search data request $iduser = User::where('username','like','%' . request('username') . '%')-&...
TheBetweener's user avatar
-1 votes
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Laravel: The PUT method is not supported for route grades. Supported methods: GET, HEAD, POST. (Crud functionality)

I am working on CRUD functionality in Laravel. For one reason, my ''save'' button, during working on edit/update does not work. Keep in mind destroy/delete is not finished yet, therefore the ...
user21604611's user avatar
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Laravel Backpack MyAccountController

I am quite new to backpack and I'm trying to add a field to my Account settings page but can't seem to find the controller nor the view, any help is appreciated, thanks ! I tried looking into app/http/...
Elvys Wong's user avatar
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How to update the cart quantity and price only using MVC without ajax or livewire

This is my code in home.blade.php @if (isset($cartItem)) @foreach ($cartItem as $item) <tr> <td><img src="{{ 'img/' . $item-&...
progem's user avatar
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4 answers

assign data to variable PHP

I wan to get data for two variables in same method but its not happening function display(){ $datas=Req::all(); $products = Product::all(); return view ('products.dispaly')->with('...
Nadula's user avatar
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